Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
I've never participated in a Block of the Month Club. Ever. In 25 years of quilting. Can you believe that?
I've watched many a BOM Club project unfold - from a safe distance. Some even start out promising. Really promising. But just when I think I'll jump onboard, a super ugly block and/or fabric shows up and I turn and run for the hills, thanking my lucky stars that I escaped unharmed. I chalk it up to an (un)healthy dose of "perfectionism" (or control-freak-ism ... whichever you prefer. I'll admit to both).
I started one once - about 15 years ago. The first block had a white background. But then the next one had a cream background. Couldn't do it. So I quit.
If I'm gonna spend that much time on a quilt, I want to like it when it's done. I don't want to make (yet another) quilt I can't stand and then end up giving it to my brother who lives in a cabin in the woods ... where no one who knows me will see it. Ever. Because it's so ugly.
(No, he's not the unabomber. He owns a ski lodge/touring company for extreme skiiers. And his "cabin" is a pretty nice lodge ... )
See, I've long referred to myself as a "Line Whore" - meaning I'm most comfortable making quilts with fabrics that are all from the same designer/collection.
I know, I know. Some quilters think that's a lazy/boring way to sew. I understand. And I deeply respect those who can throw fabrics from here and there and everywhere into a quilt and have it be the most stunning thing EVER. I envy that skill. But I can't help it. I've just made too many costly mistakes and I'm very gun shy about experimenting.
Told ya ... perfectionism at its worst. :(
Well, I finally found a BOM - "Mystery" no less - that I'm excited to do. It uses a TO-DIE-FOR fabric line ...
I mean, come ON. HOW can you NOT love Strawberry Fields by Fig Tree?
And with blocks designed by super awesomely nice & talented ladies like these?
Can't go wrong. :)
This Club started in June but I'm a little behind because I entered my address wrong when I signed up online (graying hair strikes again!) with the Fat Quarter Shop and ... long story short, I got my first block & finishing kit 3 months late.

And the ladies at Fat Quarter Shop were so nice about it too. (Thank you, Cheryl!) :)

The best thing about this BOM for me? I joined with a friend of mine. We got together a few days ago to play catch up. She was nice and waited for my stuff to arrive in the mail.
I have good friends. ;)
Oh, and the OTHER best thing about this project? We split a fat quarter bundle ... in case we screw up.
Any excuse to buy more fabric, right?! (Although it's possible I threatened her into the joint purchase).
But I'm finding that the fabric provided in the monthly kits seem to be VERY generous so we probably didn't really NEED the extra fabric. (Since when did I ever worry about NEED?) tee hee
Block #1 - by Bonnie of Cotton Way & Camille of Thimbleblossoms
Block #2 by Pam of Heartspun Quilts
Block #3 by Carrie of Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.
These blocks were fun to make ... but at 12" they are positively GINORMOUS next to all my little 4.5" FWQAL blocks!