More About Me

I've been blogging for a little while now, talking mostly quilting & motherhood ... and being an occasional bad driver.
I should qualify that last thing by saying I've never hurt myself or any one else with a vehicle. I've just damaged my vehicle(s). And my husband's. And maybe my dad's.
And maybe my neighbor's truck. (Dude, he shoulda KNOWN better than to park at the bottom of an icy hill in the winter in Canada ... just sayin'.)
Oh yeah, and maybe my sister's brand new car. Word to the wise ... if you're driving through the mountains, go AROUND big rocks that have fallen onto the highway - not OVER them. Boulder vs. oil pan ... guess who's gonna win. That might seem obvious now, but it wasn't so much when I was going like 90kph (55mph) very early one morning ... maybe ... (sorry, Sister!)
But there's more to me than just quilts and insurance claims. I embroider. Yep, I do.
So why haven't I mentioned this before? Well, last summer (2010) I kinda messed up my hand by embroidering WAAAAAY too much. (One WOULD think embroidery is safer than driving ... unless you've met me.)
I ended up looking like this for a few months ...
I know. Super attractive, right? I felt sorta like this ...
... just without the cool. (But it does get you out of doing dishes and stuff for a little while!)
And then after a cortizone injection (for De Quervain tendonitis if you're curious), I looked like this for a few more months.
Only slightly less ridiculous.
After months and months (and months) of physio ... and by the way, I was my physiotherapist's very first embroidery injury - an honor I mention with great pride ... my hand is almost back to normal.
But I have to be very careful. No more sitting on my butt for 10 hours straight with a needle & thread in hand. I'm having to employ things like "balance" and "moderation" in my daily activities. (Yuck. Hate those words. Have I ever mentioned that I'm also sometimes a little immature?)
So back to being careful, I still get into trouble if I spend a few evenings in a row watching an entire season of "Weeds" on DVD (for example) while doing this ...
My hand was very cranky for a few day's after all that cutting.
(And my mouth needed a bar of soap! Sheesh. "Showtime" (not HBO, my bad!) tends to bring out the sailor in me ...)
But never mind that.
The reason I'm bringing up the embroidery thing is because if you happen to stop by tomorrow, I don't want you to think you came to the wrong blog when you see this ...

Reader Comments (29)
Okay, first: can you please show a picture of this beautiful quilt? Second: love embroidery, too ... and hand applique (never do it with the sewing machine). Third: you're kidding, right? An embroidery accident? Hope you're alright now!
Love you and looking forward to tomorrow!
Girl, I'm loving your blog! Your humor sounds a little like mine... yikes!
And my best "quilting" injury was sitting on MY butt until my foot fell so totally asleep that when I jumped up to answer the door, it flipped over, I stepped on the TOP of it, I broke a little somethin' and landed in emerg for hours... and on crutches... And that was last March and there's still a sore spot. Oh well, at least it wasn't my sewing machine foot.
Hehehe, love this story! I know exactly what you mean. I go to the physio every two weeks for non-hobby related reasons. I just don't mention it when the hand/arm/shoulder stuff is produced after a heavy session of stitching/knitting. I'm sure he just assumes I've had a nasty work week again ;)
I love embroidery! It's so fun. I got carpal tunnel while I was pregnant and couldn't do any sewing. It was torture.
Yeah, I love embroidery!
When you get old, like me, you don't need an just ache! But I've done the sitting in one position for way too many hours at a time, and have experienced the sewing related aches and pains. Love the quilt in the background of your Fonzie thumb!
What a teaser you are! LOL! Tell me , what you are up to ?
You had that many car accidents and escaped, yet you ended up strapped up after embroidering!!!!! Only you Kristyne, only you. :)
Vivienne x
Kristyne, in my book your WAY cooler then the Fonz!! We suffer for our art. Can't wait for tomorrow!
I love your blog and your work and you have just inspired me in the last four hours of looking threw your blog to pick up some fabric and Have a go
P.s ive so added you blog to my stash
Ouch!! I had cortisone shots in both my elbows. Surgery was LESS painful then those damn shots! I feel your pain, sister!
You have lots and lots of talents that MORE THAN makeup for your sketchy driving/parking indescrestions. ;0
Can't wait to see what you unveil....
I think that embroidery, sewing, quilting injuries are more common than anyone wants to admit...especially to our spouses who would roll their eyes when we return to the craft that caused the accident. There are days when I quilt when no one is home cuz if I complain my back hurts I get no sympathy if I have been on my rumpasaurus for hours sewing...some people just don't understand :) Can't wait to see what ELSE you are up to!
Lisa in Texas
Some years ago I strained the tendons in the back of my right hand while making the bed!! We have a very heavy mattress, and I wasn't really paying attention as I lifted it to tuck the sheet under - rsulting in no sewing for weeks! Looking forward to seeing the embroidery!!
This is great! I am a wanna be embroider-er (is that how you say it?). I have always loved embroidery since I was little but just have never gotten into it. I love reading Blackbird Designs blog and I love their fabrics. But their embroidery projects just look so ominious! So hopefully I can learn a little from you -- love those Cosmos flosses! I saw those on Bunnyhill.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Pam in Indiana
I'm am rolling on the floor! You really crack me up!!! Can't wait 'til tomorrow post to see what you will share with us!
Great post! I also have tendonitis in both wrists/thumbs (and possibly one elbow)...don't think it's the same type as when I had a splint (which did nothing - acupuncture was much more successful but didn't get rid of it...) I didn't have a Fonz thumb ;o) Looking forward to seeing some embroidery but don't do too much!!
lol. I almost lost an eye last week when my sewing machine needle snapped! Im glad youre recovering!
Ooo! Another skill! Can't wait to see! And that quilt underneath your poor injured self? Dreamy! Can we see it, too? And, K., you are way cooler than the Fonz. :)
You had me at embroidery - woohoo!!!! I love, love, love embroidery so I can't wait to see what you're doing. I have a tendency to do for hours at a time and then suffer. Ugh!!! I absolutely feel your pain. :-)
You're hysterical! You're not renting a car in Houston, are you?
Hi Krystine, I only recently discovered your blog (via Camille on Simplify) and I LOVE it. I am so envious of your sewing, photography and writing skills (thanks for the giggles BTW)! I hope you don't mind but I wrote a little about your blog on mine, saying how much I enjoyed it. Looking forward to more of your posts. With warmest regards Tania
Ooooo i recognise those letters - its Alicia Paulson's ABC sampler! i bought the kit and got as far as the letter 'G' and then somehow lost now its just another WIP in the sad - hopefully seeing what you've got up to will spur me on to finish it! yay! :-)
As you so often do, you have me chuckling this morning - I just love your blog. Now I'm really curious about tomorrow's embroidery project. I love embroidery too, although I don't do it that often. Now you have me thinking of a redwork project that I have wanted to do for a long time.
It is so easy just to sit and embroider for hours. I have done the same thing but it is my elbow that flares up. I have to really watch how long I do things.
Take care of your self.
Weeds is by Showtime! (Sorry - I'm a virgo!)
Hey Ann, thanks for the correction! My bad :(.
Enjoying your blog and all your creativity and inspiration! Had to tell you that I have tendonitis in both hands from being a secretary and using the computer too much. I understand your pain! Had a cortisone shot not too long ago... I too, must be careful to not do too much of anything using my hands. I don't want to give up my little hobbies etc, so just need to be careful. I love to see what you are doing and loved the fw quilt and the things from Camille's book! Thanks for sharing!
goodie embroidery starting! (yeah, I know it was years ago)