Farmer's Wife Favorites, Fussy Cuts & Failures

That's right. I've got some of each. Wanna see?
All time favorite:
Other all time favorite:
Honorable Mentions:
(reminds me of my wedding)
(has the most pieces ... at 64 ... )
(because I went all surreal and it.felt.GOOD!)
Fussy Cuts:
Best Fussy Cut:
I was gonna pick this one because it's SUPPOSED to be a tea cup sitting on a doily,
but my nine year old offered her opinion that this block "looks like a fancy apron worn by someone very rich who was cleaning her really big house".
(cricket chirps ...)
I know. I don't get it either ... but I thought it was funny.
This is my solution to being short one block ... remove another 12! LOL!!!
Ah geez, I crack myself up sometimes.
But seriously, I got to thinkin' ... just because I MADE these blocks doesn't mean I have to put then IN my quilt, right? And I simply don't love - or even really like - these blocks. Life is too short to live with a quilt with blocks that don't make your heart smile. (It's interesting to me how all but one of them are "heavy".)
So they're going on the back ... 'cause I don't want to WASTE them.
All right. That was quite enough farting around with mosaic making ... now it's on to sashing and posting and rowing and side-setting triangle ... ing ...

Reader Comments (21)
I can't help favorites are the Fussy Cuts! I guess it's all of those amazing roses. Ah...roses!!! I LOVE that you are leaving the blocks out that you don't love! It reminds me to stay on projects that make my heart smile. You are SO right- life is too short. I can't wait to see this finished!!! :)
Oh my this is quite a post, so much eye candy, I simply cannot wait to see this quilt when you put it all together, mega happy time eh!!!!
Amazing acheivement
Karen x
This truly has been an educational post for me. I totally understand why you grouped them the way you did and why you felt the other blocks were failures (still beautiful). I struggle with contrast in my quilts as I like to use the softer palate as you do. This really shows me the importance of choosing a light, medium and dark and how the use of white really can make a block pop. Thank you. I will mark this post for future reference when I'm trying out fabrics.
oh…and there's something about that four pointed gingham star that makes my heart sing!
Sounds like your nine old is one of those apples that didn't fall far from the tree...luckily in this case it is a good thing. I am really loving your fussy cuts...who am I kidding I love them all...even the rejects. I am curious to see just what you do on the back. Well, once again your post has brightened my day...and I am visiting my grandson, so that takes a lot!!!!
As I've told you before, these are the most beautiful FW blocks I've seen.
I feel so sad for the blocks you're putting on the back. Sigh! You have super stars, supporting cast members for all to see but the poor bit part stars won't be seen but hidden away. :-(
(feeling guilty? LOL)
You have the most beautiful failures I've ever seen;-) Hildy
They're lovely! But I agree with you - if you don't love those 12 blocks, then leave them out. Putting them on the back is a great idea!
lol, as if really rich people put on beautiful aprons and clean their big houses?! they make other people do that! ;p
your blocks are beautiful!
I would include them all. Through the blood sweat and tears.....they should all go in...or at least on the back, hehehe!
You have some amazing blocks even the ones you don't like. I have the same don't like blocks from the FW in the "don't like" category. However, on the back is good but I found that they all blend in and if you put the ones your not thrilled with on outer edges.... They are too much work to put them on the back or to put in an orphan block pile!!!
BEAUTIFUL!! What a treat to see them all! And I see what you mean about most of the ones you are putting on the back - being 'heavy'... I like the way the white in the other blocks just 'pops' the designs! Can't wait to see it all together! I love the idea of putting them on the back - can't wait to see the back ,too!!!!!! Congrats! You are almost there!
I really love ALL the blocks and your right about putting blocks in that you don't like! What I like to do is if I don't like a block or it's a little OFF (if you know what I mean LOL) I just save it and when I get enough and some extra fabric I put a sampler top or scrappy top together and give it to a local charity or the fire department.
The "green thread" has been left in your understandably favourite fussy-cut. I like it there because so many people will want or try to pick it off - glad you didn't cover it up 'cos no FW would.
Love your faves - what a glorious way to start the day.
Keep on keeping on concentrating you are making the Farmer's Wife Quilt. Yay......!!!!!
Wow, this was a very enlightening post. You are wonderful to share your thought process and the why's and wherefore's about your decisions. It's going to be a gorgeous, happy quilt, front and back. BTW - my mystery blocks are on my design wall in YOUR arrangement and they look great. Waiting w/anticipation for your setting for them. Told you, I'm a copy cat and I copy the best.
These are absolutely amazing!!
Loved seeing them all together! I think the quilt will be perfect putting the blocks you are happy and love. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!! xo Heather
swoon, swoon. so in love with these and I am inspired to make my own Farmer's Wife in Flower Sugar etal. I repinned one of your photos on Pinterest. Retroactively asking for permission to keep it up.
I love all the blocks. I am in a Farmer's Wife group right now at my local quilt store and am loving it. I am using Ruby by Moda for my quilt. But I am loving the ideas from yours since I have a large stash!
I love these. I am wanting to start learning to quilt and i love all these fabrics that you are using! Can you tell me where I could find the fabric that is grey with the pink flowers and lace?
Thank you!