Drastic Measures Were Needed

... to get all my FWQAL fabrics under control. Well, maybe "drastic" is a bit melodramatic, but measures of some kind were needed for sure!
See, I'm using about 50 fabrics for my blocks - each one accumulating scrap bits as the weeks go by - and keeping them all organized without actually organizing them was becoming impossible.
I know, I should know better by now, but sometimes I still think wishing alone will make something happen ...
I had FW fabrics all over my sewing room ...
- on the cutting/sewing table
- on the chair(s)
- on the ironing board
- on the shelf under the ironing board
- on the floor under the ironing board
... you get the picture.
I'd organize the fabrics a bit, but as soon as two more blocks were made I had a discombobulated mess on my hands again. AAAGH!
After a nice hot cup of tea and a generous serving of something very bad for my arteries, I calmed down and got into organizing mode. This is what I came up with ...
I have some clear plastic shoebox sized containers that are so full of fabric and other crafting stuff the lids won't fit on them. (Let you whose house ALWAYS looks EXACTLY like a Martha Stewart magazine photo throw the first stone ...) ;)
So I thought to myself, "Self, why don't you use those lids as trays?" I answered, "Good idea, Self!"
Hmmm, it's just occurred to me that I need a better self-talk name, like ... oh, I don't know ... how 'bout "Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick"? tee hee
If we ever meet in person and you actually call me that, I just might kiss you on the mouth.
Ok, I am kidding. I won't even share straws with my family. (I have a germ thing ... )
But I WILL blush and giggle like a school girl!
Now where was I? This Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick just got all flustered.
Oh yes, lids. How perfect is THAT to have 3 lids - 2 colors for each?
Oops. Right. I forgot about my beloved stack of white on whites.
They just sort of float as needed.
So now I can make a few (or several) blocks, quickly tidy up and shove my little stack of lids somewhere ... wherever they will stay put.
Usually on the floor ... underneath something ... like a chair or table or ironing board ... because the boxes that go with these lids are already hogging all the space in the cupboards.

Reader Comments (31)
I have the same problem as you, you smokin' hot quilter chick, fabric everywhere. And a once upon a time made system of organisation that's no longer working. Need a new one ... or a bigger house;-)
I just recently found your blog. It's a new favorite stop in my day. Planning to make a few of the cute cosmetic bags for Christmas gifts. Thanks for the tutorial.
great post. Here's hoping Martha never comes to my house!
Dear Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick,
You.crack.me.up!!! Don't you just love stacks of color coordinated fabrics? Makes my heart flutter. Big time. :)
Actually I don't think I'm going to chance calling you the 'SHQC', just in case!!! ;)
Thank goodness you meant box lids for a minute there I thought you meant Ebay!!
Vivienne x
So were each of those colour piles the same size when you started, meaning you need to end up with piles the same size to know you've used a nice even amount of each colour? I know, so not the point of this post. But this new arrangement of fabrics would make it really easy to monitor which colour you're using too much, or not enough, of. Plus, I'm a scientist, and my strange idea of order likes to rear its head at odd moments :)
Dear Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick,
No kisses, please! Thank you very much!
You find the most beautiful fabrics.....love your colors for your FW blocks. I have a couple of the reds, and maybe a green or two, but tell, please do, where did those blues come from? I love them!
Hugs, no kisses,
Haha! Nic, I actually contemplated figuring out how many blocks & prints I have, calculating how many times I can use each print for equal balance and making a list to track it all. And then remove any print that has reached the max. allowable uses. (This is sounding sooooo OCD!!)
But then I found that I really do have some prints I like more than others and decided to let the prints fall where they may, so to speak. I am, however, still keeping an eye on things. I'm tracking how many times I use the colors so I don't end up with too much or too little of any one color. ;)
(I failed physics and barely made it thru chemistry!)
Marge, ALL the fabrics are Lecien's Flower Sugar, but there are at least 3 different collections in there. Lecein releases 2 new Flower Sugar lines every year.
I just looooove your fabrics!
Ohhhhh! I covet your Flour Sugar fabric. Did the farmer buy them for you? Did you 'put out' for fabric? So, you're not just a 'Line Whore'...it looks like it was SO worth it! ;0
You better hide your fabric before leaving for market....I have a passport and I WILL travel if needed....
SHQC: that looks great! I got some big Costco boxes/trays from the garage and attempted to put all my FW fabrics by color - they are too big and cumbersome - it is still messy over here - I like the lids... clear... easy....organized... way to go! Now... I need to find me some lids.... :oD You get to go to Market!!!!!???? !!!! woo hoo.... can't wait to read the blog posts for sure! ;oD Bari Jo (PIAFQC) (perimenopausal in a fog quilter chick .... hee....
That is so organised - my fabrics are in a basket (with the little bits in a plastic bag ...... and for the first two blocks I just rummaged through them to find ones that were similar to those in the book (although I did have to add a fat quarter from my stash!)
SHQC, that's such a great idea! Love your fabrics!
Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick, that's a great self name. :)
Oh, I have fabric envy. I have stuff stacked, piled, leaning, etc but most of it isn't fabric. Yet. lol
What a great idea to use the lids. Note to self: get boxes with lids so one day I can do this. ;)
Thanks for the morning giggle and Martha wouldn't set foot in my house. It's too chaotic. lol
Laughing my butt off.....rolling on the floor.....
just when I think I can't LOVE your blog more than I already do...you post this gem!!
funny post Kristyne
Dear Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick,
Your organizational ideas are 'smokin hot' :-)
So, I'm just trying to figure out how my memory challenged brain is going to remember to yell out Yo Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick -- a week is a long time to remember something! And ahem. I'd like to know the answer to Ina's question LOL!
What a great idea!! Just seeing the beautiful stacks inspire me. I need to look over that Flour Sugar line.I bought the Simplify book! It is a treasure,I had not read it close enough before. Love your blog! Such good organizing ideas!! I met MS once at a book signing, her skin is just peaches and cream!She was wonderful.
Thimbleanna, I'm just not that kind of girl! ;)
Beautiful stacks of fabric and beautiful organization SHQC!
I found my way to your blog tonight from Camille's blog. Like you, I have recently been free motion quilting, but I'm not real happy with the outcome . . . yet! After reading your posts and watching your progress I am newly inspired and have vowed to just jump in and try! Thanks for the boost! Love your project Simplify quilts - they are beautiful.
I have been reading your blog for a little while now, and your beautiful blocks are truly inspiring. I love, love, love the fabric, just so pretty! Loved your post today, thanks for the laugh!
Dear Kristyne ~ Another new follower! Hands down, my favorite quilting blog! I was reading your posts last night and had dreams about all of the fabrics! :D
Kristyne, if you would ever need someone to donate a quilt to, I would love to be a recipient! I have terminal cancer and spend much of my time either in bed or at the hospital. My Hospice Team has been talking to be about making my room a Happy Place. Kinda tough, when you don't always feel so happy. But, I try! And, I won't quit fighting! So far, I've made it waayyy past what the doctors gave me, as far as time! What they don't realize, is that I have THE Mighty Physician on my side! It's my Faith in Him that keeps me going.
Anyhooo, I read that you were using up your stash and that you would be donating the items to a worthy cause. I'll let you decide. It would absolutely be treasured! I enjoy your sense of humor and the loving relationship you have with your daughters! All of you are Blessed to have each other!
Warm Wishes from MN. ~ Jo
Dear "smoking hot quilter chick" just had to say that. Great post, made me smile, have a great day/night.
Thanks for the great tip! Love your blog!
I think you need to keep those fabrics out. Don't hide them away. They look so good all stacked up together. Your blocks are looking fabulous.
I love your humor and your lid idea! I always look forward to your posts. Way to go Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick!
I have this belief if I only have enough boxes I will be a tidy organised person. Evidently I haven't yet reached critical mass on the box front.
Really Useful Boxes are my favourite. They come in every size, the smallest I have is .2L the largest is 84L. That one is so heavy I bought a dolly with wheels to sit it on.