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My Victorian Strawberries Scissor Keep

There was a special reason I used this pretty strawberry fabric for my biographical embroidery/quilt project.

(By the way, a few of you asked about this fabric - it's Lecien's Old/New 30's collection from last year.  It's hard to find, but this Japanese fabric is similar and equally adorable.)

I didn't choose it just because it's pretty and it suited the quilt. 

The main reason is this ...

... a scissor keep I made for myself 12 years ago.

The kit was a gift from one of my oldest and dearest friends who thought of me when she saw it while on a British holiday.  She found it in the gift shop of a castle.

Now, I wouldn't call myself a royal watcher or anything, but I do enjoy British history ... especially when it's spoon fed to me in the form of terrific movies like this one.  And I've only ever been across the pond once - 10 memorable days in London, England (in 1994).  Plus I can boast British lineage (surnames such as Ferguson and Bowes are found in my family tree).  So I was particularly attracted to the story behind this pretty design.

I want to visit the Museum of London ...

just to see the slippers for myself.


It's on my bucket list.

PS:  I learned how to make tassels from my macrame days in 8th Grade with Miss Moody ... the scariest teacher ever ... think Robert De Niro at his most intimidating - but as a very short woman with horn-rimmed glasses, no makeup and the most sensible haircut one could have without being in the army.  And she always made a point of bringing her prized Doberman Pinchers to school during the first week to set the tone in her classroom.  Like that kind of scary ... the kind of scary that made even the worst kids keep silent as church mice when she left the room for 10 minutes to soothe her nicotine craving. 

But I digress (again).  My point is that Miss Moody taught me how to macrame and it was - hands down - my favorite school option of all time!  I made some impressive plant hangers back in the day and finishing them off with a tassel was the best part.

PPS:  Please notice how I'm already making good use of my recent Ikea score ...

I'm usually not very good at this sort of thing so I'm feeling particularly smug today. ;)

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Reader Comments (4)

Do you know that for the last 12 hours, while I haven't been asleep, I've been pursing my lips and trying to say your last name... and cracking myself up... baboon... bahahaha... ok - on to this post... ROFLOL... sorry I just cannot get yesterday's off my mind... hee... the strawberry keep is sweet - and I loved the story behind it - and I would love to see those slippers too! I bet they are exquisite - like your work! And I am proud of you for branching out and making good use of your IKEA purchase... I guess it is lucky for my hubby that we don't have one here! I'd like to go to one someday! Have a great weekend! (can't get Hey Jude off my mind either ... all I see is a baboon muzzle and a silent Hey Jude... kegels... snort... ROFLOL

September 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo

Aren't strawberries the best friuts ever? And isn't that an image? Quenn Victoria with a cup of tea in her hand and in her strawberry slippers ... perhaps she's still walking the floors of Buckingham Palace in this outfit, hehe. Now that's an image. Hildy

September 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHildy

I'm a hige royal watcher and love anything British ! Getting there is also on my bucket list as well as attending the Royal School of Needlework one day , you know when I grow up !

Thanks for sharing the story , I love the case.


September 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMingy

Kristyne...I just looked at Shabby Fabrics website and guess what?!!
They are re-releasing Paris Flea Market in 2013!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!
I am nearly speechless....
I thought you might be as excited as me!

Krystena xx

September 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKrystena

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