I'm Off!

What can I say. I'm gonna miss my family. (A lovely little note from my sweet dyslexic girl.)
I'm not equipped to post from the road, but you can always check out PamKittyMorning's Reports!
Oh, and for those of you following along with Project Simplfy - remember Rule #1? I'm going with the assumption that there isn't a jury of my peers (quilters) on this planet that would convict me for breaking that rule ... at a Quilt Market ... right? ;)
Have a great weekend!

Reader Comments (3)
I think the rule is What happens at Quilt Market stays at Quilt Market...but you will need to at least tell us what you may or may not have scored! Lisa in Texas
We won't condemn you for buying at Quilt Market...but only if you promise to show us what you bought :) Sound fair?
Have fun, have fun!!! xxx