Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 21

Red, Pink, Green & White
#23 - Country Farm
This block should be renamed "Goldilocks" and it nearly did me in. Here's the first version.
Too wishy-washy. I didn't like how the yellow points just melted into the background and really all you see is a bright red hourglass. But it wasn't a total waste of time, I guess. It helped me decide on red star points for sure.
Here's the second version.
Too bright. This time I was smart enough to not assemble the entire thing. Good thing, too. I just wasn't feelin' the love for the pink/yellow hourglass.
Third version.
Aah. Juuuuuuuust right. :)
#28 - Four Winds
I was a little nervous about this one - with 64 pieces (the largest being 3/4" finished) I didn't want to have to remake it because just because I didn't like the colors. But I knew right away that the pinwheel in the middle needed to be red and the background would be white. So I just gambled on the pink & green and ... voila!
I'm really happy with this one too.
Ok, I've had quite a few requests lately to see a "group shot" of my blocks so here you go. :)
What does it all measure up to?
According to my ruler, 2 and 3/4" of pure Farmer's Wifey, Flower Sugary goodness! ;)

Reader Comments (42)
You have inspired me to order the book and get started even if it on my own. I love your fabric selection. Thanks for all of the inspiration!!!!
I love all for your blocks even your 'first versions'. Perhaps you'll make a 'first version' farmer's wife quilt;-) And thanks for the groupshot!
Your blocks are gorgeous! I can't believe that you made a 'Goldilocks' block. That made me laugh!!! I am making my blocks in "Aunt Gracie" fabrics and have made 46, only 4 more to go!!!
Wow, gorgeous. I think yours is my favorite combination of fabrics that I've seen so far!
Stunning! You always brighten my day!
Wow, your blocks looks so great all together, I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
OH MY GOODNESSS!!!!!! This is going to be stunning!!!! There really are no words.
Well, I've had my daily jaw drop of amazement.....
OK - I've seen tons and tons of Farmer's Wife blocks all over blogland but I have to say that yours is the prettest!!! Goodness, woman those blocks are delightfully sugary sweet. YUMMMMMMM!
I think yours might be one of my favorite Farmer's wife quilts!
I really like the fabrics you're using and you're sewing skills are right up there, too. This quilt will be awesome when you finish!!! I made the Nearly Insane (Salinda Rupp) quilt and know how hard it is to get finished pieces that small.
They're lovely! You're going to have a very cheerful quilt when you're done
Absolutely beautiful! You are the rockstar of Farmer's Wife blocks!
You have such dedication to keep on until you get a version of the block that you are happy with. I was feeling very pleased with myself for making the first two blocks (I'll post about them tomorrow), when I saw how many you have finished - I have a bit of catching up to do!!
Sharp intake of breath at the group shots - they're beautiful! Love the two new blocks - think my head would have been in my hands after the second attempt at Goldilocks but it was well worth persevering!
Your two new blocks are beautiful. You have such a great sense of colour. And your group shot is very impressive. Your FWQ is going to be stunning.
Lovely, lovely! I'm crazy about the Four Winds block, but as you know, I'm all about pinwheels right now. :) Thanks for the group shot. I LOVE your line whoredom in this project! When I make mine (not any time soon I'm afraid!), it must be in one line! I thought of you as I ordered 10 yards of Ruby for my stash. Oh yeah. :)
I SWOONED over the 'group' shot. I sure as heck hope that farmer is taking good care of you because you are working hard for his love! 64 pieces at 3/4 inch? YIKES! ;0
Oh wow. Just amazing and so inspiring.
The fabrics are beautiful, the work stunning and seeing the group shot of blocks you've done-- just amazing.
One day....I'll attempt that. :D
Thanks for a bright spot on a busy day.
I cannot believe how amazing your FW quilt is going to be! I'm not much on varying blocks usually, but this is gorgeous!
They look lovely!
Way to much sugar misses need some salt to balance it out. But i love it none the less and i want it :p . Did you notice i wasnt the only one who thinks you need to write a book ;)
Hugs from over seas
Vikki xxx
Oh my incredibleness! Just beautimous :) WOW!!
Love your group shots, they look absolutely gorgeous together.
so beautiful!!
Wow, they look absolutely amazing all together!
Clever you, I'm in awe at your patience.
Vivienne x
I am in awe. Of all of the blocks I've seen on flickr, yours have had the biggest impact on me. Your piecing is superb, and your fabrics are gorgeous. I've not started yet as I'm working on gift quilts right now, but your blocks are so inspirational I can hardly wait to begin. I'll probably use 30's and feedsack repros in small scale. I am anxious to see your completed quilt. Thank you for all of that beauty!
Kristyne i love your choice of fabric and altogether they look fabalous,well done
The Flower Sugar fabrics are so pretty together, and all your blocks look just perfect. This quilt is going to be gorgeous. I'm really inspired to start one now. I have the book, I just have to pick the fabric.
These look absolutely amazing together! Isn't it funny that we can spend so much time auditioning fabrics and then still have to remake blocks?! Um, don't ask how I know that...
Absolutely love love love your blog! Saw you on camilles and i follow it everyday. I bought the farmers wife book and can't wait to start one, wish i would have seen it earlier. I wish i had someone to do it with. Keep the projects coming. Can't wait to see some christmas stuff. Thanks again, Lisa
{Squeal!!!!} That's the cutest group of blocks ever. See ya at the Lecien table LOL!!!
What a pretty sight, pretty fabric, pretty squares and what a pretty stack. Thanks for sharing.
Love me :-)
Just as lovely as can be and enjoyable to watch this quilt come together. Your work is utter perfection..
W.O.W..... I am loving watching this come together! Just so pretty!!! W.O.W.... pure eye candy! :O) You go girl!!!!! :O) Thanks for sharing the group shot!!! You inspire me! :O) Bari Jo
I need that stinking book!
Oh, these blocks are so pretty! Your quilt is going to be so beautiful. 64 pieces? really? Wow! Did you paper piece? All your blocks are wonderful. Glad you took the group picture.
Wow, that is really beautiful. I love the fabric combinations.
looking extremely good!! i so love those colours and fabrics.
I'm loving your blocks! Thanks for sharing them with us. You inspire me!
seriously gorgeous!!! i love your new blocks! the whole thing looks awesome together. :) i'm so jealous!!!!!
Absolutely adore your blocks!! They are beautiful. Can't wait to see more of them. This is going to be one spectacular quilt!
Kristyne, I really enjoy looking at your FWQ blocks! Beautiful fabric and work! Did I read once you are making your blocks smaller than in the book? If so, is that difficult?