10 Things I Know Today That I Didn't Know 3 Weeks Ago

1. If you have an eye infection, don't chop onions. THAT shoulda been a no-brainer.
2. If I'm not blogging I can make 22 Farmer's Wife quilt blocks in one week. Trying to start the 23rd block, however, is like pointing a loaded gun to my head. Just.couldn't.do.it.
3. If there is a Super Bowl party at my house, the next day I will have chocolate covered cheesecake morsels for breakfast, red licorice for a mid-morning snack and potato chips with pickle dip for lunch ... and then grow a zit by dinnertime.
4. The NEXT time I go to a seminar on how to use my new computer, I WILL remember to bring a notepad and pen. (What is WRONG with me?!)
5. Getting used to using the "command" vs. "control" key is surprisingly difficult & frustrating. (This will only make sense to you if you've ever gone from a PC to a Mac.)
6. If the furnace in my house dies at 3:30 a.m. and it is only slightly below freezing and lightly snowing outside, I can stay almost warm all day if I drink lots of tea, wear a wool sweater & socks, keep a space heater on in the hallway and the oven on in the kitchen ... and all the lights on in the house. Eating ice cream is not recommended. And making the chili for dinner extra spicy only upsets the children.
7. If my husband has recently started a new job and I attend the annual company party with him, I will ALMOST make it through the night without sticking my foot in my mouth. Unfortunately, I will exercise my occasionally sarcastic sense of humor as we are leaving and make fun of the door prize we won ... TO THE WOMAN WHO ORGANIZED THE ENTIRE EVENT. (Seriously, WHAT is WRONG with me?!! I was just trying to be funny.) In my defense, I didn't know it was her. And it really was a fantastic evening, just sayin'.
8. I will never wear high heels again. Ever. Life is too short to suffer that kind of unnecessary pain. I am probably shopping for black patent ballet flats this very minute.
9. I love blogging. Not being able to blog about pretty things makes me sad. (I also had "& lonely" but deleted it because that just sounded pathetic.) I am back tomorrow with some new things.

Reader Comments (28)
Glad to hear that you are feeling better, and looking forward to seeing you Farmer's Wife blocks!
I was just thinking this morning that I hadn't seen you post in a while! SO glad that you're back...and can't wait to see those blocks!
I know why I missed you so much ... you always made me laugh. And I need a good laugh today, it's freezing out there (-10° or 14 Fahrenheit) and I hate winter!
Good to have you back Kristyne!
Just wondering, does your husband still have his new job??? ;)
V x
You are a wise woman, Kristyne! I hope to see you tomorrow.....today I'm swollen up like a balloon, and can barely walk, so if edema cooperates, I'll be there! I'd be sad to miss it. ps I am using up some of that fabric from my personal fabric fairy for the babies room. It looks fab!
Ha - this is why I come here - breaking news. BILLY CRYSTAL??? That's awesome!!! Otherwise, it sounds like you've had a busy few weeks - foot in mouth and all!
Thanks for the smile this morning! That was enjoyable!
Oh, Kristyne, how we love you! I miss your humor, your insight, and your quilt blocks! We're still here!!! :)
Seriously? High heels? Panty hose? No frelling way anymore! I just can't do it. I feel your many pains. ;p
Looking forward to seeing the FW blocks - mine have been sadly neglected (in my defence, I have been ill!!)
And moving the 'at' key - what that about?!
S x
Kristyne, what a cute post! I am from Patterns Gone Digital, we met at fall market. You gave us your e-mail address to contact you but it got smudged. Guess I learned something, use ball point pens!! I remembered you said I would need to make a comment in order to get in contact with you otherwise. Please take a look at our website to jar your memory on us distributing patterns. We would love to discuss distributing your patterns. You can contact me at 505-750-1170 or e-mail becky@patternsgonedigital.com. Thanks, Becky
Wonderful post! I hope the organiser lady isn't in charge of expenses or pay rises or promotions ;o)
Welcome back. How I've missed your humor.
Ouch, onions smart even without an eye infection.
Bad heater. Has it been talking to my lazy heater? If so, I apologize. I can't control that appliance at all.
Blocks to see? Oh, be still my heart. I can't wait to see them. I bet they are beautiful.
Great list, made me giggle, as I think I've done a few of those things, too. Ooops. ;)
Stay warm.
Oh, how we've missed you. Thank you so much for sharing, I had a really good laugh - loved the pimple comment - hilarious!
not sure who Debbie is but she stole my comment!!
Welcome back...you make me laugh!
wowzers! that's some good learning! ;)
you seriously crack ME UP!!!
i CANNOT wait to see your FW blocks! I'm planning to do some valentine colors on my next ones like you recommended. ;)
Yay! You're back!
So glad to find you back! I needed the laughs you shared, too. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your FW blocks.
Thanx for the well needed laugh! Good to have you back :)
Yay, nobody hosts the oscars like Billy! Wow, 22 blocks?? incredible! With you on the shoes..just gave all my heels away after not wearing for 30 months..whiplash and back pain wont let me anyway. Ballet flats are so good to us! I dread a change in machine but they are pretty amazing looking -those macs, hope it is worth it!Happy to hear from you again, but I am glad for you that you got some serious work done. God bless you!
Welcome back, you were missed! oh, and you _will_ loove your MAC ;)
So glad to hear from you. I laugh all the time when I read your blog. Your farmers blocks have got me so excited I ordered the book amd started myself. Keep up the good work, I to am learning to use an Apple. Happy Stitching Meg
Number 6 really got me! :-) You are so funny and make me laugh just when I need it. We miss your beautiful work and are dying to see your Farmer's WIfe blocks. 22? Wow! you were busy. Glad to see you posting again. K-
Thanks for making me laugh - a good start to the day.
I have had a mac for some time now - still learning!
Hello there! I'm an editor of a magazine called Spoonful and we LOVE your writing style & self :) I can't seem to find an email address for you, but would like to seduce you into writing a little piece for us!
Oh DO say yes, we'd love to have you. you can email me anytime at spoonfulzine@gmail.com
hope to hear form you :)
My difficulty is remembering to use control when I switch back to PC.
22 FWQ blocks is impressive. Can't wait to see them
LOL! Don't worry, a lot of people are on the same boat with regards to blogging... and a lot would admit to adding that "& lonely." You have your family, your social circle, and your blogosphere... and online connections have the tendency to cap your day off in a way different from family and friends.