Sashing Situation

Ok, ok, ok. You were right. I was wrong.
Remember a few months ago when I showed you the fabrics I was contemplating for my FW sashing & posts? All ya'll said the pink didn't look right.
In my defense, the color on my computer screen doesn't quite match the fabric in real life.
So stubborn me went ahead and cut like 100 sashing strips and sewed about 70 of them on ...
... because you guys I really, REALLY wanted my quilt to look like THIS!
This is the cover of one of my favorite Japanese craft books and was largely the inspiration for me choosing Flower Sugar fabric for my FW quilt in the first place.
Isn't it just the happiest quilt you've ever seen? I mean come ON!
But then I laid my partly sashed blocks out on the floor.
And then I started to pout as my pink sashing dream faded before my very eyes.
So I sulked for a bit.
And then I did this ...
Which is why god created Tivo.
And Madmen.
And New York style cheesecake.

Reader Comments (23)
Haven't we all done that! And I knew there was a reason for New York style cheesecake!
Awww. So sorry it didn't turn out like you hoped, K.! How is it that it looks so different from the book cover to the fabric? Weird. Whatever you decide for the sashing, it will be wonderful! Enjoy your Madmen and Cheesecake. You deserve them!!! :)
Oh you absolutely needed cheesecake for that!!! ;)
V x
I LOVE the cover quilt! I'm surprised the pink didn't work - it looks so much like the photo! I've learned, through other posts, that your instincts on colour and such always turns out beautiful! I was so pleasantly surprised to read that you live in Calgary - I'm a fellow Albertan. Sometimes it seems so many of the blogs I enjoy come from so far away - but it really is a small world after all. Good luck with your project - cant wait to see how it turns out!
Oh Nooooooooo
I would seriously crack up, would have to be hauled away by people in sterile coats.
You are super patient, hope you find the right color soon
Karen xxxx
Sew sad that you had to unsew so much. The cover quilt is beautiful though. I think you have the right idea. It might be worth auditioning 4-5, maybe 6 pinks with a small sampling of blocks sashed together. You will get they say, Keep Calm and Quilt On!
I'm sorry that the pink didn't match! Perhaps you should try to find some solid pink in your LQS (don't forget to take some FW blocks with you). I'm sure you'll gonna make the most beautiful FW quilt ever! Hildy
Well, I'm odd woman out. I don't like the quilt on the cover of the book. The sashing just doesn't look right with all those bright block covers. :(
Anywho, I know you'lll find some sashing fabric that will look magnificant! you have such BETTER taste than some silly book cover quilt...really you do! ;p
Although I am sorry to see all the work you've sone "reversed" it's good to know other people go through some of the same things I do! Your Farmer's Wife has been an inspiration to me. I ordered the book and got it today. I don't see any mention of yardage for the blocks. Do you has a suggestion about how much to buy? Any suggestions in general? Thank you for sharing everything you create. It's truely inspirational!
I have been known to do the same thing! Love knowing there is someone that is just as stubborn as I am. I'm sure it will be beautiful no matter what.
On the plus side... Now you've got the sashing ready for your next quilt :)
That was a brave thing to do! Those FW blocks are the most beautiful ones i have ever seen, so I'm sure you're sashing solution will be great!
Just gives you a reason to make another quilt that will match those strips better! And hey look you have aready done some of the work.
I'd love to have seen what the pink looks like. The cover photo is gorgeous and I wonder why your FW blocks didn't work. I'm looking forward to seeing what you selected.
You poor thing! Been there, done that. Next time I'll remember to add cheesecake. Your faithful followers are rooting for you. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Knowing you better w/each blog, and your GREAT eye for color and design, it will gorgeous.
I love that pink book as well. Can't wait to see what you choose.
You have absolutely the best sense of humor. Thanks for all the work you do to keep this blog so fun, interesting and inspiring!
Awww. I feel for ya!!!
I feel your pain!! Just a tiny bit off can really make the iefference, hard to tell computer wise. But I trust your eye,you always nail it perfectly!!! That unsewing is a courageous thing to do!!
Take heart dear girl, if nothing goes to plan eat cake, cheesecake even then start again. Do some tryouts first then I am sure you will find the right combination for your blocks. They look awesome by the way.