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a mother's love has no end ~ and a winner

Ok, winner first.

I deeply apologize for not announcing to all the winner sooner for the Paperie Blog Tour.  But I did contact the winner already.  Congratulations to Tricia C! You have an "Amy's Pockets" kit coming your way. :)  Thank you so much to all who participated.

*     *     *     *     *

Your child is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get.

I think most people assume/hope(?) their kids will be a lot like themselves. I did. As it turns out, not so much. My first daughter is lovely.  She's 14.  She's kind, sweet, gentle, sensitive. (In those ways, she is like me, I think.)  However, her style is about as opposite from mine as one could possibly get. And don't get me started on the whole music thing.  I don't get it.

But I love her and I respect her individually. She is teaching me a lot and I am a willing student.


She is going on her first trip away from home alone and I wanted to make her a little something special to remind her that I am always thinking about her while she's gone. 

This is how my research went.

Me: Can I make you a cosmetic bag for your trip? 

Her:  Can you make it big enough to fit my hairbrush?

Me:  Of course!  I can do anything. ;)

Her: Ok, but not pink.

Me: What colour would you like?

Her: Black.  Or grey.

Me:  Can I use an accent colour?

Her:  Navy.  But only if you have to. And nothing with flowers, stripes, polkadots, words, animals ... just p.l.a.i.n.  But if you have fabric with skulls on it that would be awesome.  (She said that as a joke knowing full well I have no such thing in my stash LOL!)

Me:  Can I at least add a label or something?

Her:  I'd rather you didn't (trying not to hurt my feelings too badly).

Me:  And how about some top-stitching.

Her:  No.

Me:  Ok.  Let me see what I can do.

I pulled some fabrics and got her final approval.  She's fine with the lining.  But I kept the applique a secret.  When she came into my sewing room to check on my progress, I had to quickly hide the evidence!

Two hours later I presented her with this.  I'm happy to say I surprised her a LOT.  She didn't know I had it in me to do skulls.  And she is cool with the red tab, thank goodness.  I took a risk there.

Sigh.  I love her so much.

And I'm going to be a weepy mess for the next 7 days.  How did mother's survive such things before texting? I salute you!!!

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Reader Comments (15)

Gasp! So daring, so strong and oh, so cool. Our flower worlds may differ with others, but you took a chance and nailed it. Good on you!
Besides, your daughter will never forget this!
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHeather (mtl)
You are priceless. I have to say I was surprised to see the skull until I read the story. Almost 25 years ago we let our 15 year old daughter go to Europe for 3 WEEKS with the Provincial Honor Band. No cell phone, no calling unless an emergency. Hard to believe! It would be hard to go back to that.
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterColleen M
You are an awesome Mum, Kristyne! You put aside all preferences and prejudices and made something you daughter will cherish always! Awesome!
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSuz
Such a sweet story, she will so remember this one day. Try not to worry too much, as impossible as that might seem. 😉
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAngela
Love it Kristyne! How lovely to let go of what you love and ensure your daughter gets to learn what SHE loves! It will so pay off!!
Thanks for sharing what you do - always an inspiration.
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
What a great mom! Such a sweet story. Reminds me of several conversations with my eldest daughter, Kate.
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGabiP
Cutest skull I ever hope to see!
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDelcia Rosenow
Oh how I can relate to your story. I didn't have a skull request ( my stepson is into them though) . I made a quilt, I should say I made a quilt top, no pink, no flowers, it was brown and Aqua, I felt really good about it, but nope she still didn't like it. I never finished it. They like what they like, I keep trying.
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMelodee
You did such an awesome job!!! I love everything about that pouch!! Your sewing is so impressive and perfect! The wonky eye holes are so cute! Your talent is never ending :)
March 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen O'Grady
I can totally relate. My 17 year old granddaughter has been on a black & grey thing for several years. Her bedroom walls are grey, her bed spread, sheets, pillows are gray. Thank goodness her accent color is aqua (mint). Everything she wears is black or gray. If it weren't for softball there would be no color. She is at the Junior Prom tonight and her all though she looks absolutely beautiful her dress is Pewter. I feel it's bad enough when women wear black because they are under the idea it makes them look smaller which it doesn't but now all the kids are doing it too. Mine also has a thing for skulls. I miss the color! I like you went so far as to make her pillowcases using the Cotton & Steel mint fabric with the little skulls and dots. To make matters worse my daughter and granddaughter hate things that are handmade. When I die my house of fabric will go to good will...lucky them.
March 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGrammieC
I think it looks cute and cool at the same time! And both you and your daughter have a great but different style.
March 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
what a wonderful unique bag - its perfect - and welcome aboard the"weepy" train . . .
March 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTerry
Ha, ha!!! I know just what you mean. My oldest daughter is the same way, which is kind of frustrating at times, but also lots of fun many other times. Definitely a learning opportunity here as well :).
March 6, 2016 | Unregistered Commentersvetlana
You did good mama! I know how you feel about wanting them to have similar tastes. I made both my kids quilts in the colors they chose and I was cringing the whole time, but they loved them and that is what matters. Hang in there friend! Hopefully she is having a blast and will miss you terribly. Hugs!
March 7, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStacy Olson
It's fabulous!
March 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterArchie The Wonder Dog

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