Hello, my name is ...

With the recent launch of my pattern shop and impending book release, I've had a few raised eyebrows about my last name and how to pronounce it. Believe me, I tried really hard to convince my husband to take MY last name. But my grandfather was Albanian and my maiden name was only slightly less ... er ... problematic ... for (most) North Americans. So for those of you who are curious I'm re-publishing my first blog post from Feburary 14th, 2011 where I address the matter of how to say my name without hurting yourself.
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Before your head explodes, here's how you pronounce it:
... kinda sorta. At least that's how I say it.
Lemme 'splain.
First Name – no, I didn’t go through a rebellious phase where I had my name legally changed just to be obnoxious. It’s always been this way. (Even Margaret Atwood questioned me about that at a book signing in 1993.)
For years I wished I had a name that people would automatically know how to spell - like Jane or Barb or Lisa.
I’d say “Kristyne with a K” but they’d have CH written before I got to “with a K”. So they’d change the C to a K, making my name start Kh.
And then it went down hill from there.
Over the years I learned to just start spelling. To all erasers out there, “You’re welcome.”
Last Name – (can I buy a vowel please, Pat Sajak?) I love my husband. Very much. He’s from Poland. I’m not. He can say our last name properly. I can’t. Even after 16 years of marriage. And I'm fully aware that when I do try to pronounce it correctly, I look like a baboon doing kegels while lip-syncing to the Beatles "Hey Jude".
So I don’t.
And you probably shouldn't either.
Unless you're Slavic. Or a linguist.
Just call me Christine ...
with a K.
I'm good with that.