"With Fabric & Thread"

So I got an email a few weeks ago. From Wiley. A publishing company. Asking if I'd like a review copy of Joanna Figueroa's new book (yes, THE amazing woman of Fig Tree fame.)
Seriously? At first I thought it was spam. Then I thought maybe I was being punked. (That makes me sound paranoid, doesn't it?) But no, the offer was genuine.
Then the heavens opened and the angels sang ... and the UPS guy rang my doorbell with the best non-Christmas package EVER!
When I haven't been obsessing over my Mystery Block quilt layout and Farmer's Wife mishaps these past few weeks I've been obsessing over this amazing book. No joke. I've been carrying it around with me like a security blanket.
And I've never "just watched tv" since I got it either. I've been more listening/occasionally glancing at the tv while I read Joanna's charming and insightful anecdotes about her road to here as entrepreneur, employer, quilt designer, fabric designer, pattern designer, instructor, pattern writer, photographer, blogger ... and oh yeah, wife & mother as well. Sheesh! I feel productive when I've had a shower AND tidied the kitchen ... in the SAME DAY!
Kidding ... maybe. ;)
I've met Joanna (briefly) a few times at Quilt Market but it was absolutely delightful to get to know her a little better through her stories. You really feel like she's talking directly to you. I'm sure I'll never think about buttons on an airplane or a yellow dress the same way! (You have to read the book to understand those references ... )
Today, I'm going to share with you what I love about the book. And then over the next few weeks I'm gonna make stuff from the book and show you. 'Cause that's what I live for (besides my family) ... to make pretty things ... with fabric & thread.
Ok. For starters, love the hard cover.
What's not to love about a hardcover book? Sturdy and durable to withstand being lugged about in my purse and mercilessly & repeatedly thumbed thru. And doesn't a hardcover book always look nicer on the bookshelf, coffee table, craft table, ottoman, kitchen table, kitchen counter, nightstand, ... passenger seat of a minivan ... ? Trust me, it does. I've checked. In all those places and then some. ;)
Coil spine. I love how the pages stay flat and open while I'm actually using the book.
I don't have to crack the spine which wrecks the book or find one of my big quilting rulers to lay on top of the book (and still sorta see thru it) while I work my way through a pattern. Very utilitarian.
Sturdy back pocket to hold all the ...
wait for it ...
That's right, people of earth!
No photocopying required.
Photography. Ok, this is where Joanna's book goes from being a terrific collection of projects to what I would classify as first rate craft pornography.
One of my favorite things about her blog is the stunning photographs and this book is full of them ... pages and PAGES of 'em.
And not just beautiful pictures, but the objects & projects too. Total.eye.candy ... can't stress that enough.
"With Fabric & Thread" is a smart craft book with an inspired twist - Joanna cleverly bridges the gap between "quilters" who are hesitant to try making something "not flat" and "sewers" who are nervous about straight seams and consistent seam allowances. We've all met them. And you might even BE one of them! Joanna confesses that she used to be one. But this book guides you very gently from one world to the other - no matter which one you live in currently - with tons of information, tips and beautiful/inspirational things to make.
The book has 3 main project categories: Sewing Projects like aprons, basket liners and pincushions ...
Dual Projects like woven floor mats, pillow shams and placemats ...
and Quilting Projects like slippers, a table runner and, well, quilts of course!
There is definitely something for everyone here.
And there are several somethings for me in this book. :)
I'm gonna make & show you at least one thing from each of the 3 sections. It was harder to decide what NOT to make than what TO make.
So check back to see what I made first. I'll give you a hint:
And if you haven't already seen Joanna's cute video from Quilt Market, here's a link ... you can see many of the projects from the book. I DARE you to NOT find something you want to make.
No, wait, I DOUBLE DARE you!

Reader Comments (23)
How fun!!! Looking forward to seeing these projects! Yay for Fig Tree! :)
Okay!!!!! You're on like Donkey Kong... LOL.... except I have to get the book first! hee!
I loved her first book and now I know I'm getting this one! Can't wait to see what you make.
great review....you know how I love me some Fig Tree! oh, and craft pornography? tee hee, you crack me up!!
I have visited your blog often linked fro Camille Rosekelley. I have seen quite a few of your projects with fabric from Simplicity by 3 Sisters. I know this is a long shot but I made a quilt out of a jelly roll and am desperately needing some fabric for the edge. I am looking for the pink ivy like material for it. Just thought it never hurts to ask. And if you did if you would be willing to give some up for a fellow quilter. If so please contact me. Thanks for the great blog to visit and pretty things to look at. Have a great day.
Amy Hill
I've said it before ... it's a great book! If I've to choose one project from each section I would make Pincushion Buttercup, Marigold & Jam Placemats (don't you just LOVE the scallpoed edges!?!) and Cherry Blossom. And I'll make them someday, oneday in the future;-) Now I'm curios what you'll choose! Hildy
It was great to read your blog since I should be receiving this book in the mail tomorrow! I'm excited to get it!
Great review! A 'must have' book.
Love this book, have been paging through it as well and it looks like you may be starting with the project I had been eyeing...I will stay tuned!
first rate craft pornography ... I'm going to giggle about this all day long :)
I actually have this book,got it for Mother's Day!!! Love it as much as you do! Been on another project, will be sewing from it soon. It is all you say it is! Love her designs. I think I know what project you will be making!!
Wonderful book, and great review! She has such beautiful fabrics and creations! ;) xo Heather
I just ordered this book today. Now I really can't wait to get it!
ahhhhhhhh, I am so thinking you meant to say photography.....not pornography.........LMAO! Somehow I cannot imagine Joanna and 50 shades of gray in the same thought. OMG! Too funny and love to see someone else do what I do on a regular basis. I do so want to get this book. I have corresponded with Joanna and her emails to me are like she is my very own special friend. Honestly, I don't know when she sleeps as accomplished as she is. She helped me out on some discontinued fabric: found 8 yards for me!!! She is ONE of my heroes. You don't mind second place do you? Chris Beresford
Second place behind Joanna? I'd consider that a great honour! Thank you. :)
Kristyne,I just love your blog and check daily to see what you have going.So many pretty things....On your blog November 23,2011 you had pinchusions.. The pasley one that you stitched it was by Brenda Riddle...Could you possibly tell where to order the pattern. I have tried to google it but have not been able to locate it....I thought it was lovely and would love to do it.....Also the new book your playing with With Fabric and Thread..so cute can't wait to get it also...Thanks for your time.. Hope you can help out with the information about pincushion pattern so I can order...Keep up the gorgeous work.....Freda
Kristyne,I just love your blog and check daily to see what you have going.So many pretty things....On your blog November 23,2011 you had pinchusions.. The pasley one that you stitched it was by Brenda Riddle...Could you possibly tell where to order the pattern. I have tried to google it but have not been able to locate it....I thought it was lovely and would love to do it.....Also the new book your playing with With Fabric and Thread..so cute can't wait to get it also...Thanks for your time.. Hope you can help out with the information about pincushion pattern so I can order...Keep up the gorgeous work.....Freda
Oh I just loved this post. I have this book on order and was hoping it would arrive today, but alas! Something to look forward to (anxiously!) for tomorrow's mail.
Can't wait to see the projects you create (and the bit about craft pornography ...ha ha very true - love your sense of humour!!)
Therese xx
I always love these kind of books that have patterns in the back.
What a great book review! You make me want to run out and buy it today. Can't wait to see what you make.
You have done the best review on this book. I've been tempted to buy a copy, but no one but you has done a review that makes me want to spend the money. Too many times I've bought books that have only stayed on the shelf. Thanks for all the information, and I'm looking forward to what else you will be making.
I love them! I will be picking the book up. I love everything you show us and I love your sense of humor too.