Daisychain Sampler "R"

R is for I'm on a ROLL here!
And if you're Canadian, it's also for RRROLL up the RIM to win time, eh?! LOL! I actually went into a trash can yesterday because I forgot to roll up my rim before I threw out my cup ... didn't win anything though.
For those of you who have absolutely no flippin' idea what I'm talking about, lemme 'splain. There's a famous national donut chain (yes, there is some merit to the stereotype about Canadians & their donuts) called Tim Hortons - locally known as Tim's, Timmie's, Hortons ... and probably other nicknames I haven't heard.
Tim Horton was a hockey player turned entrepreneur. And may I just throw down the gauntlet by saying that Tim Hortons beats Krispy Kreme (an American donut chain) every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Other donut shops have gone head to head with Tim's, but none have lasted.
Just sayin'.
So once or twice a year, Tim's has a nationwide contest where you have a chance to win a prize ranging from a free coffee or donut to a car. The potential prize is hidden under the rolled edge of a paper cup, hence the term "roll up the rim" - and you have to roll the R like you're Scottish.
I don't drink coffee. Tim's does have a nice steeped tea, but I can get tea for free at home. And then there's also the thing about me not having enough self control to walk into a donut shop and NOT order a donut ... so "just a cup of tea" ALWAYS turns into "a medium steeped tea, double double (that's how I order cream & sugar) and a 10 (or 20) pack of assorted Timbits".
However, yesterday I was at the swimming pool for an hour on a field trip with my daughter and I WASN'T allowed to bring any stitching because then I wouldn't be WATCHING her jump off the diving board like I promised. And I also didn't have time to make a cup before I left home. But there just so happened to be a Tim's drive-thru on the way to the pool ...
But I digress.
LOL! I'm gonna make all you non-Canadians at least honorary citizens by virtue of meaningless trivia about this fine country if it KILLS me!!! LOL! You can thank me next time you're struggling for a topic of conversation and you find yourself talking about donuts and Snowy Owls at a cocktail party. ;)
All right, all right! Keep your shirt on ... here comes the Sampler.
I wasn't sure if this dark brown & light pink would work together.
I was worried the dark would end up super loud ...
... and the delicate pink would disappear.
I don't think that happened. I am totally diggin' how it turned out.

Reader Comments (32)
Dear Kristyne: I was in complete agreement with you on the LOTR, and even supported your fun day birding. However, we must now disagree. You see, I have a Krispy Kreme obsession. I LOVE me some KK doughnuts! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a little Bavarian Cream Timmies now and then, but must admit to myself that I far prefer our southern friends doughnuts. I am actually glad that KK doughnuts are hard to come by here, as my ever expanding waist line would suffer tremendously!
ps I love your R. It may just be my favorite yet. Even better than a KK doughnut =)
pss I was at Out of Hand yesterday, and had to tear myself away-could have lost the house if I stayed too much longer!
Love your 'R' although brown and pink together won't have been my choice if you asked before ... but now supersweet;-) I've to confess that I don't get this whole donut thing since I'm from germany and NEVER eat a donut in my whole life, sorry. Perhaps that's good for my line;-)
I am road-tripping to Buffalo this weekend and am sooooo excited to get some Tim Hortons!!!!!!!!! Agree, best donuts, best coffee :)
I think we should use your terrific R in our Timmy's commercials when we are "rolling up our rim's". Your R looks great.The pink is the icing.
Great. Now I want a donut. :)
Beautiful "R"!
Oh man, I've gotten like 20 coffees from Tim's since the roll up the rim started this season and I still haven't won anything!! I'm losing my faith
Ohhhhh let me tell you a secret! Well not a secret actually, but it's exciting! In 2003 my husband won a Buick Rendezvous in RRRRRRRRoll up the Rim! Seriously! Until then I thought only people in Ontario or Quebec ever won these things (we live in small town BC, outside of Vancovuer) I"ve got to admit though, I hate their coffee.....practically un-Canadian of me, I know......
I love reading your posts. I almost moved to Canada a million years ago (Calgary). Your work is lovely and your words make me smile.
Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! ...and now I want a donut!!!
Love the scroll-i-ness of your R. I think the pink calms down the brown, and looks good. I had to chuckle at your story of Tim's and our national contest - many's the time I dug through a trash can to find my unrolled cup!
I've never been to Tim Horton's... I've only heard about it a couple of times, in fact. I think they have some back east, but I've never been anywhere east of Chicago. I'm a HUGE Krispy Kreme fan, but I'd take almost anything over Dunkin Donuts, which is ALL they seem to have here in Illinois. Drives me bonkers. Our local Walmart has started carrying KKs though... They're never as good reheated as they are fresh though. I don't drink coffee, so I'm all about the donuts... and KKs are just the best!
And I love your R! Super cute! Can't wait to see the S!
Canadians are some of my favorite people. So what do you think a-boot that!
First, love the "R", pink and brown always go together. I was at a Tim's once when a group of us gals went to Toronto. I had lunch there, soup or something. I thought is was very good and wish they had one near me. Well, I have to admit. I now have TWO of them near me here in Michigan. They're actually in Jackson. I drive by them all the time and have NEVER stopped. One is even in the same parking lot at Joann Fabrics and I still haven't stopped in. The commercials for the rolled rimmed cup have been on TV daily and wondered what that was about. Now, after reading your post, I understand. I will stop in for some tea and maybe try a donut, which I don't need. But I haven't ever had one so it won't count in calories, since it's a first time donut and those don't count. LOL Didn't know who Tim Horton was either. Thanks for all the info.
My sister is a Canadian and she shares your feelings on Tim Hortons. I would love to try them, as I consider myself a sophisticated donut connoisseur.
You crack me up! Oh, and I love the R - gorgeous!
Being a New Zealander (actually an Australian who has lived in New Zealand for a very long time) and a Nanna to two beautifull Canadian granddaughters I am loving the history lesson and look forward to hearing more!!!! I have even been to a Tim Horton's coffee shop when I was in Montreal last!! Love the sampler I also have embroidered one and have given it to my daughter in Montreal and now I am going to do one for myself.......my favourite letters are the I, L, Q and the W. Have a great weekend.
That's so funny! I have to say that I don't drink coffee either, but during "roll up the rim" suddenly I have to go get hot chocolate. Probably 80% of my visits are during the promotion, so I guess it is successful.
I love your sampler. The letters are beautiful. The last thing I need is another project, so I have managed to control myself, but I drool over it.
I love it! I am an honorary Canadian, I am married to one and lived in Ottawa for 5 years, so totally know what you are talking about. I would always have a coffee, double double - I actually forgot about how good that was! I worked with a friend who called Tim Horton's "The TH Experience" - another nickname for you. And lovely embroidery too by the way!
I'm buying my passport now to travel to Canada to try some Tim Hortons! Plus I remember that fancy 3 layer cake with the frosting to die for.....mmmmmm......
Howdy neighbor to the north! My mom is (was) Canadian--married an American long ago. I like how Canadians kept their roadsides clean of litter especially in the farming provinces. We Americans can be such litterbugs--although it was my Canadian mom who used to always throw her/our gum wrapper garbage out the little side window on any trip we were on ; )
Donuts--my hubby the "foodie" milked them for all he could in a couple of Christmas letters a number of years ago. He will still travel 20+ miles to a one of a kind bakery in Tacoma, WA, to get a Connie's donut--beats the pants off any Krispy Kreme--don't know about the Horton ones. I wonder if I should tell him about them next time we're up in BC...??? You have me curious; I'd like to try one.
I just love your little story--and your sampler with it's darling background fabric. Saw it a while ago on Posey Gets Cozy's blog. It's like a visit with a good friend every time she posts.
This looks sooo gorgeous! I really would love to make a sampler like that when life slows down a bit :o)
Wish you a great weekend,
Krispy Kreme offers you a free donut while you're waiting in line. Sounds great, but I only want one donut, no coffeee or anything else, just one donut. So then I feel bad eating the free donut and then just leaving, which isn't that easy to do anyway because they've got you going through a roped-off line like you're waiting for a ride at Disneyland. You practically have to crawl out.
So, I've given up KK donuts because not only do I feel guilty about eating greasy fried dough to begin with, but then I'm made to feel like a cheapsake-eat-the-free-donut-and-leave lady!
OK, I'm over my donut rant!
Love your sampler! Especially the Q! Perfection!
I have never heard of Tim Horton's, and today I noticed a new building going up in town..."Tim Horton's" says the sign. "What's that?" said my husband. "Never heard of it." I reply. How funny that when I read your blog this is what you talk about! I'm a girl that loves a donut! Can't wait! Thanks for the "meaningless trivia"!
Awwww, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Don't you know, them's fighting words? 'Cause darlin', nothing, ahem, let me clear my throat, NOTHIN' beats cruisin' by the Krispy Kreme store when the Hot Now sign is blaring. Nuthin'. Zip. Nada. Not even a rrrriiippppeed Canadian Hot Guy or whatever his delicious self makes.
Your R is gorgeous. But methinks it's time now for you to step away from the sampler for the weekend. All that work is clouding your donut lovin' judgement!
(And while I'm complaining, I have to let you know, your word verification just hit a new low. The first word is readable, but the second word is in some arabic looking letters -- I have no idea how to make my keyboard do that.
And after all that whining, I hope we can still be friends!)
Oh, you make me laugh so much! I love your stories and your sampler. Wish I lived in Canada. We have been all the way across and loved the parks and people. Keep up the laughs! and the gorgeous work. K-
I love your Timmies stories- we are Canadians living in the US and missing lots of Canadian stuff - donuts, poutine and PC mild chunky salsa. Our friendly US hosts just don't get the donut thing, and don't see what the big deal is when we tell them about standing on a street corner in Halifax and being able to see three Timmies without moving a step! And how they had to do construction to the street in front of one of many Timmies in Charlottetown because the line up for the drive through was always blocking traffic! The best story yet is that a hockey rink is being constructed here in town on the college campus in the middle of PA and rumour has it that there's going to be a Tims there too. What could be more Canadian than that? Hockey and donuts!!
That's one heck of a beautiful "R"! Sorry that you didn't win anything after fishing your Timmie's cup out of the garbage.
awww, you totally dissed Krispy kremes !!!! I must tell you that Krispy kreme donuts got me through an entire pregnancy........and then some maybe :) aaannnddd I may have cried when they closed our local store.....ok, weeped may be a better term....as in sit down with a box of tissues and just let go :( !!!! Sooooo either your a liar or I need to move to canada :) !!!!
Your "R" by the way is adorable, I love brown and pink together, nice choice !!!
This Michiganian was tickled when Tim Horton's finally came to the States! I'd enjoyed their sandwiches across the border on several occasions, to say nothing of their coffee! I am quite familiar with the "rim" promotion, but had forgotten about it. Finishing up a snack there with a few girlfriends last week, one had her cup's rim all unrolled and flattened out. It looked like she'd been teething on it, and I said as much LOL! Sadly, she did not win. But the Timbits were yummy. ;-p
The "R" is simply beautiful, but I still can't take my eyes off of that gorgeous "Q" LOL!
pssst, Timmy's only has rrrroll up the rim once a year - it's almost over (end of March) although you have until the end of April to claim your free coffee or doughnut or something bigger if you are really lucky.
I am liking your embroidery and would love to see the whole thing.
KK's... yech! Tried 'em once and still can taste the lard!
But I loves me my daily Timmy's! (And it doesn't hurt that I've now won 8 free coffees! And a couple of donuts... but who's counting!)
Well, now being a fellow Canadian, I do know all about Tim's! It was a ritual with my Mother to go there for mid-morning coffee -- and either me or my sister had to drive her! But the quirk of it was she did not want to go to the same one two days in a row -- there were 4 or 5 in Victoria, BC and she had to go to all in turn! Now, perhaps I am contrary, but for me it was not the donuts (or doughnuts, as my Ma insisted it be spelled) I was partial to their soups, any one at all, they were all tasty...
first time visit to your blog, you have an interesting take on the world around...
will be back to visit again!