looking for some stitching fun?

There's a new online stitch-a-long starting up using an embroidery book I happen to know a thing or two about ...
Liz over at Shush I'm Quilting is organizing a Block of the Week or "BOW" and the goal is to make one embroidered block from S is for Stitch - my book ;) - every week until you have a completed alphabet. Sounds like fun!
Just so you know, each alphabet block in the book is really small - all the designs finish no larger than 2". Even when you add the lettering, one finished block is only 3-1/2".
I purposefully made all the designs to be interesting and fun with cute details, but I only used simple, basic stitches. So one block a week is VERY doable. (In fact, you might find that making them is a little like eating potato chips ... hard to stop at just one.)
Funny story about the cover of my book. There was a timing issue with the photo shoot and I literally had one weekend to stitch up 16 blocks so I could get them couriered to my publisher Monday morning. My hand was pretty sore, but I learned that it took me - on average - about an hour to embroider one design. Some a little more, some a little less.
(If I had to pick a favourite block from my book, Q is for Quilt would probably win.)
So if you're looking for an embroidery project and want some online company, go check out Liz's blog for details.

Reader Comments (8)
By the way, I have decided to follow your instructions to make a diamond hexi wall hanging to go over my mantle. Sounds lucious!