The Girl's Gotta Eat!

Well, I didn't quite get all the back-to-school sewing done before the first day ... but I had a productive weekend.
Here's Little Miss Grade 3er's new lunch bag. Again, no pattern. I've had this design in my head for a while. It was nice to finally get it out. :)
We're both really happy with how it turned out. :)
She picked the same fabric as her pencil case, 'cept in pink
(brought to you by Queen of the Obvious ...)
I didn't know if 2 Fat Quarters were enough to make this lunch bag so I asked her to pick another fabric for the lining, just in case.
She went for this little cutie.
This fabric WAS in (another) forbidden pile ... there are several in my stash. Turns out I didn't need it for the bag, but I did need something for her placemat and thought what could POSSIBLY be a better use of this sweet print than for a little girl's placemat?
Uh, nothing?!
I designed the bag to fit her lunch containers: thermos, tupperware & space for granola bar, etc.
Now. The question is, how long is it going to stay white? Oh well, at least there are these pictures to remember it fondly. ;)

Reader Comments (34)
I'm.floored. And I want one!!! That fabric is even cuter in pink, but that's not a surprise, is it?! So with all these new patterns to write up and sell, you are going to be a busy bee...(please, please, I hope, I hope!) ;)
oooohhhhh this was A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.! (will you be my mommy?) :OD Love your wonderful projects! You amaze me that you do things without patterns... gasp... I can hardly do them WITH a pattern! Ha! Have a great day! (ps - when you get a chance, I wanted to ask you about your gluten free recipe! for shortbread! :O)) Love, Bari (if you make patterns, I WILL buy them!!!!
You are so dang clever it's making me crazy.
Another fabulous bag - it almost makes me want to go back to school so that I can have one!
Wow, so cute!
Did you even know you are my hero?
Okay, so get busy designing all those patterns for us, pretty please!!!!!
Oh what lucky little girls you have! Now, I'm thinking I NEED a lunch box like that. Very, very Clever!!!
I love your use of the fabrics on the lunch box. My first thought was: "hope it holds up to lots of washings". Maybe a second (darker) one would be great for alternating. So cute.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
You are one extremely talented woman! I am so impressed with all the back-to-school supplies you are sewing. I wish you could make mine too...even though I'm a grown-up student, I still like pretty too! Keep up all the good work.
So, you just have to throw a couple of fat quarters at you and you then just turn them into something gorgeous! That is one great trick! How do you do it????
Vivienne x
No pattern??!!!??? I couldn't do it WITH a pattern! :) hehe!! Seriously- you are amazing!! Whatever juices are flowing around in your head, I definielty need some :) That is just incredible- and so perfect! I would have gone nuts for one of these when I was younger, goodness, I'd go nuts still :)!!
Oh boy.... I want one too. I went to school when Adam was a boy and all I ever had to carry my soggy sandwiches in was a re-used loaf wrapper. Seeing your daughters gorgeous lunch bag makes me realise what a deprived child I was! OK... enough of the pathos..... your newest production is fab-u-lous! Everything about it is gorgeous. Hopefully your little girl will love it enough to keep it clean.......
You're making us all feel a tad inadequate. Stop it ;)
Beautiful work as always. All these projects you're showing makes me think that you are the sort of mum I would want to be. Thankfully I don't have any kids, coz I think I'd be flunking :)
I wonder if spraying it with Scotch guard would help protect it? Lovely. Love all the back to school items. What lucky girl you have.
Scotchgard the probably won't stay perfectly white, but it might help a little. Kristyne, these are projects are so pretty and really, you must design a pattern or do a tutorial for all of us who are not so inventive!! My grandkids would love having their "Nana" make them a lunchbox!!
Love it!
Maybe if you work it into a regular washing cycle, it will stay a little whiter... or maybe it would fade. Oh well. That's why these things only last a year or so. :)
girl ... GIRL ... GIRL GIRL GIRL ... you are a flipping genious!!!!!
Please get on with the book, ok!!!!!
Now you do realise that we ALL need the pattern for that too. OMG!!!! That is the cutest lunch bag ever. I need one for me as well as my daughter. You are amazing!!!! I loved the bag and love this too.
Awesome....expcet phone calls from the other moms wanting to know where you got these fabulous items! You will no longer get the funny looks when you say you sew...instead, you'll get compliments. ;0
Do you have more patterns in your head just waiting to get out? If so I can't wait to see them! This is beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful.
CUTE!!! What little girl won't love a lunch box like that. I'd like one:o)
So clever and gorgeous. I am loving the idea of a place never know how clean those tables may or may not be.
Speechless.... Jaw still on the computer keyboard.
Go write the pattern lady - I think it will be sold out - along with any book you write.
Still in awe.....
Ohhhhhh! A BOOK??!! That would be AWESOME! I hope Moda people are at least checking in on your blog....fabric line would be awesome too!!
You can do can do it! Cinderella you can do it!
This upset me as I don't have any children and I want one, then I had an idea......I want something to put my stitchery in on a night, with the threads I am using and scissors, so they stay together until I can do it again.....perfect. Linda
Gorgoeus are one clever Mummy!
Can you PLEASE adopte me? Or give me a pattern. Or I live in your head for a while! I adore you, you know that, don't you;-)
You've been holding out on me sister. Auntie Jill needs a lunch bag!
OK - I have NO reason for needing a lunch bag.....BUT I WANT ONE NOW!!!
Those are so darn pretty and the placemats are fab too!
Am I too old to be adopted?
I play nice and I sleep thru the night!
Oh, pattern for lunch bag! Please!
OMG, serious, serious cuteness!!
OMGosh .... you are amazingly creative ... NO PATTERN???? .... i'm floored and wishing you were my sister so i could ask you to make one for me ... love the prints and the combos ... i know the little loved it ... i'm pinning you ......
where did you pick up the bag making skillz? You are good! stating the obvious, but sometimes it's better said than not.