Mr. Martha?

Ok. Has this ever happened to you where you walk into the kitchen on a Sunday morning only to find your husband doing something he's NEVER IN HIS LIFE EVER DONE before ...
... making homemade vanilla of all things? Since when was I married to Martha Stewart??!! (Although note HIS idea of a "decorative bottle" - LOL!)
Disturbing, hilarious and endearing, all at the same time ... ;)


Reader Comments (14)
how hilarious! a vodka bottle! ;0 give mr. martha a big k.i.s.s. and enjoy the madness of it all.
p.s. if hubby starts a cooking school can i send my hubby? i'll pay you...LOTS of fabric!
I wouldn't complain if I found Malcolm doing this!! Some years ago when I flew to Houston (for the quilt show) I bought a bottle of duty-free CHOCOLATE vodka. I have never seen any since - I wish I knew how to make it!!
homemade vanilla is on my list of things to make too. With the price of vanilla beans it's no wonder REAL vanilla is so expensive.
Sweet! Just tie a little bow out of Martha Stewart twine around the neck of the bottle and it will be just lovely;)
Do you know when I read the first paragraph I was unsure whether I should read any further or not!
I was quite relieved to read he was making vanilla! ;)
Vivienne x
I've done it , i have finally read your hole blog and can now honestly say ive been threw it all. It's kinda weird back reading it as it reads backwords so ive been seeing the finished products and then the change of fabrics after words lol.
I have ordered your recomendation and i also order the simplify book on my kindle , weird thing is the copy i have is in black and white (the pictures i mean ) and after seeing the coloured version threw out your blog , my copy kinda makes it alittle easier to see the design in a diffrent colour scheme or diffrent fabrics rather then this is set in stone this is how it should be , any way hugs for you and your famiy from over seas and i think your hubbies recycling is fab ;)
Hugs vikki xx
This got me giggling. And also wondering, seriously, vodka is used to make vanilla extract?
So, what prompted his domestic moment?
Nic, I think it was the fact that I had an impulse buy moment at Costco (who doesn't?) and came home with a dozen vanilla beans ... like 8 months ago ... still didn't know what to do with them! LOL!
Mmm.... Vanilla and vodka... 2 of my most favorite things. ;)
Now you take that vanilla infused vodka and mix it with some Coke over lots of ice. It's delicious and your sewing will become a whole bunch more "improvisational". lol
Wow -- are you ever lucky! I'm pretty sure I'd pass out if I walked into the kitchen and my hubby was making vanilla. (And Kudos to Shannon for the best comment LOL!)
You know what? That's a great idea to make your own vanilla. And Shannon's idea is great;-)
Woot woot! Hubby gettin' his party on ; )
I've made my own homemade vanilla using three different vanilla beans so I would have three different flavors of vanilla and I love it. I bought the little brown bottles, put labels on the bottles and gave them as little gifts last year at Christmas. Your hubby is on to something great :)