The Best Kind of Fun

Around here, the best kind of fun is "Auntie Jill" fun.
My sister was here last week and the girls always have tons of things they want to do with her. And she - being the world's best Aunt - is more than happy to oblige them. This time around there were so many things on the agenda they had trouble deciding what to do first. So they came up with this little activity bowl.
And here's what they put in it.
- Clue (board game)
- pillow fight
- dog pile on Jill
- Monopoly
- Petal Purses (a craft)
- coloring
So a few games of this were played,
several rounds of this,
and even a little crafting. (I didn't get any pictures of the dog pile or pillow fight, but I was assured that no one suffered a concussion.)
We miss you, Auntie Jill!

Reader Comments (5)
What a sweet little purse! :)
Vivienne x
Awww...that's so cool! I have an Aunt Ruthie (my mom's youngest sister) who was the same way when we were young : ) She even let me cut her hair when I was in Jr. High because I told her I wanted to be like Frenchy on Grease (remember the song Beauty School Drop Out?!!
Anyway that's so cute that your girls wanted to dog pile her! Sounds like they had a blast and probably slept real good after all the playing : )
I have no idea what a dog pile is!! Sounds as if everyone had a great time!
I love that "dog pile on Jill" is something that Auntie Jill is willing to participate in!
Aunties are the best fun!
hugs Dawn x