Smells Like What?

Last night after my daughter had a bath and was all clean & cozy in her white terry robe I gave her a hug & kiss. Freshly bathed child is my most favoritest scent ever ... yes, even better than freshly baked bread. I told her she smelled soooo good. She said she smelled like coconuts (new conditioner).
But I heard "polkadots"!
Ten minutes of hysterical laughter ensued. Then we tried to decide what polkadots smell like.
We're not really sure. But according to my fabric stash, polkadots smell an awful lot like pink. ;)

Reader Comments (18)
Polka Dots most certainly smell fresh and happy and yummy! At least, that's the way it seems to me. :)
Like Smarties, do you have smarties in the US, if not have a peek on google.
Definitely smarties sweets :)
Karen x
Oh man. Those are some seriously cute pictures. Glad you're having fun over there :)
Take care,
Doesn't everything smell like pink in your world Kristyne!! ;)
V x
Well, pink is probably a good guess for the smell of polka dots. It would make me happy, because i love polka dots and I love pink. But every time I think about pink I remember what my brother said about it when we were growing up: "Pink stinks." He was really, really wrong!
Carry on having fun!
Pink+coconut=coconut ice! Yum!
I was just talking about my 5 most favorite smells last night! I forgot to add polka dots!!! I can still here all of your giggles!
How adorable...and hilarious! If there was a perfume named Polka Dots, I would have to try it! {Business idea!!!}
Oh, sooooo pretty and smells sooooo good! Lovely; and nice to enjoy your funny moment with your daughter.
Coconut is one of my most favourite scents...Polka I am curious. I believe this is one great excuse to buy me some more fabric :)
How funny! My 2-year old son always says polka-dot when he wants coconut yogurt. This made me smile :).
So sweet!! Love all the pretty polka dots!! xo Heather
I love polka dots even more now that I know they smell like pink!
Just love polka dots, all colours and I have them in soooo many colours, do I smell a quilt coming from you, also love ricrac how about Krystine? Keep them coming!
Too cute! LOL.... I think pink and polka dots just go together...
I love all your pink polka dots! When I look at them I smell peppermint drops....but very abbreviated peppermint drops. Just clean and fresh and freshly bathed child.
This is funny, I have a little one who thought I said polka dots when I mentioned coconut pie - she STILL is waiting for a polka dot pie, so when you figure out what they smell like, I may know better what they taste like!
Mmmm pink polka dots smell like cake with yummy frosting to me. Love freshly bathed kids. My kids still come to me so I can smell them...they ask if they smell "fresh as a daisy" ;)