Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 51

Holy Moley! Week 51?! Really?
#62 Old Windmill
So remember last week when I went all bizzaro with this block?
I felt the same awkwardness about this one too. But I guess I must be tired and simply don't have the energy to "think" so I just followed the pattern colors and ...
tada! Love it. Weirdness and all.
#93 - Swallow
This "white" print is arguably my favorite print/color from the entire "Flower Sugar" collection. So I was happy to have a chance to use a slightly larger piece of it in this block.
I'm tellin' ya, fussy cutting really rocks! That paisley in the middle will look awesome no matter which way I orient the block.
104 blocks down, 7 to go. (I think I can, I think I can ... )

Reader Comments (15)
Oooohhh the anticipation is building! You could probably get the seven remaining done this week for us, heh??!!
So close!!! Go, K! :)
they look great! did you see pictures of your quilts in the booths for lecien? they were GORGEOUS! I have some if you haven't seen any...
You can, you can!!!!!! ;)
V x
By my unscientific calculations, you are farthest along of anyone. Can't wait to see them all put together. It will be beautiful, for sure!!
Love the grey fussy cut block! Wow! I cannot believe you are so close to being done!!! Has it really been a YEAR? Way to go!!!!!! I cannot wait to see this beauty all assembled! If you were my mom, I'd put dibs on everything you make and wrestle my sister for them all LOL! Have a great week! :O)
ps - any ideas how you are going to quilt this quilt? Will you do each individual block or an all over pattern? (I probably ask you more questions that both your girls together, huh?... and if I lived near you... and if I had a snow suit... and IF we were shopping together, I'd probably do the same thing as your youngest in the grocery store... just to make you laugh.....or wet your pants... )
Love your grey/white block! I have the paisley in yellow it's super-cute. And your 'weird' is adorable, too! Just 7 more blocks? You seriously rock, keep rolling;-) Hildy
One a day and then an extra one for luck and you'll be done by this time next week!!
Wow, only 7 to go!! I have about 100 of mine to go!!!
You've done so well to keep on track. I can't wait to see your beauties all laid out together. Hmm, maybe I'll just go and make a block (or 20)......
Love that paisley and grey one! You have done an awesomej ob,only 7 more to go,wow! I don't think anyone esle has done that many..
I would love to see a picture of your quilt at market,have looked all over for pictures, found only a few and none yours..
You are our little over acheiver!!!
Thy look great. So, being so close, are you tempted to sit down and get all 7 done?
That is one bright block! Love it.
These are beautiful! But then again, what would I really expect out of you?!? Loved the floss in the next post too - but you have to do what You have to do. :-) Can't wait to see them both completed - eeep!