I KNOW!!!!!
I feel like a magician!
"Bonnie, you are my Fairy Godmother." And to all you other oh so very lovely people who shared remedy ideas, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart." You guys totally rock! :)
Bonnie was the first person to leave me a comment on my scorched block crisis post last week who not only suggested there was hope for removing scorch marks (I thought they were forEVER!) but recommended I Google peroxide as a remedy. I found this link. As per the instructions I used hydrogen peroxide and a clean cloth. (I used an old flannel burp cloth from when my kids were babies. They make THE best pressing cloths!)
And an hour later my block was cured!
Well, maybe not 100% ... but I'd say a good 90 to 95%.
I think if you look closely you might detect the slightest hint of yellow. (I did replace the sashing strips.) But that doesn't bother me because I have a few other "whites" in the quilt that aren't "white white" either.
And in the interest of full discosure, the peroxide made the red bleed a little. But I was warned about that. And quite frankly I don't care ... I'm just so happy I don't need to remake the block!!!
And now I'm MOST happy knowing that A) I HAVE THE BEST INTERNET FRIENDS EVERRRRRR and B) I learned through this ordeal that scorch marks CAN be removed - or at least faded - from fabric. There are other remedies involving things like OxyClean, vinegar, salt, lemon, sunlight, onions (?!) ... just Google "scorched fabric remedies" and you'll come up with something!
This is me raising my glass of champagne ... or rather cup of tea, as the case may be ... (I don't drink & blog) ... to happy endings.
PS: Just how DID we survive as a species without Google?

Reader Comments (22)
Wow....you are a magician!
Wow! looks great!
Happy you were able to save the square. Looking forward to viewing the finished quilt.
Well abracadabra, I'm amazed, who knew!!!! Does it work when you run the iron over your hand??
V x
Glad the remedy worked. Wonder if t will work on a stupid drip from the iron that caused a brown rusty stain on one of my projects? Can't wait to see your finished quilt. It is going to be awesome!
Well done on the salvage operation and what a relief! There's hope for this FW quilt after all!! :)
S x
Glad that it worked, looks great! Hildy
Yippee!! So happy for you to save your beautiful work!!!
I'm so glad it was salvaged!
I'm so happy for you that you could rescue this little unlucky fellow and keep crossing my fingers for the sucessfull and hopefully undisturbed progress of this adventure.
lol, who needs Howart's magic when you have Google magic??!! ;p
Woo hoo! Who would have thought that could take it out and not damage the fabric/colors ... if I had used my head, though, come to think of it.... my brother is a paramedic - and he always uses hydrogen peroxide to clean his uniforms... and gets out worse stuff than that! ;o) It never dawned on me to use it for your block! I am so glad to know! I am also so very happy for you that you did not have to remake your block... and that block will have quite a story in this quilt to pass down to the next generations(s)! :O) Enjoy finishing it! Cannot wait to see it quilted! :O)
Good for you. I am so glad it worked out for you. Can't wait to see it finished but I am sure not as much as you. Thanks for sharing.
That was a surprise to read Kristyne! So happy it worked out!!! Peroxide works for fresh blood too! Hope you don;t prick your finger and have to deal with that too!
Your story made it over to Craft Gossip!! Here is that link,Iposted it on another thread,but if you midded it here it is
Makes me happy it helped you!!! Goodness knows you have helped us with your expertise day in and day out!! Hope for no more drama and this quilt gets finished and loved!
I agree, thank God for Google! It's the first place I turn in an emergency!
I am really glad that you were able to get most of the stain out. I was upset last week when you said you messed up that wonderful block. So yayayya for you.
I'm so happy for you. It looks great. Keep up your lovely work.
I agree- what did we do before Google???
That's great ...how is it coming along looking forward to seeing it finished (no pressure haha)! I am hoping to start one soonish and was wondering did you hand piece or machine?I am only going to make a lap quilt I am nowhere near as good at patchwork as you are so I will start small!!
Phew! Good save!
I just read on a quilt group that soaking in Biz will remove the red dye that has bled onto the white. Hope this helps.
and did you know that peroxide will remove blood stains from cloth? I often prick my finger when doing applique or embroidery and get a spot of blood or two on my piece. A cotton swab or cotton ball with a bit of peroxide makes the stain disappear!