Salt Lake City Market, Part 2

Yesterday was mostly about the people I met at Quilt Market (and the fabric ... but only because I knew a lot of you were interested to see what I found ... )
Today is about the eye candy.
Quilt Market is definitely a feast for the eyes. It can be a little overwhelming because there's so much to see. And there's no shortage of creativity and imagination that goes into some of the booths. Here are a few of my favorites ...
Don't Look Now ... wow. The English language doesn't have a word yet to describe how crazy talented Kellie is.
Crabapple Hill - I've been a fan of Meg Hawkey for a long time. In addition to several of her little doily/flower patterns that are now discontinued, I've made Heirloom Romance and Berry Picking Party.
Fig Tree - Every.single.time I walked by Joanna's booth she was either being swarmed or she wasn't there. But we did have a little chit chat with her husband. What a nice guy!
Sweetwater - we loved that sort of dusty retro feel.
Tula Pink - "Lisa in Texas", I passed on your message. This picture is for you ;)
Charmpgraphy - I bought a few little charms for my wallet & purse here. What a sweet mother/daughter team.
Sandi Henderson - we caught her and her husband playing a quick game of checkers when no one was around. How cute is that?!
At Quilt Market, there's a "best booth" contest. Sandi won for one of the categories.
Thimble Blossoms, of course. And that cutest ever signature red polka dotted chair!
Riley Blake - Ok. What? Who comes up with this idea? I want to live in their head for a little while.
I mean, seriously. How fun is this?
Now I owe this lovely girl an apology. Bigtime.
Let be begin by saying I was born with a severe case of foot-in-mouth disease. Really. I have a gift for saying the wrong thing all.the.time. I'm famous for it. I never intend to be insulting or disrespectful or rude. I always think that what I'm saying is nice, polite or funny.
So, it was the end of Day 1 and I was on sensory overload. While we were walking by CYNDI WALKER of STITCH STUDIOS' booth, I noticed a quilt and the fabrics looked sort of similar to the Fig Tree bundle I'd bought at Sample Spree the night before. So I politely asked if those were Fig Tree fabrics in the quilt. She very sweetly informed me that they were, in fact, her own design called Daydream available through Riley Blake.
I could not have felt more foolish. I swear I could taste my feet way, way, WAY in the back of my throat! She was so gracious about it all too. What a gem. "Thank you, Cyndi if you ever read this, for forgiving my careless tongue!"
And can I just now apologize in advance to anyone and everyone I will surely offend with something I say in the near and distant future? Really. I'm a very sorry person.
More Riley Blake. I heart hexagons!
Now, I don't know if I'm allowed to have a favorite, but if I am, this is surely it. Sarah Jane.
She has awesome pictures of her booth on her blog. You really need to go look at them.
She'd be annoying if she weren't so lovely :) Talented ... nice ... pretty ... talented ... Oh yeah, and her husband cooks too!
And now, my house is wanting some attention and we have a violin recital happening this evening. Guess my sewing machine is going to have to wait until tomorrow for some much needed exercise. ;)

Reader Comments (6)
Well, I left a comment on your last post, but it may have been eaten! I had a WONDERFUL time finally meeting you. I sure wish we could have spent more time. Especially since you saw so much that I missed! We'll talk soon LOL!!! (And btw...what did you mean, you were going around with your BFF -- I thought "I" was your BFF ROFLOL!!!)
You totally made my day by giving me a 'shout out' at the Tula Pink booth! Thanks for the picture! Did you meet the famous Kellie Wulfson of Don't Look Now? I have like 3 of her patterns with intentions of starting one of them one day...I love, love her stuff and am amazed with each new quilt she designs and creates...she is crazy amazing. I hope to be able to take a class of hers if she decides to go to Houston this fall. Keep posting your market fun! Lisa in Texas
Wow! It all looks beautiful and wonderful and amazing! I wish I could have seen it!!
Thank you for this post! These are the best quilt market photos I've seen yet (and there have been many bloggers who've posted about it)-- It looks so wonderful!! Maybe some day I'll get to attend quilt market, but your photos really made me feel like I was there. Glad you enjoyed it!
:) I agree with Elisa above! :) Thanks for the stroll through quilt market! That was fun!
:O You have no idea how tempted I now am to cover one of my parents trees with all my fabric scraps!