Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 18

Yellow & Blue
Yep. More yellow. :)
#15 Buzzard's Roost
I think of one thing and one thing only when I hear the word "Buzzards" ... dating my husband.
No, it's not like THAT. He wasn't some half-dead carcass I was circling. We started dating in high school ... well, HE was still in high school ... I was in University. That's right, I got me a younger man. ;) But I've always looked really young for my age and people used to think he was dating "jail-bait". Tee hee!
In fact, when we went out for our 15th wedding anniversary earlier this year, I ordered a beer and was asked to produce my ID! It's been years since I stopped taking my wallet when I go out with him. (He never lets me drive when he's in the vehicle ... can't really blame him, can you?) But the waitress actually sent the manager over to make sure I was "legal". For the love of all things holy, there's just NO WAY I look under 21 - hair color can only work so much magic. It was kinda nice, though. :)
Anyhow, the point - that has taken me 2 paragraphs to get to - is that one of our favorite places to go when we were dating was a pub called "Buzzards". Good times. :)
#12 Broken Sugar Bowl
I gotta use more of this blue! It's tricky because this print is a rather large scale floral and I have to be careful cutting little pieces.
Super happy, isn't it?! I think I'm getting over my yellow thing. ;)

Reader Comments (17)
These colors remind me a little of my favorite painting - Starry Night! These are really going to pop with the others! Three cheers for looking young!!! :)
lol because:
1) i was in the same situation with my hubby. he's 2 yrs younger than me. i told him i am NOT going to a prom. i've graduated already.
2) sunscreen is the miracle fountain of youth. you've protected your skin and now you look very, very young!
3) tweezer. isn't unfair that we have to pluck old age off of our faces. there must be an easier way!
4) love, love, love the yellow and blue
Well no I don't blame him for driving!! A 'toy boy' no less, we learn something new about you Kristyne every day! ;)
Love the colours today. :)
Vivienne x
Your pretty blocks are winning me over to yellow! Malcolm is just a month older than me (it's my birthday on Sunday, yippee) ....... but of course with thanks to my wonderful hairdresser I look years younger, with not a grey (or white) hair to be seen!!
perfect as ever! such beautiful colours. I have some binding to attach and then I think I can get my wadding sorted and backed!
Very pretty.
I know what you mean about the looking young. Me too. I'm 33 now and they only just stopped asking me for ID about 2 years ago. Very awkward when you think you don't need to carry it anymore.
Does that make you a cougar??? ;-D
LoveLoveLove that yellow and blue!!!
I've been following your blog for just a couple of weeks (thanks to Camille for the link!) I really enjoy your writing and love your quilts. The yellow blocks are so pretty and I was wondering: could you give us some tips on how you get your seams and points to line up so perfectly? I'm a fairly new quilter and spend so much time trying to get things to line up....then I sew the seam, turn it over and....oh no! I'm off by a quarter inch!
I love yellow! It's so hard to find in fabric, though. Yellow and orange - never the right shade and not enough out there. Nice blocks and cute story. This block will always remind you of good times!
When your pictures loaded, I thought, "what happy blocks!" I had to laugh when I saw you said the same thing at the end of your post! I'm loving your blocks and can't wait to see how it will all come together!
OH COME ON. YOU'RE KILLING ME. Circling your husband. DYING OVER IT.
I have a younger husband as well. Although I waited till he was out of high school. Well met him much later but whatever.
so tell me, and I think you owe me now for cracking me up so much, what's the yellow with the roses in the center of that buzzard block. I actually think it looks a little crab like but again, what do I know.. oldlady-no-one-is-carding.
You're so funny and clever and I love those blocks.
I have a younger husband also. Only by like 2 months but he loves to rub it in my face. So I'm totally in love with your blog. And your fabric stash has me super jealous, it's so pretty. You are very talented. I'm loving see everybody's farmer's wife quilt blocks. Wish I would have gotten in on this one, now............I'm like what 19 weeks too late. Oh well. Thanks for sharing all your talents!!!
lurve yellow and blue, very patriotic Otago colours!! Nothing wrong with looking younger, one day you will be very glad that you do... as for younger men - well you just gotta have one!!
Respect for catching a young man;-) About the Id thing: nearly every time I'm playing lottery they're asking about my ID. In germany you've to be 18 (not 21 as in USA) which mean I'm looking like ... 17? BTW I'll hit 30 next year! Funny isn't it?
For your blocks: simply as that: I LOVE them! Alll of them;-)
Soo sunny made me smile on abad day love them xxx
Hugs vikki
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blocks! Maybe because yellow has always been a favorite color of mine. Thanks for showing them.
so pretty. love the color combinations.