hexagons in the corner

Oh does this nice big chunk of 36 joined diamonds ever make me happy!
Approximately 1,100 pieces. It measures about 29" x 50".
And represents about 2 months' worth of spare time. (Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of that fact! LOL!)
I know eventually I'll hit that oh-my-god-why-did-I-have-to-do-half-inch-hexagons wall.
Adding the last row (of 11 diamonds) took almost 2 whole movies to complete.
But for now I'm still madly in love with these tiny pieces, and the uniform diamonds of wee florals & checks floating on a cloud of white.
I'm particularly pleased with how the double rows of white between the colours look. Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts typically have only one row of background between the flowers. My double rows give more breathing room between the blocks and create a more airy feel to the overall design. Love that.
I've ordered a few (a dozen counts as a few, right?) more Liberty FQs. I hope they arrive soon because I want to spread out all my prints evenly throughout the quilt.
Are you like that too? Or do you enjoy the randomness and embrace the occasional need to introduce new prints even after some of your blocks have already been put together?

Reader Comments (53)
It's a beautiful piece of art for your home.
I love the fiddley work!!
Just beautiful!!!!!
I'm a lay-it-all-out person (with all this not the-same-fabric-next-to-each-other issue) but normally throughout the sew everything together state I change my mind, lol.
Have a wonderful weekend and enough movies in the house, Hildy
Smashingly smashing. Very pretty. Im going to make one but mine will be 1 inchers. I cant wait to see the finished quilt. Thanks for the inspiration.
Gnawbone, Indiana
I am completely in love with your diamond quilt. So gorgeous. My own hexagon quilt has lots of the same fabrics are yours in it so I can see some bitty diamonds becoming my "use up the scraps" project. That's sensible right?! Waste not, want not and all that?
V x
I don't know how to get in touch with you offline. I am a quilt blogger, (new), and a part-time librarian. I have a project for a program using hexagon squares at the library i work for. I could use your advice and thoughts. My e-mail address is acbeier71@gmail.com please leave me yours so I can contact you outside of our blogs. Thank you so much.
I love the white background setting the stage for the beautifully coordinated colors, one of a kind. Thank you for the inspiration!!!
Thank you!!