How Does Quilting Make Me Feel?

That's the question I tried to answer over at Stash Books blog today. Click here to read my response.
It wasn't easy, but I tried.
I think I had more fun taking these pictures. ;)
So tell me ...
how does quilting make YOU feel?

Reader Comments (23)
What a nice post. I would say that when everything is going as planned, quilting makes me happy.
Quilting makes me feel happy and relaxed. I love quilting and wish I had more time to do it.
~Healing~Therapetic~ :)
Oh Kristyne, you have managed to say exactly what I feel about quilting.But oh so eloquently! That was one of your best posts ever,beatiful!!
Love your post on your book and your pics... it is all relaxing and zen for me... from start to finish! Wish I did it more than I do now! Kathi
Part of the reason I love quilting is, of course, the relaxation, the fun, the (usually) positive energy. However, the reason I love quilting the most is that it ties me to history. Women (and men I suppose) have always quilted and even though we live in a world that thrives on technology, there seems to still be that appreciation and need for something handmade. Something tangible. something that shows so much love. I want to be part of history, no I don't want to be some tyrant queen, I just want my great great grandchildren to snuggle under my quilts and think of past times.
Quilting makes me feel giddy and inspired. Your words captured much of what I feel. I love making something with my hands and having it be purposeful. <3
quilting IS happy! a blessed distraction for me. color, texture, design...fill my emotions, fill my room for stress, or worries! fabric, take me away!
The selection of fabric robe used in quilted piece like the ones in your post make me feel calm... Safe and takes the anxiety away for a spell....
I loved your response! I left a comment at Stash Books too!
Perfectly said...from the beginning where you broke out in song all the way to the end about finding happiness in quilting! I do and feel the same things :)
I just LOVE the fabrics in your picture here!!!!! Can you share what line they are from? Pretty please?!
Love it... a break away and moments to get lost in pretty fabric is heaven... and cheaper than therapy! (well... almost...)
Free, happy, realized, artistic, special, unique. It's too much? Barbara from Italy
Happy, and creative! xo Heather
I love what you wrote at Stash Books. I think it pretty much sums it up for most quilters! But also, working in a quilt shop, I'd have to say that seeing a customer's enthusiasm for a project is really fun and contagious!
Quilting brings me joy, and it gives me a sense of connection to all of the women through history who have lovingly created quilts before me.
Oh..and I always love your pictures ;)
Relaxed, that's what Iam when I'm sewing/quilting. And absolutly happy when I'm finished;-) Hildy
Quilting makes me feel like a painter creating a masterpiece. I love the process of creating something out of a simple stack of fabric. I love it because I get to be messy, I get to crawl around on the floor, and I get to shriek with excitement when I see the finished product come together. I have a very sweet husband who gets "Honey, come look!" calls over and over throughout the process.
Oh, sure... relaxation, admiring the fabrics, etc.... but I'd say that it's the SATISFACTION that comes after finishing the quilt you set out to do! ;-)
I am beginning to think we are somehow related. My mother and I used to have whole conversations just by singing. My brother would say something, and Mom or I would reply in song. Drove my brother nuts {evil laugh}. Anyhoo, quilting is my escape. Escape from the crazyness of my crowded life. I'm currently working on a quilt for grandchild number 6 who is due in January, so I like to think I am sewing in grandma's love with every stitch ;-0
Quilting along with other handcrafts that I endeavour to work at is almost always a whole process that is enjoyable. From the Pondering part - what should I make - to sewing on the binding and label give me a sense of accomplishment and self satisfaction that doesn't require anyone else to tell me I do good things, cause I can see it for myself -- although it is nice to get a few ohhhs and awws when I show a quilt at show and tell on quilt guild day!
Great question! Quilting is my relaxing "me" time. Time to enjoy the quiet, let my mind wander as I do repetative sewing or just focus on the sewing at hand and let the outside world fade away. I love to create something that is uniquely mine. I can use someone else's fabric design, someone else's pattern but only I can make it just the way I want it. And then the good part, giving all the love I've put into it and watching the joy as someone receives it.