Farmer's wife Quilt Along Week 34

YAY!!! I'm back! Oh this feels so good. :)
Thank you so much for your all your responses to my request for feedback on my blog banner. Wow you guys are so nice! I wasn't expecting so many of you to tell me to do what pleases me. That is pure generosity and I am totally grateful.
My favorite comments were ones that suggested I do "the same but different". So now I'm working on a new banner that you will recognize as me ... for sure ... promise. It will be the same, but different. Not sure when it will be ready. But you'll be the first to know when it's done. :)
And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
I have some MAJOR catching up to do here on the farm and beLIEVE me, I've been farming! I'm going to spend this week showing you (some of) my new FW blocks ... and there are some beauties I tell ya, like today.
Green, Gray & White
#67 - Pine Tree
I live nestled in the foothills of the Great Canadian Rockies. I suppose I should appreciate the landscape more, but I'm not into rocks & mountains and the indigenous flora that isn't anywhere NEAR my preferred English Cottage look ...
We have an abundance of pine trees and I think almost every other species of tree with needles & cones. I bet there isn't a single residential street in the city without at least ONE. Again, I suppose some people would find that charming and romantic. Not me. I only like these trees at Christmas time.
However, THIS is the kind of pine tree I can get jiggy with ...
all covered with flowers! :)
#105 - Wild Goose Chase
I had the.hardest.time deciding how to make this block in terms of print/color. Should I go two-tone? Symmetrical? Totally scrappy? And all the beautiful and inspiring versions I found on the FWQAL Flickr group didn't make my decision an easier.
But I finally went with these colors, scrapped "the snot" out of the green and I EL-OH-VEE-EE it!
YUM! :)
(Just so we're clear here I mean yum the color ... not yum the snot.)

Reader Comments (21)
Love your tree blocks! Your wild goose chase also looks like a tree block to me with all this green;-) and the right tree is covered in snow ... let me take a look ot of the window ... yes, that's right there's snow out there!
I'm so glad your back, same but different;-)
So beautiful!! Love the green, they look perfect :)
Love your blocks and I am SO glad you're "back"!!! :)
Ahhhhhh!!! My mornings can now officially return to "normal"! LOVE these blocks! The greens are beautiful! I can imagine a whole green, pine tree quilt. But that would be overkill, wouldn't it?! :)
Oh, thank goodness you're back! You just can't imagine how bored I've been. Look forward to more posts. You really made me laugh yesterday!
Thank goodness you're back - you've been missed and I've certainly missed your FW posts!
Like they all say - mornings will return to normal (but different). Thank goodness!!! You provide the sweetness and girlie-ness that I need to stay sane. :-) and of course I laugh my butt off also.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the green and grey together - these blocks are goregous!!
those blocks look so the green and white...very nice.
"(Just so we're clear here I mean yum the color ... not yum the snot.)" lololol....
The blocks are so cool. Love the differences yet the sameness with the greens, etc.
You do great work and I'm in awe of it. One day...;)
Yay for being back.
I don't know why snot makes me giggle so much. So glad to see you back, those blocks are just scrummy!
Missed you! Love the green. Especially the pine tree. Beautiful.
Your blocks are absolutely delicious! Love you choice of prints and colors.
Oh, so very pretty! I look forward to your FW posts, I find them so inspiring!
YEOW!!! Those blocks are GORGEOUS!! Love them!! Can't wait to see your new banner :) Still love the old one, but new is always fun!
Yay you are back - I've been going through withdrawals! Your blocks are beautiful and so perfectly done! Love it!!!! Hope things are smooth sailing for you now with all your computer problems figured out! :o)
Beautiful blocks!
Please don't mention snot - there is still an abundance here afer both of having bad colds!! On to nicer things, love your blocks ....... I'm itching to get back to mine, once I finish piecing a mammoth top for a friend!
Yay, you're back! My stomach gave an excited little fillip when I saw "Pretty by Hand" on my email. Kristyne, you are better than Christmas- no pressure! :)
These are gorgeous-just love the colors & the fabrics you chose.
Love the green! So fresh and clean looking. I'm very glad you're back. I enjoy your blog every day. I've missed seeing your beautiful work.