Felt Christmas Tree Part Deux

Ok. GUESS what I did this weekend ...
Red WITH Bow,
Cream WITH Bow,
Cream WITHOUT Bow.
Altogether now ... just in case you think I was only messing around with Photoshop ... which I'm not even capable of doing ... on account of my technical incompetence and all ...
Tangent Alert!
I went out with friends a few weeks ago and I was going to be late so I needed one of their cell #s to call when I was on my way. How do you think I "entered" the number into my cell phone?
I wrote it on a sticky note and stuck it to my phone.
No joke. I know, it's pretty sad. But I hope it makes me appear more charming, less pathetic.
Second Tangent Alert!
So, I was in high school in the mid-80s and I worked at a Laura Ashely store all through the 90s so it's pretty safe to say that bows are in my blood. In fact, I bet if you look at my DNA under a microscope, you wouldn't find a double helix,
you'd see a garland of bows. ;)
That said, as I get older my taste is migrating slowly away from the fussy & frilly to more understated forms of pretty.
But if you ask me if I prefer the bow or the no-bow version of this tree, I'm gonna have to sit comfortably on the fence.

Reader Comments (39)
I vote for cream with bow, but they're all pretty!
I agree. Cream with bow. So, so charming!
All of them are lovely, but my favourite is cream with the bow. Happy Holidays!
I might have to ask you to move over on the fence so I could sit beside you!
Just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed your blog since I found you sometime this year. Hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas.
I vote for BOWS!!!! any color will do!
Well, my vote was for no bow. But in the cream color...can I change my mind? The cream bow wins! They are all beautiful! :)
Love them! The no bows are lovely, and I would choose them... if I hadn't seen the bow ones. I really love them! I think you're a little crazy for making 4 of these. I can't stand making more than one of anything! :) Good for you!
well, I like them all but I particularly like the cream ribbon...with the bow of course! They look wonderful!
I'm lovin' the cream bow...just ordered me an ornament kit from Alicia and I can't wait to get it so I can get started! :) Merry Christmas!
Oh how beautiful your tree is, I'm going to have to make a vote and say the tree with the cream bow....but they all look fab!
They are all gorgeous, but I'd have to say that red bow is my fave =)
Love the bows especially the cream
I'm going to have to come round and change the way they are hung - -they need alternate, rather than red on one side eand cream on the other!! Apart from that, they are lovely! Glad to know that their is someone worse than me with techno stuff - at least I can programme numbers into my phone!
Definitely cream with the bow! Thanks for sharing, these are just beautiful!
Some of my best work was done while I was on a tangent....I attribute it to QADD. Yes, I have quilter's attention deficiet disorder and there is no cure. I embrace my 'differentness' and go for it! ;p
They all look lovely :) and yes its addictive!
I vote for the Cream with BOW. But honestly I think they all look amazing! You such an amazing job with everything you touch. I am going to try and snag a kit for next year if she does get them back in stock. I really love them and they fit with my house because I live on 9 acres of woods. =)
Merry Christmas!
Cream with the bow definitely! I liked the red bow when you first showed them, but now that I've seen the cream, that's the one! I love those trees. I may have to figure out home to make some like that.
I'm also on the fence...and I wish these were on my tree!!
they are all very cute.
I have to say I've never in my life had any desire to make felt ornaments until now! Thanks a lot!
Love the trees....ALL of them!
You may call yourself a fence sitter on the bow issue, but you're absolutely amazing when it comes to "gettin' 'er dun"! You always seem to surprise and delight all of us who adore following your GREAT blog w/something unexpected like FOUR TREES, FOUR DIFFERENT WAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUSIEST TIME OF THE YEAR! Yes, I'm yelling. But it's all praises. Merry Christmas to you and your family and loved ones. And thank you for bringing such delight into our lives. We love ya!
I love the creme with the bow! It's soooo gorgeous and elegant looking. I can't believe you made all of those... I need an ounce of your determination to finish some of my projects! I love your blog.
I would take any one of them! So lovely!!! How did you get it all done so fast? I originally voted no bow,but now Iam in the cream with bow camp!!! Beautiful work as usual!
Okay. You really made me laugh. I, too, do the post-it note on cell phone trick. Makes perfect sense to me -- much easier than figuring out how to enter the number in my phone's address book.
ALL the tree ornaments look great. And your blocks from yesterday are beautiful.
Cream with bow is my favorite! And you are such a crowd pleaser :) Thanks for sharing.
your too cute! I vote cream bow! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, I have so enjoyed reading you blog!
I love your trees, all are cute, but I especially like the one with the red bow. I am slowly working on the gingerbread girl from the Ice Skating Memories kit...these kits are a lot of fun to work on.
Cream with the bow.... but I do love them all! Your hand work is beautiful!!!! :O)
ps... yes... post it note on phone... yes!~!!!!!! You ARE a kindred spirit!
Your trees are beautiful and I like them both ways.
Would you be able to post the instructions and patterns please. Thank you.
Thanks so very much for the info.