Wait, What?

(Imagine soft, lilting background music ...)
Ok. So I was happily stitching away, playing around with floss colors, making a few mistakes, unpicking some stitches, being impressed with my redos, enjoying my work ... and then deciding I needed one more color for the flowers.
This is the color I picked.
(Insert "needle scratching record" sound effect here ...)
Wait, what?!
I had to go look in the mirror and ask, "Who ARE you and what have you done with Kristyne?! She would never ... ... ... what's the word ... VANDALIZE ... her pretty pink & ivory & sage green embroidery with ... with ORANNNNNGE!"
Well, apparently she would.
I don't understand. It doesn't make sense. In my mind it's practically sacreligious what I'm doing!
But there's a new muse in town ... she knocked on my door and I invited her in for tea. (I think she probably would have preferred to simply text me ... if I knew how to do that sort of thing.)
And I'm liking our conversation.
But don't worry, I promise to end my relationship with her if she starts talking about the 70s ... and avocado appliances.

Reader Comments (17)
Toooooo! Funny!!!! I love me a bit of Orange every now & then too!
BTW, after reading your post yesterday, I literally dropped everything, made a template and cut some dresdens out. Nothin' like jumping on the ol' bandwagon :)
Thanks for sharing, have a lovely weekend!
xo P
You go girl! Jump outside that box, the weather's always nicer anyway. =) I think your color choice is B-E-A-utiful!
Enjoy your orange adventure I think it gives your embroidery the little something! Have a great weekend, Hildy
I love the addition of the orange!!
It shows more like School Bus Yellow (or French's Yellow Mustard) than orange on my screen..... I love it! It gives the whole thing a little ZIP!!!!
oh, and I get to see this new sassy, wild Kristyne today. can't wait =)
lol, you are too funny, girl! Hey, don't dis the 70s! Those were my high school years! Oh, wait...they sucked...go ahead DIS THEM!! ;p
Really, you are only going to do one dresden plate? REALLY??!! OY! You are a mystery to me Miss Canuck! ;p
Have a lovely weekend...there's an enormous amount of photos and updates from quilt market being posted on twitter if you follow kim jolly of fat quarter shop!
How funny! I felt the same way when I saw that Bonnie and Camille had added orange and yellow to their new line "Marmalade"! I'm not an orange or yellow person, but the more I look at photos of Marmalade, the yummier it gets! Something about adding that citrus-y brightness just makes that whole fabric line POP with happiness! I think your flowers are beautiful, and the newest color really makes this project even brighter! :)
That is too sweet ~ Can you tell us where to get the pattern?
My goodness, when you set your mind to something you get started! I printed this same pattern from Amy's blog and have barely bought the floss colors I wanted to use. You go girl! Looks great! I'm liking the pops of orange. Strangley I've been attracted to orange lately too. I've been tempted to make an orange throw pillow for my blue bedding. Loving the orange and blue combo lately but I'm scared to follow through. LOL
I love where your new muse is taking you!!! Of course you might flip over our candy corn colored wall in my family room. Believe me there is nothing 70's about it!!! Besides I kinda like the 70's, the decade I grew up in...
Wow, look at you, visiting the dark side with orange! I like it a lot... it reminds me of creamsicles. Think of it as a darker version of peach. And you like Laura Ashley peach, right?!
Oh you rebel you! Gotta love gettin' outside your comfort zone. I think it adds a nice punch of sunshine to your darling dresden plate flowers. Flowers need sunshine to grow, you know! LOVE this project. How I wish I had your time allotment for sewing.
so dainty and orange is a colour too : )
You are a wild woman!!
But it works! And looks fabulous.