Entries in Project Simplify (69)


Project Simplify - Day 48

Alright.   Top-stitching.  What's it gonna be?  Well, I can't copy the book this time 'cause Camille had her quilt professionally long-armed.  Not an option here for Project Simplify.

My first instinct was to do you know what (shhh, cross-hatch).  But that seemed the easy way out.  And plus I already did that for Moonlight.  And what I reeeeeally wanted to do was another try at flowers.  But somehow, flowers just doesn't seem to suit this quilt - not sure why ...

Anyhow, this is what I came up with.  Remember this quilt that had 3 different FMQ designs?

Well, it inspired me to do something similar for this quilt.

So I cross-hatched the middle - which looks totally awesome.

Now.  About that inner border.  It didn't go quite exactly as I'd planned in my head.  I didn't want to copy the same loop that I'd done before, so I thought of doing something like this:

But it started out like this ...

... so I went with it ... for a while.  But then it started morphing into this ...

... and THEN I got what I had planned!  (sort of)

The perfectionist in me is totally annoyed that it's not ... perfect .. or at the very least, consistent.  But the realist, humorist, glass-half-full girl in me (oh, and also the mom who's daughter is SO OVER the stitch ripper - bummer) is totally fine with it.

I finished the outer border with my now confident swirly twirly.

I guess you could say - at this point anyway - that "my FMQing is like a box of chocolates ... you never know what you're going to get!" ;)


Project Simplify - Day 47

Have you ever left a quilt taped & layered in the middle of the dining room floor - waiting to be pinned - for so long that your family (and by "family", I mean "husband") starts referring to it as "the carpet you're not allowed to walk on"?

No?  That doesn't happen to you? 

Yeah, me either ... I was just wondering ...;)


Project Simplify - Day 46

My helper in action.

She's awesome. 

And can I just say how much I enjoy her company in my little sewing room? 

We end up having the best chats ever. ;)


Project Simplify - Day 45

Oh I had such excellent help - as always.  She clipped all the triangle allowances for me.

And there was only one oopsies. ;)

No worries, I had more fabric!


Project Simplify - Day 44

There is something so exciting to me about a whole bunch (I was going to say schwack ...) of cuts, just waiting to be sewn back together into something pretty.

Look at all these happy little soldier, just waiting for their marching orders ... straight to my sewing machine!

Ten HUT!  ONE, two, three, four.  ONE, two, three, four ...


Project Simplify - Day 43

Second last quilt.  Yikes, can you believe it?  I'm having so much fun I really don't want this project to end.  I wish there was a Simplfy:  Volume II book ...

And for all of you lovelies who asked what I'll do next (and for the few of you who informed me I have a social obligation to continue with my little monkey & organ-grinder side show here in blogland!), I really don't know yet.  I've been thinking about that a lot, but haven't come up with anything that really floats my boat, if you know what I mean.  I'm open to suggestions, though.

Kay.  "All in the Family".  I love this quilt.  I think mostly because Camille talks about her family's quilting heritage, which I sort of envy, since I have no quilting ancestors at all.  But I love that kind of stuff ... the passing on of skill and traditions and passions to the next generation.

So what fabric am I going to use?  Well, I tried really hard to use all of Roman Holiday for Spot On, but that didn't happen. ;) 

Let's try again, shall we?

I think I'm so determined to use Roman Holiday because a few years ago I made a quilt (I'll tell you about it another time, promise) and this was supposed to be the backing. 

That is until I was accidentally looking on eBay and found something I liked better for that quilt ...

(You can't honestly be surprised it's pink, can you?!)

Anyhow, I've had this huge backing all folded up waiting to be used.  It's time.


PS:  Anyone else still "La la la la-ing" along with Bert & Ernie?  My girls hit replay all afternoon yesterday ...


Project Simplify - Day 42

Here's our version of Happy-Go-Lucky.  We're calling it "Rolling Stones".  My helper has no clue who They are, nor does she know anything about not gathering moss.  But when I suggested the name she clapped her hands, pointed at me and shouted "Bingo!"  (I suspect she was simply tired of the whole naming exercise and just wanted to be done with it already ... apparently, our definitions of "fun" differ greatly.  Sigh.)

I've chosen an organization to give this quilt to for a fundraising event.  My brother-in-law is the music director for Orchestra Iowa and they have an annual Silent Auction fundraiser in November.  I'm very excited to contribute both the quilt & the pillow to help the arts.

My older daughter plays piano and the younger plays violin.  (Maybe it'd be more accurate at this stage to say they're taking lessons ... ;)

I took piano lessons growing up and feel strongly that learning music has far-reaching benefits.  I'm very lucky that I can offer the same opportunity to my girls.  Although I do have my days when I swear I'm gonna go all "Van Gogh" if I have to listen to "Twinkle Twinkle" one.more.time. ...!  kidding ;)

Now this quilt comes with a monogram option.  I love it and really wanted to include it.  But considering I'm donating this quilt and don't know the recipient I thought it best to leave it out.  It is a super cute thing to add, though.  I love personal touches like that.

Oh I almost forgot.  At one point during my 4-day marathon Stones FMQing, I was in my husband's office and noticed this:

Nearly peed my pants laughing! 


Alright.  Where are we in the Stash Redux department?

  • Yardage - 8.6 yds / 7.9 m
  • Weight - 2.1 lbs / .9 kg

For a grand total of:

  • Yardage - 59 yds / 54 m
  • Weight - 21.1 lbs / 9.8 kg


Only two more quilts left!


Project Simplify - Day 41

I have a confession to make 'cause I'm feeling a little guilty about this quilt.  I sort of cheated and ... well ... I didn't add the outer border.

But can I defend myself before you bring out the pitchforks & torches?


Defense #1:  This project is getting a wee bit on the expensive side - especially for batting.  And I had a piece of batting that was big enough for this quilt ... without the border.

Defense #2:  I only had two (ok ok, three) prints that would look good and I'm just not ready to part with them yet.  They are my all time favorite Japanese prints.  (I know that's so lame, but I just couldn't do it!)

I'm really sorry.

But I will argue that if you never saw the original quilt, you'd never know it was missing a border.  And plus, I think excluding a border can be a solution for other problems too.  So maybe if you're a quilter that fears deviating from a pattern, I've now given you permission to alter any design to suit you, no matter the reason.

So at the end of the day, I really love how this quilt looks - even without a border.

Am I forgiven? ;)


Project Simplify - Day 40

Also known as "the day she went and lost her mind ..."

Did you watch the video tutorial on how to do this FMQ design?  It does caution that it takes a long time to do and that it's best to just use it for small areas.  But I seem to have a little defiant streak in me that surfaces every once in a while when I'm not looking.  (Shhh, please don't tell my 8 year old - my credibility with her is hanging by a thread as it is!)  I thought if I made the Stones bigger, it'd go faster.

Yeah, TWELVE hours later ...

I think it's safe to say I have successfully nailed this design - as in slam dunk, wipe the floor and "you can kiss my grits" NAILED it!!!  (I don't usually talk smack, but you guys I'm feelin' so victorious!)

After 12 hours I should be able to do it in my sleep ... in fact I was.  I FMQed this quilt over a 4-day period.  One evening I was working on it for a few hours just before I went to bed ... my brain was making stone after stone after please-make-it-stop stone for a loooong time after I closed my eyes.

I straight-lined the inner border.  Wowzers, eh?. 

[singing]  "It's by blog and I will brag if I want to,

brag if I want,

brag if I want to ...

You would brag too if this happened to you!"  :)


And I only used two large pieces of fabric for the backing.

Oh sweet irony that I'm good at rocks.  How come I can't be totally awesome with flowers too?  This blog is called PRETTY by Hand, not ROCKS or CAVEMAN TOOLS or BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA WEAPON by Hand ...


Project Simplify - Day 39

My little helper was terrific sorting the block & middle fabrics for me.

She followed my rule about not using the same prints.  I also showed her that there were two main colors here:  browns & grays.  I showed her how it's nice to have a mix of brown/brown blocks, gray/gray blocks and brown/gray blocks. 

This is what happens when I'm not paying attention.

Aah, that's better! ;)

Some days I just need to do assembly line stuff.

Now all I need is a hot cup of Irish Breakfast tea (cream & sugar), iTunes and a few hours.  Hmmm, will it be the '80s (can't believe the kids are calling "Duran Duran" RETRO), '90s (I do love me some Depeche Mode) or Lady Gaga?


Project Simplify - Day 38

Oooh, I'm very excited about this palette.


I know.  It's a head-scratcher to me as well why I love these muddy, earthy, nature-inspired Japanese prints.  They're such a departure from my shabby chic, girly, pink, soft, pastel esthetic.  But I do love 'em.

I have a funny story for you about one of these fabrics.

I made Happy Hauntings by the lovely Verna Mosquera a few years ago in a lovely selection of Japanese fabrics.  This print was used for the skeleton:

Ever since then, I can't look at this print without thinking of bone marrow. 

I mean, come ON!  Doesn't this look like the holes in the middle of a bone?!

I've tried to use this fabric in a few projects, but I just keep seeing bone!  Has that ever happened to you - somehow getting a weird association with a print and then you can't NOT think about it?

But for this quilt, the little corner pieces are so small that the "marrow effect" won't be seen ... I hope! ;)


Project Simplify - Day 37

Happy-Go-Lucky is the name of this Chapter's quilt.  Camille writes that the name was inspired by her mood when she was making it.  Wonder if it will have the same effect on me. :)

Remember this "bruise" experiment from one of my Quilt Market bags?

Well, it inspired the fabric selection for this quilt (and the last pillow).

Even though I didn't like how they worked in the bag design, they were awesome in the pillow and I think they'll work great for this quilt.  I just need to add a really light print for the little corners, pull out the lightest ones because they'll blend too much with the light corners and choose one really dark print for the inner border.

These fabrics hit my radar about six years ago when the quilt shop where I worked got their first shipment of Lecien fabrics.  They were very different from anything else at the time.  Many of these very fabrics are from that first batch and I've been hoarding them ... waiting.  I've made several quilts for the shop with these fabrics, but nothing really for myself.


Project Simplify - Day 36

The last pillow for the week is called Happy-Go-Lucky and is based on the quilt from the next chapter. 

I was ready to tackle a new FMQ (free-motion quilting) design and thought what better way to practice than on a little pillow?


When I bought this book and became inspired to learm FMQing, one of the designs Camille mentions is called "Stones" (also known as Pebbles - I think the size determines the name) and she used it here.

Now, you may be surprised to learn this about me, but I tend to be quick to judge.  Sometimes a little too quick.  (That disturbance in the force you just felt was the collective eye-rolling & head-nodding by everyone who knows me well.)  I'm notorious for dismissing new things at first glance.  What can I say?  I'm a work in progress. ;)

See, I've seen Stones before and it doesn't really ring my bell.  I mean, it's rocks - not to be confused with "it rocks".  Rocks are rugged, hard, dirty and ... well ... they're just not what I would call pretty.  (Diamonds don't count, by the way.)  I remember thinking that in my mission to learn FMQing, I was NEVER doing Stones. 

Now, feeling a little sheepish, I confess that for some reason unbeknownst to me, I got the urge to try it.  Go figure.


Camille suggests starting out by practicing with pen & paper.  Kay. 

Fine.  Easy.  (Boring.)

I was always the student in class who would listen to the very beginning instructions and then miss everything else - usually important stuff - because I was so anxious to get going already!  (Then I'd get in trouble ... )


Practice with real fabric.  Oh goodie!

Attempt #1:

(Insert hysterical laughter here.  No, seriously, go ahead!  I let any pride fall away from me since the last time I tried a new FMQ technique.  I am now officially immune to abject humiliation.)

Clearly, I lost something from the pen to the needle.  Hmmm.  Let's look online for a video, shall we?

Ok.  Got it.  Avoid thread play (go over previous stitches EXACTLY). 

Attempt #2:

Hmmm.  Not much better. 

Let's watch the video, like, 20 more times...

Dude!  What happened?  Something just seems to have clicked here!  (Again, the trick for me is to SLOW DOWN.)

I'm telling you, making these Stones kinda freaks me out.  It's weird how it looks so ... organic ... and it just sorta ... happens.  Bizzare.  And yet very, very cool, I have to admit.

So here's the pillow.

Totally awesome, right?!

It did take quite a while to FMQ - almost 2 hours - an eternity compared to loops or a grid.  The lady in the video wasn't kidding when she said this design is best for SMALL areas. 

I guess rocks do rock after all!


Project Simplify - Day 35

Today's pillow is called Dream Big. 


When I was trying to decide on fabric for this pillow, it suddenly occurred to me - what would Project Simplify be without some Bonnie & Camille fabric?  Oh how I love that feeling when inspiration hits.  Sometimes it really does feel like lightning!

In fact, Lady Camille herself gave me this fabric at Market.  (My cup really does runneth over ...)


I adore making checkerboards.  And when I'm making something - either from a pattern or working freestyle - I always seem to look at fabrics as darks & lights.  Because this little baby charm pack didn't have enough squares for the pillow requirements, I thought I'd supplement with white. 

Ah, white.  I love white.  I really do.  I'd say 95% of the quilts I've ever made for myself have white in them.  (And the ones that didn't have white have all been given away!)  My kitchen is white, my bathroom is white, all the wood trim in my house is painted white, all my sheets & towels are white ... (I think you get the picture).

So here's "Little Ruby" ... on a white chair ...  ;)

By the way, if you didn't know, this line of fabric was named after Camille's grandmother.  Isn't that just the sweetest homage ever?  Telling me something like that when I have PMS can make me cry ... just sayin'.

I struggled a bit on the fabric for the inner border.  At first I wanted a nice vivid red.  But the truth is  A)  I would have had to butcher a FQ from my big Ruby bundle and  B)  I was already somewhat traumatized from using up my cutie little baby charm pack  (sniff ...)

Sorry, but I just wasn't emotionally ready for that.  ;) 

So white it is.  I honestly do like how it makes the checkerboard float.

I copied the top-stitching design idea from the book.  Super easy.  I think I like it because it's sort of a modern take on my (yawn) cross-hatch.

Have I become, like, so totally annoying with my cross-hatch this and cross-hatch that?  Sorry.  I guess I'm just so surprised at how limiting my "repertoire" was until I took on my FMQ challenge.

I mean, don't get me wrong.  I ADORE cross-hatching.  I really really do.  But because it was the ONLY thing I ever did, now that I'm trying out new things and learning FMQing, I feel a lovely sense of freedom, and ... choice.  That's it.  I have more options now.

Oh, and one more thing - you might want to check back here with me on Friday ... ;)


Project Simplify - Day 34

Pillow #2 is based on the "Coming Home" Quilt.

I had a few charm squares left over from the quilt and thought a pillow would make a nice compliment to the table topper (my helper has informed me she's keeping it ...)

I chickened out on the top-stitching (again) and did the 'ole cross-hatch.  But I regret it now.  Because the quilt & pillow don't have the same finish, they don't quite look like a set to me.

Oh well, they're so easy to make I'll do another one - properly, this time. :)

And I did my sneaky pieced back again.  It works like ... a charm! 

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)


Project Simplify - Day 33

Dear Readers,

This post originally contained the word "schwack".  Now, I grew up with the word meaning "lots and lots" and have used it often - with that definition - since I was a little girl.  But it was just brought to my attention that this word in the Urban Dictionary means something VERY different ... and offensive.  My deepest apologies if you thought I was being rude or disrepectful in any way.

Sincerely, K

          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Welcome to Pillow Week everybody!

I'm very excited  - 4 quick, easy & fun projects in one week so let's get started.

The first pillow is a derivative of the last quilt I made - "Spot On".

Now, I COULD have made this pillow with the same fabrics as the quilt, but I just so happened to have a HUGE pile of "Simplicity" (a line by 3 Sisters for Moda) charm squares that I knew would be perfect for this pillow and I'm ready to use up some of these squares I've been hoarding for - what - three years?  Four years?  Too long.

I fussy cut the middle circle - it says "Family". 

And I really liked doing the swirly twirly FMQ on this pillow.  (Yay me!)

I strayed from the instructions a little here so I could use up even more charm squares by piecing them together to make the pillow back. 

Notice how I matched the squares that overlap?  (S.M.R.T.  that's me!)

Hmmm, what else can I make with these pretty squares? 

Told ya I had a huge pile!


Project Simplify - Day 32

Okay.  It's official.  "Moonlight" is a keeper. 

Blue is his favorite color and there are soooo many pink & girly quilts in this house.  The guy deserves one that ... well ... he likes for reasons OTHER than because his wife made it.

So much for going traditional with this quilt ... despite using prints like a fine houndstooth, classic acanthus leaf, delicate florals and a sweet plaid, this quilt looks really modern to me. 

About the name - my helper & I talked about where you can draw inspiration from when choosing a name.  We focused on the colors & shapes.  I suggested "Arctic Circles", but she's only in Grade 2 and informed me that, "I haven't learned anything about that in school yet, Mummy."  Her sister suggested "Dancing Circles", but again the assistant explained to us - with all possible conviction of an 8 year old - that didn't make any sense AT ALL because the straight lines in the quilt would not allow any dancing to go on.  (I love hearing their thought processes .. kids are so funny!)

So "Moonlight" it is.

I had quite a bit more back-piecing to do for this one than the previous two Project Simplify quilts.  I just used up a bunch of fabric pieces that came in the "Glace" kit.  (Yay!)

Next week ... pillows!


Project Simplify - Day 31

I made a few last minute fabric changes with this quilt. 

First, I had to banish the paisley print.  This post I wrote a while back will explain why. 


Too bossy.

Second, I planned to use this pretty print for the border. 

I thought it would frame the quilt nicely.  But when I got to the border part, I found it too overpowering. 

The cream just looked waaay better.

Ya know, this is one of the things I love about quilting.  You start off thinking you're in charge, but somewhere along the way the quilt takes over and starts telling YOU what it wants to look like.  Then you have a choice: either obey the quilt and do what IT wants you to do, OR be stubborn, ignore it and then have it hate you for the rest of it's life (and you it). 

I have chosen wisely ...


Project Simplify - Day 30

Geez, I had a string of bad luck with this quilt!  (All me, NOT the book!)

First, my border piece was short by about 2 inches.   (Because I'm using yardage that may have been previously cut, sometimes I have to wing it.)

Then this ... my bobbins ran out with, what, 3 feet to go?

And this ... my binding was short by, what, an inch?

And then this!  What are the odds of a binding seam landing exactly on a corner? 

No, seriously.  Anyone know how to calculate odds?  Six seams, 4 corners, 280”  ...  I really want to know!

As you've probably noticed by now, I retreated to the safety of my boring cross-hatch topstitching for this quilt.  I know, I know.  But I really like how it compliments the diagonal sashing and contrasts with the circles.  Ok, plus I needed to soothe my ego a little after the last chapter. ;)  I promise to get back in the saddle for the next quilt.

I went with blue thread because I like how it gently pops on the cream background.  My other choice was cream thread, but then I'd have these weird lines - only in one direction - on the sashing. 

And red thread would have been too Amityville Horror for me.  (I read the book when I was about 13 ... I'm still traumatized!)


Project Simplify - Day 29

(Sigh.)  Time for a cup of tea ...

This happens to me once in a while when my hand accidentally moves the stitch selection wheel on my machine as I'm shoving a large quilt through.

I think there's a way I can lock the machine from doing this, but that would A) require me to remember how to do it or B) dig out my manual  ...

Me pick PINK! ;)