And the Winner of This Quilt is ...

... the highest bidder. That bidder could be you!
A very good friend of mine – Lani Donaldson – is hosting her 2nd Annual Fundraiser for Literacy (a cause close to my heart as a mom of a dyslexic daughter who struggled to learn how to read. I’m happy to report that because of her experience with Beacon Literacy she’s a very active member of her Grade 4 Reading Club!). I wanted to donate something for the Silent Auction portion of the event so here’s what I did.
As a quilter, I a) am always looking for quick patterns to make and b) have lots of fabric that’s been in my stash for far too long waiting to be made into something pretty.
I came across this fun pattern for a throw-sized quilt in my newest and favorite book (see sidebar on right).
I thought it would look great made with these beautiful Japanese prints.
I enlisted my helper to sort the block fabrics. She named them (L to R) “Black Leaves, Paris, Dots & Green Fern”.
Paris is my favorite – I have a thing for fabric with words, especially vintage-looking script. (Did you notice it in my blog banner?) I also thought it was appropriate, considering the cause. :)
And now for my embarrassing confession: I can’t do free-motion quilting. I took a class on it about 20 years ago, but at the time I had a really crappy sewing machine and the results were frustrating, to say the least. I’ve never really tried since. (If I can't do something well on the first or second try, I tend to give up. I know, it's totally immature.) So all my quilts are top-stitched with either a crosshatch or in-the-ditch. That may seem kinda boring. But in my oh-so-humble opinion, you can NEVER go wrong with the classic crosshatch. It always reminds me of Chanel.
In the interest of using fabric economically, I (almost) always piece my backs. It gives a quilt that one-of-a-kind touch. In this case, I had a large piece of brown that obviously had been used for bias binding so it was missing a big corner. Ta da!
Even though these colors aren’t typically me, I love this quintessentially Japanese palette - all earthy, natural, easy to live with colors. My goal was to make a quilt with broad appeal to really get those bids up!
So if you want to own this original, handmade quilt please get tickets for this fabulous event and bid on it. If this quilt isn't your thing (how could it NOT be?!), I'm sure you'll find another treasure at the auction.
Take someone special out for a wonderful evening (May 6th, 2011). You’ll be glad you did!
PS: If you aren't able to attend but are interested in bidding, please leave me a comment. I can bid on your behalf and then ship it to you!
Reader Comments (1)
Kristyne, I adore your new banner. Actually, all things I've seen here are very inspiring. Lovely place to come to.
Wishes of many successes to come your way.
Your fellow BYW student - Gosia