I Wonder ...

if I will ever stop running over pins with my sewing machine. Even after countless broken needles and pins ... and a bad accident which required an emergency (& expensive) trip to the repair man a few years ago, I still keep stitching right over them.
Hope you have a great weekend! The weatherman is talking about snow next week here in my neck of the woods ... guess it's time to stock up on hot chocolate and mini marshmallows ... (just looking for a silver lining here ...). ;)

Reader Comments (21)
Blair was spreading nasty little rumors last night about the S word. Ugh, can't say I'm excited about the white stuff so early. ps I broke 3 needles yesterday in 1.5 hours of sewing. Glad I'm not alone in needle breaking/pin bending =0
SNOW ALREADY???!!! Sorry. That just evoked a really emotional response.
Happy Weekend!!! :)
Snow!!! So soon. :(
I think your little pin looks quite pretty ~ like a little flower! :)
Happy weekend K,
V x
I used to have that problem alot when I used those flower pins. I stopped using them when I sew. I bought a package of ultra fine pins and I have never had a problem since. They are on the notions wall vs the Quilting section and they are made by dritz (I believe). Super thin pins that allow me to run over them with no harm. Now my problem is that I find pins in my pieces when I iron. But that, I can live with! LOL!
Hope the snow moves away!
Oh my gosh, where on earth do you live? It is predicted to be 100 degrees for the next three days here where I am. No, it isn't Hades, just a really hot part of California!
I sew over pins all the time. I try to remind myself to go slow, but sometimes I get carried away and plow right over them.
I normally don't use pins when I'm sewing. I topstich the partI want to fit, look if it's good and neat, and then sew the whole piece.
And your weatherman already speaking of snow? Is he Santa? (he ... hehe) Here in Munich we just have Oktoberfest and rumor has it there's a gentelmen agreemnt between the operaters and the weather god ... works so far;-9
Have a great snowfree weekend, Hildy
Awww! And it was a cute flower pin, too! :( SNOW?!?!?!?!?? Holy cow! It's only supposed to be 87°F today in Texas! I don't think we'll be seeing snow any time soon! (We DO get a bit 2-3 times a year...)
As a canadian, with many months of winter ahead of me, your mention of the "s" word made me shiver...yet another year of my life I am not looking forward to it...reminding ourselves of the silver linings are the only way to get through it. And as for running over pins...I do it all the time! :)
Hope the weatherman is wrong! have a lovely weekend.
DAMN! On both counts of: running over pins and snow. bummer on both counts! ;p
I usually run over the flower part of the pins then have to cut them free. One day I'll learn. I hope.
If you're expecting snow, that means it's not far off for me. The nights are getting cold enough but maybe I'm anticipating that white stuff. :D
Oh, thanks for the reminder of hot chocolate and mini marshmellows. Yum!
Oh dear. I managed to break a needle last week by running over a pin. It got so jammed in the bottom compartment (through the fabric) that I didn't think I was going to be able to get it out by myself.
I haven't knowingly ran over any for ages, but had all sorts of needle type emergencies in the sewing room this week. The straight stitch made a horrid sound, I thought I had hit a pin (sounded like it) but I didn't have pins in the item......needle broke, bobbin casing has been cranky since. The serger decided it wouldn't sew with red thread. Looper thread broke multiple times, both needles broke, and I finally switched to a dark wine color thread, new needles and it has been sewing since. Go figure. I'll just tell clients I don't do red! :)
Wow - that is one bent pin.... I keep hearing that we shouldn't sew over our pins... but I keep doing it too - I don't think I've ever hit one at least if I have it hasn't broken... I try to remove as I go but I still sew over them when they are holding seams together - I just like things to butt up against each other as best they can.... and did you say SNOW! I would love to start the pellet stove and crank up the tea kettle... hot cocoa and mini marshmallows sounds wonderful! :o) (and a big squirt of whipped cream!)
I've been working on some highly patterned fabric that pins seem to just love hiding in. No matter how much I try, I always end up with a few getting through. I must say, though. I never managed to get one into that shape! That would have definitely sent my machine to the shop.
oh Kristyne,I blame it on the Flower pinw, They give me headaches, I use a much finer pin now thw quilt shop recommends, I will look up the inof and post it nest time,/clotilde sells them also. If the pin is in straight,you can sew over them with no proble. I have different pins for differestn projects,fabrics. Flower pins are for fleece to me. they feel like nails after ising the other pins. We all have sewn over pins, part of life I guess. Now snow,taht is another story!!
I sew over pins most of the time too! But I've been using really fine pins for dressmaking and now I rarely bend a pin (or break a needle). Yeah! It's time for hot chocolate here in northern AB - temperatures dropping to singe digits next week. Which means it's also time to bake apple pies. But the leaves are turning right now - so beautiful.
I sew over pins most of the time too! But I've been using really fine pins for dressmaking and now I rarely bend a pin (or break a needle). Yeah! It's time for hot chocolate here in northern AB - temperatures dropping to singe digits next week. Which means it's also time to bake apple pies. But the leaves are turning right now - so beautiful.
I purchased Wonder Clips yesterday and I love them already! This will cut down on the pricking, bent pins, bent needles, and pain to my fingers and sewing machine. I hate getting pricked then having to find a band aid before I ruin fabric with my blood.
Kristyne and others, Ihave my package of wonderful little pins in front of me and I will write what is on the package. I sew over them all the time,never a problem if they are in perpendicular to the raw edge where you are sewing. Pointing toward the raw edge.
IBC brand
1 3/8" Sharp
250 to a box
Steel Shaft
Item # 215003
Clotilde USA
mine is price marked from quilt shop,$7,50 for 250,white head on it.
These fine pins slide in and out like butter! I keep all pinsof the same kind in seperate pincushions. Not one pin is good for all my opinion. flower haead pins are for fleece and other crafty things. Too coarse for me,do not glide into fabric well.
i looked for this item on the Clotilde site, I see the item # is different,but other information is the same,I am thinking,the new item could be glass heads, looks like the same item however if it matters to anyone.
Where are you girl? I'm needing a Pretty fix! I hope all is well.