Making Room for Christmas

So, does anyone else have to take down Valentine's Day decorations ...
and/or (in my case AND) Easter decorations ...
to make room for the Christmas stuff?


Reader Comments (28)
If I would have your beautiful valentine/easter decoration I also would have it the whole year on the wall!
I kept my Christmas rag wreath up until Spring of this year. :o)
ha ha ha!
Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your quilts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world!
Yours, Ulla
Haha! Not me, but luckily only because we moved so HAD to pack it all up! If you're in Ok at all before xmas, give me a call and maybe you and Kate can come for a festive tea (and snoop in the sewing room!).
Oh you are SO not alone! I put up some Christmas decorations last week and realized that we are multi-holiday too! Nothing will beat the indian corn I had up on my mailbox post from October thru March! That was really bad!
Love your blog.....!!!
I love your little frames with blocks in them! The white frames are just perfect. Truthfully? I never put my Santas away. Since the family is grown and gone, I don't decorate for Christmas but enjoy it at my daughters' homes instead. Much less work and they have all the parties anyway. I love to see my Santas, though, so they just stay out.
Not guilty of this one! My Christmas table runner spends the rest of the year turned over to reverse side, when it becomes my sideboard runner!
Been there... Done that! :)
Yes. :o) and Yes. And I do have one Christmas wreath I leave up over the fireplace cuz I like the red berries against the grey rock... Love the frames... are those framed FW squares???? by any chance? Love the checkerboard!
I love the framed quilt block idea that is seasonal! Thanks for a great idea!
Fraid not Kristyne!!
Sorry, no... but I did have snowmen up last year when I found it was time to decorate for Christmas again! :) I guess that counts. LOVE those framed blocks by the way! I'm SO doing that someday!
No, but only because I don't decorate for Valentine's day or Easter! Love the framed quilt blocks!
I heart your Christmas decorations!!! :)
Heck, I have a cupid hanging on my dining room hutch, clutching a red heart. It's been there a couple of years. Is there a problem with that?
Oh,what a refreshing peek!!! My favorite Holiday is Valentine's that is wonderful to me!!! Leave them up I say,and I love those white frames! Great idea. You could do a whole thng about making them,I would love that!! You are the very best!!
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I kept my Santa Claus quilt on my bed until June when it finally was warm enough not to use an extra quilt but I put it back on in September. I take down most of my different holiday's decoration because I have plastic totes that have to be taken to the garage and stored in the rafters. Otherwise they are tripping me up in my sewing room and I can't have that! My son always used to hang a glass icicle on the curtain in the front room. I seldom noticed it until months later. I do keep a nativity set in my china hutch year round though cause I love it.
Ouch! Don't make me laugh....besides, the Easter eggs could pass as Christmas decorations....pretty for me. ;0
Kristyne, I really like your picture frames with fabric blocks in them! They are so pretty. I like your decorating style a lot. No problem at all with your valentine and easter decor. It is refreshing to know there is someone else out there that gets busy with life and everything isn't perfect. : ) I thought your valentine decor could have worked for Christmas. : )
I'm guilty! Thanks for making me feel better (i'm not the only one!). The kids Easter ornaments they make were still on the little metal tree in the living room. We were suppose to make something for the next "season" but it never happened. I figured it looked better than having nothing on it.
You just made my day. I look at some of the blogs and I am completely blown away by all the beautiful things that some of the ladies are churning out and their wonderful decorated homes and I just cannot imagine where they find the time. I'm lucky if I get my presents wrapped by Christmas Eve. Well, you are certainly my kind of blogger!
You are so funny! I love all your decorations. I wish I had such cute ones. I wouldn't want to take them down either. I love the hearts. Really cute stuff. I have a problem where I leave decorations out by accident and find them months later. Oh well at least I put them up! K-
I also LOVE those picture frames! I am busy cleaning between sewing projects and have just taken off and cleaned/dusted the holly wreaths from around my candle holders... from last year! And we just won't mention the stuff that is still up in the living room.. LOL.. I always wanted to do a guest bedroom that was Christmas all year... and another that was RedWhiteBlue...
Teehee! Sadly, I don't have to get out my jingle bell wreath this year--as it's been hanging by the back door all year!
You could have left up the Valentine decorations. They look Christmasy!
Love the way you frame the fabrics.
LOL.......Just make sure you get your tree down before you buy your Valentine candy. ;-)
too funny! love the framed blocks!