Expect the Unexpected

So. You know how your child comes home from school sporting a painful looking scrape or bruise and you ask what happened expecting the explanation to include something about the monkey bars at recess or the soccer game during gym or the obnoxious kid in class?
Her story started with, "Well ... we had library today ..."
Update on April 14, 2011 by

For all you lovely curious readers, sorry to disappoint but the cause of the injury was rather mundane ... she scraped her arm on a sharp corner of the counter when she gave her book to the librarian. No actual bleeding occurred ... just an icky-looking abrasion. She's totally fine.


Reader Comments (7)
hahaha... a library can be a very dangerous place!! hahaha
Hope she is feeling better!
Oh ... now come on ... that's just plain cruel to leave us hangin!! LOL Too funny :) Hope all is okay and only needs a bandaid.
Libraries are dangerous places you know!!
Vivienne x
Wow! Are you going to tell us what happened?? Sounds like an interesting story!
I hope you are going to share the story with us!
My 10-year-old bruised his thumb today because he fell off the monkey bars! There is not much to be seen, but he can hardly write or play the guitar. Growing up is hard!