Project Simplify - Day 33

Dear Readers,
This post originally contained the word "schwack". Now, I grew up with the word meaning "lots and lots" and have used it often - with that definition - since I was a little girl. But it was just brought to my attention that this word in the Urban Dictionary means something VERY different ... and offensive. My deepest apologies if you thought I was being rude or disrepectful in any way.
Sincerely, K
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Welcome to Pillow Week everybody!
I'm very excited - 4 quick, easy & fun projects in one week so let's get started.
The first pillow is a derivative of the last quilt I made - "Spot On".
Now, I COULD have made this pillow with the same fabrics as the quilt, but I just so happened to have a HUGE pile of "Simplicity" (a line by 3 Sisters for Moda) charm squares that I knew would be perfect for this pillow and I'm ready to use up some of these squares I've been hoarding for - what - three years? Four years? Too long.
I fussy cut the middle circle - it says "Family".
And I really liked doing the swirly twirly FMQ on this pillow. (Yay me!)
I strayed from the instructions a little here so I could use up even more charm squares by piecing them together to make the pillow back.
Notice how I matched the squares that overlap? (S.M.R.T. that's me!)
Hmmm, what else can I make with these pretty squares?
Told ya I had a huge pile!

Reader Comments (10)
Wow, love your pillow! Done it a few while ago but with Bliss and in green fabrics for friends. They love their pillow to;-) And your FMQ looks perfect. Go on.
Your pillow is so pretty and feminine and the quilting looks great! Keep up the good work.....
Goodness Kristyne, you don't hang about, do you!! Another beauty. :)
Vivienne x
Beautiful! ;0
Do you ever sleep? Lovely pillow (Ialthough to me it is a cushion!). Now I am wondering what the awful meaning of the word is!
Some people get offended so easily and they just like to stir up trouble. That word schwack, in this QUILTING blog, should in no way have offended anyone! Because I too, have a schwack load of the same fabric that I love.
Anyways, I love your blog and I love those pillows. Maybe I should start letting my 5 year old trace out some I dare let her into my studio, my sacred, safe, quiet, haven?????
You have nothing to worry about and you did nothing wrong to apologize for. Since when is the Urban Dictionary the authority? LOL. You can look up tons of words in that dictionary that have a completely different meaning than they do in Webster's. Don't worry about a thing!
I have schwacks and schwacks of fabric in my sewing room, too! I have never heard that expression, but I gotta tell you that in quilting language, it was very easy to figure out what you were saying. Good grief, who cares what the Urban Dictionary says is the meaning! I wonder what this dictionary lists as the meaning of quilting.....old gray ladies sitting in wooden chairs with a needle and thread??? Keep on working with the schwack of fabric you have, Kristyne, you are creating beautiful things that your family and others will enjoy. I sure like looking at your projects and find a lot of inspiration in what you do!
You're hysterical. S.M.R.T. and Beautiful!!!
Gorgeous. Love the pieced back.