Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 14

Pink & Green
I remember when I was growing up my aunt told me a "rule" about fashion in the '70s - "pink with green should never be seen" - meaning these two colors didn't go together.
Whoever made that up was a very, VERY bad person. I think this color combination is not only perfect, it's essential to life as we know it.
#61 - Northern Lights
#58 Mother's Dream
Turns out third time really IS the charm for this block.
Attempt #1 was 1/4" too small.
I'm making my blocks 5" instead of 6-1/2" ... ;)
Attempt #2 was 1/8" too small.
I do like things perfect and all, but I don't normally go to this much trouble to MAKE things perfect. The older I get, the easier it is to say "oh well".
#3 - juuuuuuuuuuust right. ;)
Apparently late night sewing isn't always the smartest use of one's time ...

Reader Comments (13)
I love the pink a green together!
first of all, the ONLY reason the gingham is behaving herself is because she's PINK. the bad girl last week was green gingham. even green M & Ms can't behave themselves! ;0
Beautiful blocks! the rippling effect of blocks that aren't the right size can be a big pain in the arse so perfection needs to be the rule(unless you can hide it!).
as i've gotten older i've gotten pickier about such things because i know it will be a pain to sew together!! what you can do with your little orphans is incorporate them into backs of quilts....quilt cushins...i have an entire bin of 'orphans' and YES i do find use for them. ;0
as always, love your work and your colors and YES, PINK RULES!!!
LOL!!! Ina is right about the pink gingham! She's adorable and lady-like! And pink and green?...*swoon*. :)
LOL.. no touchy! Ha! Love these blocks - you make me laugh - you are so cute! Thanks for sharing! You inspire me! Bari
There's nothing wrong with pink and green. Well... except the pink ;)
I didn't realise you were making these at 5 inches. Insane. Or awesome.
Lovin the pink and green!
Your blocks are very pretty! Isn't it interesting how some things told us (pink and green) we never forget? : ) I am impressed with the 5 inch size block you are making. Did you make the templates smaller? Or do you figure the math? So far I have made 14 FWQ blocks without the templates. I don't know how to make the blocks with all the angles, so will need to use the templates for those.
Enjoy your week!
Mmm... pink and green are my laundry colours - pink architrave, green walls :)
so lovely! i love the pink and greens and the ginghams.
That gingham is GORGEOUS! I NEED me some gingham.
I'm thinking pink is the new neutral, no??? I'm pretty sure it goes with everything!
When I was a little kid growing up in the fifties, our kitchen was pink and green! The cupboard framework was green, the doors were pink. Classy, uh? I do like your combinations......very nice work!
Again I love your blocks! And I'M sorry but youraunt was wrong: pink and green should always been seen;-)
Just beautiful!
Pink and "Green should always be "seen"!!!
Great blocks!
I also don't know how to make these blocks with all the angles! You seem like the perfect kind of person to give a tutorial on this! No Pressure! Just sayin......