"With Fabric & Thread" Pin Cushion Buttercups

Today's Show & Tell is brought to you by ...
... Joanna Figueroa's new book "With Fabric & Thread".
Who can resist a cute pin cushion pattern?
Certainly not me.
I love 'em.
Joanna's "Pin Cushion Buttercups" are the epitomy of practicality & prettiness ...
... right up my alley.
I couldn't wait to start making one with Fig Tree's "Strawberry Fields" fabric leftovers from my Mystery quilt.
And then another ... with some beautiful Rachel Ashwell fabric ...
and then another!
(with Lecien scraps)
You know how it goes.
They're like potato chips ... "Betcha can't make just one!" And of course the more you make, the faster you get. I think this is my new "go to" gift for sewing friends for Christmas, birthdays, thank yous, something special ...
They are super fun to make. And because they don't require much fabric, you won't mind using some of your extra special most very favoritest pieces either.
And since I think EVERY pincushion deserves at least a few pretty little decorative pintoppers (from my friend's Etsy shop Pinks and Needles) I found some for each of my buttercups.
I love these pins!
That shop is DANGEROUS ...
... consider yourself warned!
NOTE: Pinks and Needles is undergoing a computer upgrade at the moment so if you're looking for something specific but don't see it in the shop, just ask ... she's more than happy to oblige!
And where do you think I'm going to keep all the templates I made? (I prefer to trace a copy onto freezer paper and keep the originals intact.)
In the book's template pocket of course! So I will never lose them.
'Cause I'm gonna need them again.
(And again, and again.)

Reader Comments (28)
cauuuute! I am slowly creating a pincushion collection/hoarding for myself and will need to make one of these to add to it! Can't resist a cute pincushion.
Oh my goodness too cute, when I saw your post last week just had to order this book, hopefully it will be here by the end of the week, just jumping up and down to start on these.
And yet another project goes on the list. Crazy Cute!!! :)
Love it, love it, love it. Talk about craft pornography! (I just can't get your comment out of my head... lol). I will make myself one of these before work starts next week. I'm using a sad, mass produced tomato pincushion. I just need to find a good filling for the new one - what did you use? All the best!
Really, really cute! :)
V x
Ok - second post ... but O...M ..G! I just went to that Etsy shop Pinks and Needles and I couldn't buy some fast enough! ADORABLE! Thanks for the link!!!
I love this book, the pin cushion is on my list and so are the boots although I have super large feet so I don't know if I will be able to resize the pattern. Your buttercups are just lovely, lucky friends.
I do love those pins!! bought a stash of 'em months ago so I would have them 'ready' to stick into pretty pin cushins. ;p
Hey sister in mind, I love, LOVE your pincushions! And if you need someone to take care of one of your pnicushions ... jsut ask;-) Hildy
OMG!!! You are determined to make me run out and get this book. I love them they are so cute!
I second Hildy! Or, maybe....a give-away? For your faithful readers? ;)
Yet again, you've offered all the inspiration one needs to start another addiction. Gotta have that book. Thank you for more inspiration. You're an amazingly fast and supreme sewer. LOVE everything you do. Geez, can you feel the love coming your way from all of us?! Makes me wish I live in Canada. ;)
Uber cute. Need one. Now. Love it! Must get that book.... big swoony sigh!
Don't see my post! Should I post again?
Wow! Not one but three really cute pincushions, and the pins are cute too! What else should we expect from this book?
Well,here goes again! I thought I posted s successfully before! Just wanted to say, that is the first porject I have templates for also! I photocopy the pattern,use my glue stick,and adhere it to template plastic, cut it out carefully.the just trace around it.This sweet little project turned out just perfect as usual!! Looks good in any fabric combination!
Wanted to say, are the others aware Joanna and Camille R. have a regular column in Quilts and More magazine called Scrap Lab? They invite a third designer every issue, make something from a specified amount of fabric, like a charm pack and 1/2 yard of fabric, always a wonderful,easy,useful and adorable project! Quilts and More is published 4 times a year, next issue Aug 14. No subscriptions,but digital now available Saw back issues on www.fatquartershop.com a few days ago if anyone is interested.. If you love Joanna, you will love this too! Kristyne,you just do wonders with whatever you make, they look so sweet, I think make ahead for gifts,start now!!
Here is a follow up post about Joanna and her Scrap lab articles,here is her latestfrom Quilts and More
Kristyne,have you made any of these projects? Anyone else?
They are adorable. My birthday is coming up - can I pick one? :-)
Those pincushions are sweet! After reading your posts about this book, I went ahead and ordered it! Your blog is fun to read and your work is lovely!
Kristyne,Craft Gosip has you and your rescued block as their lead article this morning!! FYI!
They're so lovely!
I'm thinking about getting the book now I've seen how cute these are!
oh and I love the pins!
Ooo! Those flower pincushions are calling me like sirens! I have to get Joanna's book and whip some up. :) Thx for sharing. I love Pinks and Needles and also found more cute pins at Chitter Chatter's website. Theirs feature beads on pins in different color themes... pretty!
oh my gosh!! CUTE!
Too cute... Love the turquoise and green one!!
Since you made the pincushion maybe you can help me out!