Project Simplify - The Winner Is ...

(I know, I know. I could have used a random number generator. But this was way more fun!)
... Lisa L! And to everyone who participated in my first giveaway - seriously - thank you for not letting me look like a total blogging doofus :)
Now, I didn't mention before that I still had leftovers because I didn't know what to do with them.
That is until I read Julianne's lovely comment about making a quilt for her local Children's Hospital. Julianne, I'm sending these leftovers to you!
One last thing, I just want to say how sincerely grateful I am to every single one of you who've found me here are willing to spend some of your time keeping me company. I really do appreciate it.

Project Simplify

Reader Comments (10)
Congrats Lisa L! You are one lucky ducky!!
YAY! Congrats to a wonderful turn out! Very exciting!
I get my husband to randomly generate a number for me!!
THANKS! Soooo excited :)
Congrats to the winner!!
Vivienne x
I hope I am the Lisa L. that won??? If not, I am happy that another Lisa won! Keep up the blogging, I enjoy each post..including seeing your precious little ones get involved. Have a great dayl, Lisa in Texas
I am a LUCKY DUCK!!! Kristyne, I've been on cloud 9 all day! Thank you for sending my sweet package out so quickly!! :)
Lisa, you are "sew welcome"! Enjoy :)
Congrats to the winners and what a great gesture, Childrens hospitals everywhere need people like Julieanne.
Hugs Dawn x x x
Just love reading your blog have a grea day!:)