anniversary sale

One year ago today I opened up a shop to sell my patterns.
Gosh, I can't believe it's been a year already. Time sure does fly.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about what I do ... as a person ... in the world. Sometimes it feels like what I do here is trivial - you know - compared to people who work tirelessly looking for a cure for cancer or risk their lives fighting for human rights.
And I often think about how I personally benefit from the passion and determination of strong, incredible women who blazed the trails I take for granted and my daughters and I walk on so comfortably today. It's easy for me to feel ... I dunno ... not useful.
I'm no Mother Teresa or Madame Curie, that's for sure.
But I'm growing more comfortable accepting that what I do have is a creative spirit with a need to make things and a knack for writing instructions.
I love imagining new designs, creating them and sending them out into the world to be enjoyed by others. I'd like to think there is something maybe just a little bit noble about that.
So to celebrate the fun I've had this past year - and as a show of my thanks and appreciation to all of you for helping me feel useful - all patterns in my shop are 40% off from now through Sunday, August 25th. Just enter the code PRETTY at the checkout. Sale has ended.
Thank you so much!

Reader Comments (28)
Thank you for being you you're my most favorite canadian girl! Birthday kisses Hildy
And you teach your family that beauty shared with others can change ones days from dreary to hope filled. Do not ever think that you are anything less than special! Your talents with a needle and with a pen......teach and that is a very noble calling!
Like Miss Rumphius... Do you know the children book? Such a beautiful story!
Happy anniversary!
What you are doing is so important. You are creating beauty, (in a world ever increasing in the opposite!) preserving and passing on very important skills to future generations! Never under estimate the joy you bring to others. I am so glad you share so much on your blog. When one little child wraps her or himself in a quilt you inspired, and feels the love from the hands of someone who loves them - what could be more important than that?
XO, Lucy
Always a crafty cohort!
Don't ever doubt there's an angel on your are a blessing.
By the way, what did you create for back to school backpacks and lunch boxes this year?
What size do you make the placemats that go with the lunch boxes? Would love it if you could share the pattern for the lunch bag that you have made many times and the cute zip around one that you made last year.
I think you should know that in any society, artists are just as important as farmers, bakers, doctors, teachers and scientists. I have always been creative with my hands, in color, texture and shape and I have a good friend who is a fantastic musician. We both went into medicine, because being an artist is not a 'proper' job. And while we love our 'real' work (I wouldn't give it up for the world, even though it's not always easy now, with a husband and a bunch of kids), we couldn't live without our art, and we realise that we need artists in our lives to be complete, to be human.
I always think the most compelling proof of what I'm saying is that humans throughout history, all over the world, have always found and continue to find a way to have art in their lives, no matter how little resources they have. So you'll find great professional musicians in the poorest countries of Africa, drama groups in wartime Europe, and women who created the most beautiful quilt from the tiniest scraps during the recession.
And your art is important to me, personally. I love reading your blog, it's pretty and positive and makes me appreciate life more!
My tiny hexagon 'quilt' is getting along, by the way. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it. A pouch, a pin cushion and needle book (if I cut it in half I should have enough), a mug mat, the possibilities are endless!
S x
If you STILL feel like your taking up a more noble persons air...lots to easily do within your own community that will provide you and any children in your family old enough, .. by becoming a DRIVING FORCE in your local food bank.
Think a tad on ALL you, and ONLY you could bring to that empty table (:
Take Care, Enjoy Your Life,
aka Flipper
My Husband, Daughter and I just moved across the country and I have been in a bit of a funk because it's an isolated posting and we miss our family terribly. I wanted to let you know that you inspired me. It might not be the equivalent of curing cancer, but it made me feel better and I am very appreciative of that. If only I had found the blog 2 days earlier!
Thank you :)