Whew, I'm Back!

Oh hello everyone! Gosh, I didn't realize how much I missed you until I got home and turned on my computer. ;)
And to all of you lovelies who wished me a great trip ... thanks. I really had the best time ever. Having my BFF with me made all the difference. It's one thing to go to Market because you love quilting. But having your bestie to share the experience is icing on the cake. I know I'm a very lucky girl.
Ok, I'm gonna try to share all the best highights of my trip. If you've never been to Quilt Market, here's a fraction of it ...
The first cool thing happened in the Salt Lake City airport and has absolutely nothing to do with quilting. You know those moving sidewalks? I love walking on them. See, I don't run. Ever. If I can help it. But if I can achieve the sensation of moving quickly without breaking a sweat, I will.
So while walking on the moving sidewalk, we came upon a small group of people who were nicely standing off to the side to allow for passing. Then I noticed one of them was Gary Busey. That's right. From the tv show "Celebrity Apprentice" with Donald Trump (most recently).
Now, I was momentarily star-struck because I'd just a few days earlier watched him on an episode of Ellen. But I thought, you know, he puts his pants on one leg at a time (presumably) just like the rest of us so as I passed him I gently touched him on the arm and said, "I thought you were very funny on Ellen the other day." He replied, "Thanks! I've been on twice!"
I'm glad I had the nerve to say something to him instead of just walking by.
We got to SLC in time to grab dinner and head over to Sample Spree. Craziness. In anticipation of a heavy purchasing load I opted not to take my camera with me. But here's the damage ...
Ruby by Bonnie & Camille
Etchings by 3 Sisters
Butterscotch & Roses by Fig Tree
Christmas Candy by Doodlebug Designs (love the coordinating ribbon!)
I've been coveting this fabric since I saw the drawings of it last Fall in Houston. I mean, COME ON! How cute is this print?
It totally reminds me of an old Susan Branch print I've had for ... like ... ever!
The newest installment of Flower Sugar by Lecien
And Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill has this lovely new collection for Lecien called Whitewash. Oh yum! I can hardly wait to start stitching on the linen blend!
Check out this print. I'd make a dress out of it and wear it ... if I were brave.
Now let me share with you some of the lovely & talented women I was lucky enough to connect with at Market. There are so, so many more. These are just the ones I got pictures of:
The incomparable Amy Butler. Wow. She is soooooo nice. And pretty. And talented. (And tall!)
The adorable Camille Roskelley.
Of course, I don't have to mention how big a fan of hers I am :) I gave her a hug, we posed, she signed my book (yes I took it with me!)
and we chatted for a quick minute. I wish we'd had time to talk quilting and stuff all day, but man that girl is busy! I tell ya, vendors at Quilt Market are a hearty breed.
She also gave me some bits of her new fabric line "Ruby" to make a little something special. Hopefully you'll see that later on this week. Sorry, don't mean to tease you ... ok, yes I do ;)
The incredibly talented Verna Mosquera.
This was a slightly surreal moment for me. I've been a huge fan of her designs since I made Vintage Valentine in 2006. I also made Happy Hauntings about 4 years ago. After recently reading a profile on her in Homespun Magazine, I really wanted to meet her. You know how when you meet someone you've admired for a while, you just never know what they're going to be like in real life. Let me tell you, Verna is just as lovely as she is talented.
I started my conversation with her by jokingly saying how much I hated making all those little tiny bones for the skeleton in Happy Hauntings (seriously, go check out the picture ... at least 80 in the hands & feet alone, many smaller than a quarter!), but that it was like the pain of childbirth - once it's over and you see what you've made, the memory of the pain fades away and the gorgeous quilt is something I'm very proud to have made. Her new designs do not disappoint.
BTW, sorry about all the pictures of me ... my girlfriend - who's conspicuously absent from any picture - was the one with the camera and kept making me be in the shot.
The Happy Zombie herself, Monica.
Now she's a true treasure. One of my favorite moments at Market was meeting her. I love her blog. She's so funny. And just the.nicest.lady.EVER! At the same time, my biggest disappointment at Sample Spree was missing out on her new line Happy Mochi Yum Yum. It was sold out by the time I got there.
One of my very first blogging buddies, Thimbleanna.
I didn't quite catch why we're behind a pillow. Something about Wilson. She said it was an inside Quilt Market joke ... !
When I posted about making Camille's Quilt Sugar Rush with Flower Sugar fabric for Project Simplify, I mentioned that I'd purchased some of the fabric from this beautiful shop. I was so happy to see Sandy again and to meet her sister Holly.
These sisters are just so cute.
The very first online fabric store I shopped at was ShabbyFabrics.com. I can always count on finding fabric I love at Jennifer's shop. She is just delightful. And by the way, her online shop has excellent customer service.
We had a good laugh about our reverse color-matching outfits!
And here is a real sweetie, Bari J. She is such an easy person to talk to. A real, genuine girl.
I started reading her blog over a year ago and met her at both Markets last year. I always enjoy chatting with her. And you should see her new line with Lecien called Paris Apartment.
And then there was the Queen of Shabby Chic herself, Rachel Ashwell.
I KNOW!!!!
I think the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look on my face says it all ... "Is this really happening? Please don't make a complete fool of yourself. Maybe if I don't move I can stop time and just stand in the presence of Rachel forever!" Good thing I practiced with Gary Busey! haha!
I have her sheets, some fabric, I watched her show on tv when it was on ... I can't even imagine a world without her signature style. She was introducing a new line of fabric for quilting (and I have confirmed that ShabbyFabrics.com has ordered the entire line - I can't beLIEVE I forgot to take a picture of it all!) and signing her new book!
Yes, I got a copy. And she was so sweet taking time to chat with every single person who came to see her. I still have to pinch myself.
Tomorrow, I'll share the pictures I remembered to take of some of my favorite booths.

Reader Comments (16)
It looks like you had one heck of a trip! I can't wait till you post more pictures! Now I really want to go next year!
My goodness, you and your BFF must have had the best time! My goal is to go next year. the fabrics you came home with are just gorgeous, I can't wait to see what you will make with them. Actually, I can't wait for them to be in the stores so I can purchase them, too! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to the rest of your pictures.
Great pictures....looks like you had so much fun...and scored a lot of my fav designers at spree! Thank you for sharing your trip with us out in blogland! I really have to find a way to sneak into Market in Houston this fall. Lisa in Texas
You know, I would be happy to become a back up Bestie, a Bestie #2, even a Co-Bestie, and frolic with you at quilt market! What fun!
Glad you had a super fun time. Sadly, I think you may be on Santa's naughty list with all the "new" fabric...LOL
blessings, jilly
OMG it looks like you had the most amazing time. I wish i could have been their it looks like you broke your rule of not buying anymore fabric. Naughty naughty.
Hi Kristyne from a BYWer. You've been so busy making your beautiful site and having a fabulous time marketing! What a great smile you have:) I wanted to thank you for a comment you left for me back in April that I've only just found owing to being such a technical knucklehead. It's much appreciated, however, and I'm so pleased to see how well you're doing.
I totally oohed and aaahed through your entire post. I might be slightly coveting your sample spree haul. But I can't be too jealous because I know you'll make something beautiful with it all!
Ok, call me clueless, but I want to know how you find out about the Quilt Markets and how you get in! (I am thinking they might be for people who officially work in the field maybe?) I am totally new to quilting but could see spending my life savings there! :-) Glad you had fun!
Now I'm drooling over all that beautiful fabric! What fun you had.
OMG.....can I please live in your world for one of the days at Quilt Market? The only thing I know about Quilt Market is that quilt shops go there to look at new fabric lines and that fabric companies go there to sell their new fabrics. But all of this talk about Sample Spree (what the heck is that) has me wondering.....can regular people attend Quilt Market? What is the criteria to attend?
Well, I cannot wait to see and hear more....
I had a great time being your BFF. As far as me not being in any photos that was intentional!! I don't like getting my picture taken. I had lots of fun, and am still recovering.
ah ... see ... I was wondering if it was Kate ... shouldn't have doubted that should I :)
Thank you both for taking me with you to Market ... even if only through blog and photos - you really overspent girl ... but why doesn't that surprise me in the slightest ... and how much did Kate spend :)
Oh my what great fun!! You met some of my favorite people!!! I took Verna's "Weekend in Paris" retreat and had an awesome time!! She went to every table and talked to everyone, she has GREAT stories to tell :O!!
Thank you for sharing such great photo's with us! We have all been dying to see the new lines! You did good girl!!! Can't wait to see what projects you have in store for all that fabric lovelyness!!
Lucky Lisa
Oh my goodness! I loved tagging along on your quilt market trip! It made me feel like I was right there! That was fun! I can't wait to see what you make with all your new fabric! You are adorable! :)
One of my favorite market moments was meeting YOU, Kristyne!!! You are the nicest, kindest person ever. Your beautiful smile is your calling card for all the beautiful smiles inside you that you make everyone feel that you come in contact with! XXOO!