Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 30

Wait for it ...
Red, White & GREEN!
Last time ... promise. ;)
#65 - Peaceful Hours
With a name like that I prob'ly shoulda made this block with blues and/or grays. But I just kept seeing a wreath so I went with it.
And how perfect is that fussy cut design in the middle? Doing the happy dance over that one!
#86 - Squash Blossom
I was seriously tempted to use orange fabric for this block. You know me and my tendency to interpret things literally. I kept thinking zucchini.
But since there is no orange in the Flower Sugar fabric lines, I settled for red.
Hmmm ... maybe I shoulda gone with yellow instead. But at this point I really can't be bothered to remake this block so red it shall stay.
Does anyone happen to know if there is such a thing as a squash with a red blossom? I might sleep better at night knowing one really does exist.

Reader Comments (14)
Love the blocks and the fussy cut centre in peaceful hours is wonderful!
Love them both! The green wreath in Peaceful Hours is wonderful. And I like red flowers better than orange!
Christmas blessings to you and your family.
Well I'm not sure if this qualifies but here's a Red Squash Blossom
Peaceful Hours...sigh! It's beautiful! What a perfect Christmas week block! I love that you went with your first thought and made it a wreath. :)
I love the wreath! The green is perfect. I Googled red squash blossom - apparently it's jewelry.
Of COURSE there is! It's the Santa Squash....the Who in Whoville love to eat it. Now you can sleep tonight! ;p
Wonderful blocks ... again!
What an accurate piece of fussy cutting - you have such an eye for these little details!
Love the green squash blossom with red center! The squash blossom can also be a traditional Navajo necklace made of silver and turquoise... and turquoise comes in blue, green and white. This exact pattern appears all over the Southwest US. So this can be like a piece of jewelry for your quilt!
I'm enjoying the red, white, and green! You can keep these coming!
You are amazing -- in the midst of last-minute Christmas rush, you still keep on task! Beautiful job, as always.
Beautiful. I haven't attempted either block. Perhaps in the New Year.
Lovely as always! Your quilt is going to be amazing.
These are great as usual. I especially like your peaceful hours block. And as for the squash blossom... I could dye one red if that'd help :)