Fun Friday Giveaway!

Here she is ... my sort of self-portrait.
I love it. It's happy, fun, bright, pretty, a perfect combination of embroidery, patchwork, hand quilting ... ad libbing. Fun fun fun.
But I have a question for you. Do you do this too - buy pretty little things like a jar of white buttons ...
yards of lace ...
and novelty trim ...
just because you like them? And then you put them somewhere in your sewing space, either as decoration or in a drawer or box? And then never use them?
I do ... or rather did. But blogland has inspired me to new heights and made me realize that I'm tired of buying pretty things and then never using them. So I turned over a new leaf with this quilt and broke out of that rut!
I discovered the tape trim fit perfectly on top of the lace so I added it to a few squares. I fussy cut 1-2 because it is 2012.
And then 4-5 because maybe that's how old I am ... maybe. ;)
Here are my pretty buttons ...
That's right.
I went all crazy and sacrificed EIGHT of 'em! LOL!
I had a few fabric squares left over and I didn't want to waste them. But I already had the main part of this quilt and the first border added.
So I stitched up the teacup, pieced it together with the leftovers and added the afterthought panel to the bottom!
And then I thought it would look pretty if I added a run of lace.
I'm not usually a red girl but this quilt was begging for red binding.
Perfect, right?
This project started with me wanting to embroider some designs from "Little Stitches". I had no idea it was going to look like this. Funny what happens when you let yourself play.
And you know, Aneela's book has so many designs you could easily do something similiar to what I did with different themes - children at play (girl &/or boy), Christmas, domesticity, crafting, transportation, animals, flora, seasons, toys, pets ...
Thanks Aneela, couldn't have done this without you!
Now without further ado, I have a "Little" giveaway today.
C&T Publishing is kindly offering one of you a copy of "Little Stitches", the book that inspired my project. If the winner is a US resident, you will receive a hard copy. If the winner is NOT a US resident, you'll be sent an eBook.
To enter this giveaway, leave me a comment with your favorite winter crafting activity. Comments will close Sunday, September 23 at 9:00 pm PST and I'll announce the winner Monday morning.
Good luck everyone!
And have a great weekend too.
PS: And also happy first day of Autumn!

Reader Comments (220)
Hi Kryistyne,
Love your latest creative you are!
My favorite winter crafting activity is crocheting a big afghan. It can keep you warm while you work on it!
Lynn P.
I love this little quilt. Every day i get up and can't wait to check your blog... very inspirational! Yes, i have to admit it too,, I am a craft horder, i buy all the pretty things just in case you know how it is. My favorite winter thing to do is embroidery. I don't have to think, i can just sit in comfy clothes in a comfy chair and get lost..Thank you for all you do
Winter is nice for crocheting a warm blanket or scarf. I can take it with me unlike a sewing machine.
Red binding! A tear just rolled down my cheek. Haha!!! ;) Seriously, LOVE this one!
My favorite winter crafting activity is knitting! Or maybe it's making Posie's gorgeous embroidered Christmas ornaments! Do I HAVE to choose just one?!
Happy Weekend! :)
Happy Fall ! I have to admit I get more quilting done in the winter months. I love reading your blog every day and am amazed at how much you get done year round. I'm planning my mental attack at quilting right now!
oh, what a lovely little quilt, all the little extra touches make it perfect. I love working on hand quilting in winter. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.
Lovely little biographical quilt! My favorite fall activity is walks - where all of the leaves are bustling around on the ground.. and the air is crisp!
What a sweet quilt. I think that I probably knit more in the winter than any other time of the year. But I love all of the traditional hand crafts.
How how creative you are! This year I have remodeled a little special space just for me and my Viking and am looking forward to making a couple little lap quilts.
I love how this turned out. It is such a lovely fabric scrapbook for you to have. Something tells me that the family likes it too.
I've enjoyed your progress on your 'self portrait' - very lovely and sweet. I glad to see you use your 'saved' embellishments....yes I buy the same to decorate my sewing space. :-)
I'd enjoy owning Aneela's new book - thank you for the opportunity.
This is so so lovely. During the Winter months I like to make pretty little girl dresses for my niece to wear the following Spring.
Your "self portrait" is beautiful! I love the trim additions!
I love curling up in a blanket and knitting in the winter!
Love your little quilt! So sweet! My favourite winter activity is knitting. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
How lovely! My favorite winter crafting is making ornaments of all kinds... and I also save up my hand quilting projects for winter too.
In winter, knitting is my favourite! At the moment, I'm making Christmas stockings!
Have to respond to your first question, yes, yes, i not only collect vintage jars especially those turning color and also collect vintage sweet things to put in them.
Buttons, laces, trims and tatting. You have inspired me to maybe dip into them once in awhile and actually use them! Love your sweet little self portrait! Bet it was fun to work on.
I love knitting in the winter because you can curl up under your knitting project :) There is something about making knit hats and mittens and sweaters too.
Love your little quilt, very sweet and very you !!!!
During the winter, I lean toward more handwork, the crochet hook usually makes an appearance and I have been seriously wanting to try a little wool applique, so I think that I will try that out this winter and embroidery, thats always on the works !!!! are so inspiring, I want to dig out all my treasures and create something too ! I love knitting socks in the winter, they make a great Christmas pressie as well....
Oh do I have to pick ONE activity. Top on the list would be quilting, followed by knitting with my Mom ( who just turned 90 this week). Then throw in a bit of crochet and I am in seasonal heaven. Oh how I love your embroidery. SEW cute!!!
I have drawers full of things I have bought because I love them but don't want to use!!!
Love the self portrait, the strawberry fabric is lovely. :)
My fav winter craft would have to be the same one I love to do all year and that is crochet. I used to knit all the time but now I mostly crochet, don't know why that happened!
happy weekend Kristyne,
V xxxxxxxxxxxx
I like to crochet in the winter months!
I love handsewing my quilt bindings all snuggled up on the couch!
Love what you did with all the embelishments :)
I adore your little quilt - and being a red girl myself, am applauding your binding. My favorite winter activity is decorating Christmas trees (besides quilting, of course). Can't wait to get started! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Beautiful little quilt! During the winter months I like to quilt and occasionally do a paper craft project. Thanks foe the terrific giveaway!
I love quilting!
That is so cute, when you were asking if I bought jars of pretty buttons, trims, etc. I was nodding my head, yes indeed I do! I am loving how you used your "just because" goodies, that is so cute :) My fave winter activity is quilting of course, since there's no snow here, only lots of gray skies and rain, sewing is the perfect activity.
How pretty! I would love to win this book. Then I could take it off my Amazon wish list :)
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this book. It has been on my wishlist for quite some time, but it would be such a treat to win it from you. And your little "self portrait" is just darling!
My favorite winter activity is crocheting or embroidery. There's something about being cozy on the couch and doing a little handwork! Thanks for the chance to win!
I do most of my embroidery and English Paper Piecing in the winter.
Love this sweet, dainty quilt..thanks for lovely giveaway..
A lovely little quilt and sweet giveaway, please add my name, thank you!
In the winter I make charity quilts for Project Linus. I start a pot of soup in the morning and let it simmer, finding delight in knowing that I can stitch away and not be concerned about stopping to prepare a meal....a great way to brighten winter days when there is no sunshine.
love it!!
my favourite winter craftivity? does reading blogs count??!! hahaa
I rather enjoy bear making but want to get into some serious quilting this winter. come on snow!
Your mini quilt is so pretty and inspiring! Sadly, I too have bits and bobs of cute trims etc. that I buy and don't use! Now I know what to do with them! Thanks!
My favourite winter crafty thing is embroidery or hand quilting. Plus it keeps my hands out of the cookie jar!
Last winter I was obsessed with making stuffed felt ornaments (with applique innitials for all my nephews). This year (since you've turned me on to embroidery), I'm dying to make some like you did last winter with some embroidery stitching. I love your new creation. I also hoard pretty things in jars. Thanks for inspiring us to actually use our pretty things. That is what we buy them for, right? :)
Love this quit will be stealing your ideas, I have lots of bits to use that I have collected. Thanks again for the inspiration.
Love your newest project. I love anything hand related.....embroidery, cross stitch, quilting. Great fall, winter and spring activities....not so much in the summer. Thanks for being so inspiring!
Beautiful! I definitely love quilting in the winter, especially sitting and hand finishing the binding. Keeps you warm!
I love quilting in the winter. Your self portrait is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win
I love your self-protrait quilt, it's such an inspiration! And yes, sometimes (okay, really often) I 'm buying things just to have them. But I learned from Amy (nanacompany) that a little mini-quilt looks even nicer with a litlle trim and buttons. Hildy
PS: Since I already have a copy of Little Stitches please throw my name out of the hat ... just could left you without a comment;-) Have a wonderful weekend!
Knitting (lace cashmere shawls in particular). The weather just started turning here in Michigan and even though I've been on a quilting and embroidering binge of late, I find myself longing to knit.
I love to make gifts for the holidays! Thanks for the chance to win this great book! Can't wait for your book too!
Love your little project. And your blog! My favorite winter crafting is always quilting with a little wool applique thrown in.
Your project turned out wonderful! And yes, I also tend to hold onto pretty bits of ribbon and buttons and other sewing goodies waiting for the perfect project to use them on. Similar to keeping my good china in a display case and never using it - what a waste! My winter crafting project is digging out my hand quilting projects and getting them done. The warmth of the quilt draped over my lap is perfect for cold Alberta winters!
Yet another beauty, I like to loom knitt in the winter . We all need a good scarf right?
Hugs from over seas
Finally. Sheesh. LOL just kidding! So much fun! Your description of your quilt sounds just like you! It's happy, fun, bright, pretty, a perfect combination of embroidery, patchwork, hand quilting ... ad libbing. Fun fun fun. It is you! :O) Thanks for the wonderful eye candy and inspiration! Thank you for the chance to win the embroidery book, too! I love to crochet in the winter because it keeps me warm as I am working on things like baby blankets etc... sometimes in the summer it's too hot... I also love sewing on binding to a quilt in winter time for the same reason!
ps: yes - I buy pretty craft tidbits like you.. then buy pretty jars to display them in... then get too much and ask Hubby to install a pottery barn cubby hutch on the wall to continue to fill it up with baubles and trims and button jars and jelly rolls and charm packs.... it's been more decoration/hoarding... I need to start having fun enjoying them and using them! Please tell us where to find that cute twill tape! And cotton lace!!!! (is it sew deerly loved? Love her shop!)