Note to Self #2

You know you’re in Palm Springs, California when you turn on the tv and the first thing you hear is:
Talk about target marketing! If you’re not familiar with Palm Springs, it’s basically a desert haven for wealthy, retired people who like to golf. Emphasis on the word retired.
By the way, coming up with a photo for this post was tricky. Having no rubber tubing on hand, my only ideas were this handle or a small puddle of yellow-colored water on the white bathroom floor tiles ...
... you're welcome.

Note to Self

Reader Comments (2)
i dont know how americans and australians cope with the full frontal advertising assault on a daily basis. I dont think id watch tv at all. You made me laugh though.
Visiting from blogging your way!
I'm totally cracking up at this entry! First off I live a hop. skip and a jump from good ole Palm Springs proper AND I have a hubby who loves to golf...however I'm one of the few people who live here who aren't completely "over the hill" but by all means am constantly inundated with this wonderful commercial you speak of!!! I find it hilarious and gross! Whata combo!
Thanks for reminding me not to turn on the tv today : )
Love your banner btw...thanks for the pin topper plug!