Daisychain Sampler "Q"

The first time I did a search for something on the internet was in June 2002 for my first daughter's first birthday. I wanted to take a picture of her wearing a fairy crown made from the pink daisies growing under our kitchen window. But I'd never made one before so I Googled "How to make a Fairy Crown."
Here's how it turned out.
That's my little cutie almost 10 years ago.
(Sorry 'bout the quality - they're photos of photos ... remember, I took them back in "the olden days" before I had a digital camera! LOL!)
A few years later, I made another one for my second daughter. This time we were on a holiday (and she was almost 18 months ... you know how it goes with the second child ...) No pink daisies to be found, but there were tons of white ones.
This is the little munchkin who made the anniversary embroidery I showed last week.
Is it normal that looking at these pictures of my babies makes my heart ache? I miss that new baby smell & the squooshy squoosh & pudgy cheeks & baby giggles & tiny fingers & them sleeping in my arms.
(Sigh.) Anyhow.
This is my long way of explaining WHY I wanted to make this "Daisychain Sampler" in the first place. Seriously. It was this post on Alicia's blog that sold me.
And now with this letter? I would do the entire alphabet with this style of letter. Really, I would!
I admit to almost wishing I'd used a darker background fabric so I could make the daisies white.
But I think this pale buttery yellow worked out so beautifully.
Normally, I'm a little (ok, a lot) fussy about my lazy daisy petals being exactly the same length and perfectly spaced around each flower. But in this application, I felt the haphazard, "natural" approach would suit this letter best.
So I let go of my OCD perfectionist tendencies and just let the petals be where they wanted to be. Some flowers with 5 petals and some with 6 ... and a few are just half flowers.
Love it.
Something told me to go with my favorite blue as the flower centers.
Could you not just weep?
Isn't it THE.most.unbelievably.pretty.letter.EVER?!

Reader Comments (25)
Beautiful kids...amazing daisy chain stitch!
Yes I could weep....it is to die for!!!!!
Seriously weep! I could identify with every.single.bit of this post, K.! Your daughters are beautiful! And daisies...pink, yellow, or white are just the happiest flower! :)
These baby pictures are soo cute, your daughters look adorable with there fairy crowns (my mum made them too;-) And the Q... no words for that cutie! Hildy
Ahhh, they look so sweet with their daisy crowns!!! and yes, i love Q...it's beautiful. ;p
Absolute perfection are your daughters and your letter "Q" as well!
It is the most unbelievably beautiful letter ever! Makes me want to change my name from Renee to something with a Q!
Although, the next letter is R!
You know what Kristyne, I do believe it is! :) I love daisies!!!
V x
I am so jealous of your MAD embroidery skills! WOW! :)
Your daughters are gorgeous ..... but if YOU think time has flown, my baby will be 34 in September!! I've been working a lot of lazy daisies in the work I am currently doing - I had forgotten how much fun they are to work!!
Beautiful photos of your darling daughters. Beautiful Q in such lovely colors.
So, you are making all of us one of these samplers too right? :-) It only gets better with each letter. I do cross stitch but haven't embroidered in a long time! So nice. K-
This is looking fantastic, well done. You know, it is hard to let go of those wonderful baby days but on the up side you get to do it all again years later when the grandblessings come along and you get all the cuddles and baby love and then HAND THEM BACK until the next time. LOL. Oh and if you were truly OCD then you would call it CDO (in alphabetical order just like it should be). Gill (in Aussieland)
Someone pass me a tissue. Yes, your 'Q' is over the top. sniff.....Yes, I am weeping at the beauty of it all! Seriously dude... those are precious baby girls in their fairy crowns and that letter is divine. How can I not have ordered this sampler yet? You are killing me. Love the baby girl photos the best! And, I too, miss those baby days... my three little boys are men - 2 of them and one is 17 in a few weeks... WHERE did the time go? Love that baby smell... the chubby thighs (why are they cute on them and not on me?) and the best feeling in the world - holding a sweet sleeping baby? sniff... ok I need ANOTHER tissue.... :o)
Love it! I really must get back to mine, I like the "fancy" letters better....maybe you should design a sampler yourself....... Linda
Those baby girl girl pictures are too cute! I wish I could make my 13 year old daughter be one again, just for a day, so I could make her a daisy chain crown too!
As for Q, all I can say is WOW!
So pretty. (both fairy crown and daisy chain. ) sigh...
I LOVE the daisy stitch! Your sampler is looking HOT!
Gorgeous bairns and a gorgeous letter!!
Sigh. Yes, it makes me weepy, too, thinking about baby days. Love your Q. My favorite letter after B. Q for quilts, B for me!
I even went to your book to see if perhaps it was sold within... I could not determine...
Please, Please tell me where I can get it.... I would love to use it in a quilt soon. ;)
I LOVE it!! Absolutely adorable.
Thank you,