Mini-Series Monday #9

Ok, first things first.
The random number generator found my winners for Anne Sutton's patterns and the adorable Miss Henrietta Squirrel. (I've already notified the winners so if you see your name, check your email ...)
#1. Allie the Scottie Dog - Andrea
#2. Baby Bear - Karen H
#3. Henrietta the Squirrel - Louise
#4. Lollipop the Lamb - Richla
#5. Scooter Pie the Cat - Chris
#6. Snickerdoodles the Bunny - Katie
#7. Finished Henrietta - Becky
Congratulations Ladies! And thank you everyone so much for entering! I know it sounds cliche to say I wish you could all win, but I really do feel that way.
This giveaway was so much fun, I just might have another one coming up soon ... stay tuned, kay? ;)
* * * * * * *
And now for the last episode of Project Simplify, the Mini-Series.
Dream Big - or Little (15.5" x 17.5"), as the case may be.
As with the big one, this quiltlet (love that name!) is borderless. I had just enough scraps to eke out this little one.
Because it's so small, I didn't scrap the binding like I did on the big one. But my stash didn't let me down and I found a perfectly cute polka dot cream from another Fig Tree line - Mill House Inn - that was perfect for the job.
And I'm totally digging this teeny tiny flower / swirly twirly FMQing that I've done on 2 other quiltlets here and here. I think it's my favorite FMQ design.
Big and little.
And once again a little back fun. :)
Ok people, stick a fork in me I'm done. I'm pretty sure this is it for Project Simplify. It's time to draw the curtains and turn off the lights for this ... wonderful thing that has been so much fun for me and hopefully for you.
Thanks again to all of you who commented throught the process of me sewing my way through Camille's book - twice. You've inspired me, encouraged me, taught me and best of all, made me laugh. Seriously, you guys are hilarious. :)
Ok wait. This sorta sounds like I'm quitting my blog ... I'M NOT! Wild horses couldn't drag me away from my sewing machine & computer. I'm just saying good bye to Project Simplify. Kay? I'll be back tomorrow with more FW blocks. Promise. As long as at least one person out there in Inter-Web-Landia has a decidedly inexplicable taste for my silliness, I'll be here.
Besides, since one of my best bloggy friends (who has an amazingly beautiful blog) just taught me how to make these very cool photo mosaics, I need an excuse to make more. ;)