Project Simplify - Day 36

The last pillow for the week is called Happy-Go-Lucky and is based on the quilt from the next chapter.
I was ready to tackle a new FMQ (free-motion quilting) design and thought what better way to practice than on a little pillow?
When I bought this book and became inspired to learm FMQing, one of the designs Camille mentions is called "Stones" (also known as Pebbles - I think the size determines the name) and she used it here.
Now, you may be surprised to learn this about me, but I tend to be quick to judge. Sometimes a little too quick. (That disturbance in the force you just felt was the collective eye-rolling & head-nodding by everyone who knows me well.) I'm notorious for dismissing new things at first glance. What can I say? I'm a work in progress. ;)
See, I've seen Stones before and it doesn't really ring my bell. I mean, it's rocks - not to be confused with "it rocks". Rocks are rugged, hard, dirty and ... well ... they're just not what I would call pretty. (Diamonds don't count, by the way.) I remember thinking that in my mission to learn FMQing, I was NEVER doing Stones.
Now, feeling a little sheepish, I confess that for some reason unbeknownst to me, I got the urge to try it. Go figure.
Camille suggests starting out by practicing with pen & paper. Kay.
Fine. Easy. (Boring.)
I was always the student in class who would listen to the very beginning instructions and then miss everything else - usually important stuff - because I was so anxious to get going already! (Then I'd get in trouble ... )
Practice with real fabric. Oh goodie!
Attempt #1:
(Insert hysterical laughter here. No, seriously, go ahead! I let any pride fall away from me since the last time I tried a new FMQ technique. I am now officially immune to abject humiliation.)
Clearly, I lost something from the pen to the needle. Hmmm. Let's look online for a video, shall we?
Ok. Got it. Avoid thread play (go over previous stitches EXACTLY).
Attempt #2:
Hmmm. Not much better.
Let's watch the video, like, 20 more times...
Dude! What happened? Something just seems to have clicked here! (Again, the trick for me is to SLOW DOWN.)
I'm telling you, making these Stones kinda freaks me out. It's weird how it looks so ... organic ... and it just sorta ... happens. Bizzare. And yet very, very cool, I have to admit.
So here's the pillow.
Totally awesome, right?!
It did take quite a while to FMQ - almost 2 hours - an eternity compared to loops or a grid. The lady in the video wasn't kidding when she said this design is best for SMALL areas.
I guess rocks do rock after all!

Reader Comments (15)
Well the whole thing rocks as far as I'm concerned!!
It is a brilliant effect. Congrats on another great cushion and the colours in this one rock too. :)
Vivienne x
You're so brave to try the pebbles/stones! I haven't tried that one yet, mainly because I've heard tales of how stinkin' long it takes to quilt. I might try it in a few small sections on one of my next projects. The effect on your neutral fabrics is quite striking!
I really like the pebble quilting on that pillow......I think because the colors of the pillow are like sand and the beach. Great job and I give you huge kudos for trying something new and out of your comfort zone!
Aaaah, I get what you said about me liking this pillow, I'll have to show it to my hubby and see if he gets it! By the way, your finished pillow looks so awesome, I love your fabric choices. Honestly, the stones/pebbles is the perfect FMQing for the design and the fabric....Love it!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who didn't master FMQ the first time I ever tried it! :) Your finished pillow is fantastic tho - and the stones look great on your natural toned fabric... best rock to lay your head on ever :)
Awesome! I must of sat next to you in school.....I too was the kid that would hurry to start the test, task, painting...because I could NOT be slowed down by listening to ALL of the directions before starting.
Miss Impatience is my nickname. It suits me well. ;0
Laughing hysterically. Note to self: avoid pebble FMQ on my quilt! Yours turned out beautifully - kudos!!!
I am thoroughly enjoying reading your blog. Pebble quilting is super cool, but like you said, it takes FOREVER. I finished a full size quilt top and had no clue how to quilt it and decided “hmmm, I should do that pebble quilting, it looks so cool!” And I started on this big quilt, well 6 months later or something, I finished it. Here is my post:
I wish I would have known to do it on a pillow first :D
Oh, I forgot to say I LOVE your pillow, the fabrics are great, it looks all natural-istic and stuff :) Great job!
Your pillow is so beautiful!!! And thanks for the vidoe. I have to admit that I never did FQM buthey perhaps I have to give it a try;-)
Totally awesome is right! Good job! Way to go! Whoo!Whoo!Whoo!
I'm loving this Project Simplify too. :)
You and me could be sisters,, I never read instructions, life's too short and anyway how hard can it be! and I do not like pebbles, the only difference is I haven't mastered pebbles - yet....but yours looks really good so I may just have a go....... Linda
Wow! That's pretty impressive. Good for you for sticking with it. Thanks for the video link too -- it was really interesting! (Btw, I noticed the lady in the video used the term and you did too -- what does it mean to say something is "very organic". I thought that was just a term used for the way food is grown. I've missed something in the new movement....)
I love your blog, you are soooo me! My motto is "when something doesn't work THEN read the instructions" LOL. I have "Simplify" winging it's way to me here in Australia, looking forward to reducing my stash as well.
An enjoyable post - I must go and do some pebbles!