Felt Christmas Deer

Ok. This post might make you think I'm totally off my rocker. But I'm normal in other ways - as in I sleep with my eyes closed and put my pants on one leg at a time - so please forgive me, kay?
When I added the beads & sequins & embroidery knots to the tree, I simply eyeballed as suggested in the pattern. No problem. They're just randomly fallen snowflakes, right?
But the spots on the deer ... well, I don't like freestyling these sorts of embroidery details. And you know how I don't like my embroidery markings to show.
This is a little trick I learned from watching my mom back in the 70's when she was making what I thought was a seriously ugly brown & orange & yellow sunflower crewelwork that hung in our decidedly 70's era diningroom (complete with mirror-tiled accent wall!)
Sorry, I digress. Where was I?
Oh yes, trick.
First I trace the embroidery details onto a scrap of tissue paper.
See? I include the outline of the deer so I can line it up with the felt.
Next I pin the tissue to the felt, lining up the outline.
Then I start stitching through the tissue.
And then when all the embroidery was done I GENTLY tear the tissue away. (Sometimes tweezers help to get the little bits out.)
Oh, but I'm ok eyeballing the sequins once all the other stitching was done.
Go figure.
These gorgeous felt ornaments are by Alicia Paulson of the wonderful blog Posie Gets Cozy.

Reader Comments (13)
What you did with a tissue I normally do with greaseproof paper.You can see through and rip it of easily. Also a good way to sew patterns because you don't have to draw the pattern on the fabric just sew on the paper. Why do it the hard way, right;-)
I literally dreamed about your felt ornaments last night....well that and on ultrasound, they saw my baby's eyes glowing evil red, but anyhow, back to the ornaments...they are sooooo precious! Darn, I may have to copy your onc again and order some up. I saw the most amazing hand made felt ornaments in a local store, and while expensive, I didn't buy them as I'd rather make them myself. They're more special that way =)
Can't wait to see the completed deer, but it will have to go some to be better than the tree. I love that tree!
Thank you for a wonderful tip! This is my first embroidery project, and I was just thinking last night about how I would want to transfer the details. Your way wins, hands down! :)
I've used paper for machine quilting patterns, but wouldn't have thought of using the technique for hand embroidery, so thanks for the tip!
I missed yesterday's post so I have to say it here - OH MY WORD I LOVE IT!!!! and Iove the 2011 tag :-)
You have totally inspired me to start embroidering! I love your daisy chain and now your ornaments...wow. So thank you for sharing what you have made and who made the ornament kits...I'm off to get one now. :) Merry Christmas...
I love using tissue paper to get something spot on without marking the fabric but I haven't used it in a while - thanks for the reminder! Oh, and I love the deer's sparkly backside!
I wish I had that tiny butt...then i could wear sequins for the holidays. Big sigh. ;p
Lovely as always!
Slightly off topic - I have just used your method of satin stitch of outlining with back-stitch first. And it worked beautifully - normally I try to avoid satin stitch, but I won't have to anymore!
Love it!!! Great idea using the tissue! Thank you for the tip! And... come to think of it... kinda like the cream/white idea for the ribbon/bow... ;oD very snow in the forest like..... beautiful work! Thanks for the tip - will look for a kit next year!
Yay for the bows!!!!
V x
The ornaments are all adorable. Congrats. And, I voted for the bow. It just added something.