Daisychain Sampler "P"

Yay! More Daisychain Sampler!
As you found out yesterday my sister is visiting. But despite the time lost searching for the Snowy Owl on the weekend, my sister & I still found some time to stitch & chat.
I forgot to show you the group shot after I finished the last row ...
And now for some poetry.
P is for Pretty.
P is for Pink.
P is for Perfect.
I totally missed my calling as a poet. LOL! NOT! Think I'll stick to stitching & sewing.
Unless Sesame Street calls.
Then it'll be all, "I can't work with this big yellow bird. Get him off the set or I walk!"
I have a very rich ... & delusional ... imagination.

Daisychain Sampler,

Reader Comments (14)
Your stitchery is gorgeous! What are you going to turn it into?
It's looking gorgeous!
Beautiful stitching, I especially adore the 'L' those stitches are truly stunning.
Fleur xx
Love your pretty, pink P! Hildy
Yellow Birds...you can't work with them and you can't work without them. I guess he has Seasame Street wrapped around his big yellow wing! ;p
The sampler is looking mighty pretty!
I enjoy seeing how your embroidery is coming along. I just read the last post, and I have to admit I'm a bit jealous about seeing the snowy owl. I'm not a crazy birder, but we do plan vacations to see the most birds. OK, I guess I am a crazy birder! LOL! Your photos we're great!
Pretty p all dressed in pink done to perfection with a fun humorous post.
Thanks for the smile and the beautiful A-P. What will it become?
I just had to leave a note and let you know how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. You are the best writer. You can turn anything into fun. I love it. I have to get ummm....creative.... at finding time during my workday at the office to sneak a read of your blog. Thank you for the great, daily read! It is much appreciated and much enjoyed!
LOL! Ya, but you sure can sew! Anything with needle and thread and you are the pro - your sampler looks perfect! What's your sister working on? :O) Glad to hear the payoff for the snowy owl day was good - ice cream is a wonderful bribe, er, I mean reward! hee!
Every letter you do,I think its the best,until I see the next one!! I need to get really serious about my stitching! Y9ou have never told us who taught you ,or did you teach yourself? Have you thought of designing?
P is for Peppermint Penguin. and Penny.