Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 35

Blue, Gray & White
You know, I was so smitten (Omg ... "smitten"? Really? Who USES that word anymore?! Makes me sound like I should be using a walker and cranking up the volume on my hearing aid ...)
Let's try that again.
I was so HAPPY with my last set of blue, gray & white blocks I wanted to try that color combo again. They just looked so different from the rest of my blocks.
#103 Whirlwind
I really really really love this dark blue. And with the gray? Gorg(ous)!
#88 Star of Hope
Again, loving the big mass of dark blue. The large square really shows of the print nicely.
And the gray instead of white background just softens it a bit. Although I confess to putting a white square in the corner because the other block has white in it too ... my OCD made me do it! ;)

Reader Comments (19)
I love the movement that the grey creates in the whirlwind block :)
Such a great combination, congrats to another set of beautiful blocks - like all of the rest!
I'm surprised you have any fabric left to make your FW blocks =) Love the blue/grey combo. This is going to be a fab quilt!
I think "smitten" is a perfectly good word! Love your blocks.
I just love those two blocks! That pale grey is stunning.
"Smitten" is a lovely word - very descriptive! Your blocks are also lovely :-)
these are looking so good! I'm seriously considering starting the fwqa! we'll see!
The only way to peace in this world is listening to your OCD and then obeying!
I am totally *smitten*.....
Ok. I love the word "smitten". :) Use it all you want! Gorgeous blocks!
love the gray combo. your blocks are lovely.
Love it! OCD or looks fabulous. How tiny are those blocks? 4"? Can't remember. ;p
You did a beautiful job!
Okay - smitten is a word young people really are using. When I asked youngest DD's sweetheart about the time they first met, he said she was smitten with him and he with her. I think he was 22. So don't worry - you aren't old .
Since so many quilters are 'Swooning', it is perfectly fine, and probably required, that we can also be 'Smitten'. I, for one, am always smitten by your offerings.
I'm quite smitten with the grey - not a colour I use much of, but I could be persuaded!
Another person who has been 'smitten' here. Loving Whirlwind, the blue and the grey - delicious!
S x
Smitten is a perfect description of how I feel about your FW blocks...not smitten enough to make my own though!!
Lovely blocks. And smitten is a fine word, not old at all. See it used by many people still. Like me. And a few quilters on Twitter.
SO pretty! I love green so yesterdays blocks were really speaking to me about spring but the blue and grey look like a March sky that can't decide if it wants to rain or snow. Smitten, just a bit too 16 for my taste!