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tools of the trade

Okay, the answer is "No, I didn't need a new pair of really nice embroidery scissors". 

I already have these lovely Ginghers which still work perfectly well and are timelessly pretty.

And by the way, these scissors are also famous because they managed to make their way onto the cover of Stitch Zakka

I'm happier about that than one would consider "normal", but what can I say?  I'm proud of my scissors.

So if you have this book, the next time you look at it you can say to yourself, "Well how about that ... Kristyne's scissors, right there on the cover."

But I digress.

The answer to the next question is, "No, of course I didn't need TWO new pairs!"

But I walked into my LQS last week (nothing wrong with that, right?), saw them (wasn't my fault - they were right there in front of me), asked if I could try them (first mistake), fondled them (second mistake), and then I bought them ... yes, both of them ... because I couldn't decide which ones I liked more.  Sophie's Choice.  (Not really, but you know what I mean.)

I will, however, use and enjoy them.  They open and close so beautifully in my hand.  Such smooth, elegant, controlled movements. 

This pair is by Sajou from France. 

I've always had a thing for mother-of-pearl. 

My 10 year old thought they were cheap plastic.  I nearly fainted on the spot and have since educated her on the difference between the two.

They came with a pretty tassel, which I quite like.  But I need to make a protective sheath for them.

And these ones - made in Germany by Dovo - are really tiny and oh so cute & delicate!

They came with a lovely little leather sheath, but are in desperate need of a scissor keep.  Otherwise, I'm sure to lose them before the week is out. 

Excuse me while I go troll around on Pinterest looking for some scissor accessory inspiration.

Do you have a favourite tool?

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Reader Comments (20)

Love those MOP scissors! My limited edition orange and purple floral Olfa rotary cutters make me happy. And I am dying for the Nogent scissors at The French Needle, but I need to save up for those! (BTW, they have your book on their home page!)
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commentergreg
Love the Mother of Pearl scissors! When I went searching for some I came across the Sajou scissor embroidery cross stitch pattern and thought of you. (In case you want to check it out here is a link http://www.sajou.fr/en/cross-stitch-pattern-charts-sajou-collection/4340-cross-stitch-pattern-chart-sajou-embroidery-scissors-.html )
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSally K
Who knew scissors could be so pretty???
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterA Little Blue Dragonfly
I LOVE your MOP scissors! I want to get one for myself! Although I have so many scissors already, good scissors are treasures for us quilters. I had my favorite mint green dot scissors for everyday use, but recently I lost them. I looked everywhere but can't find... How can I lose the one I was using almost everyday??? I don't know. Maybe this means I should get this Sajou scissors. Where did you find the pink case?
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKeiko
You have the most beautiful scissors ever I'm swooning!
My favorite tools are my aqua splash rotary cutter and my Omnigrip ruler 8,5" x 12" I love these two. I think I'll use them today to make something pretty;-)
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
Did you hear my sharp gasp when I saw those MOP scissors? Of course you bought them! And the fact that you bought both of them because you just couldn't choose makes me like you even more! ;). Enjoy!
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDenise
I also love using beatiful and good tools, not only for sewing, but everywhere around the house. I try to limit the amount of plastic, because it usually doesn't age well. So I have old kitchen scales (added benefit: no batteries), old strainer, a wood stomper-thing to make mashed potatoes, ... My favorite sewing tool would also be my embroidery scissors. I got them from my grandmother, and they fold in so the handles protect the point. They are not the best scissors in the world, because the points aren't fine enough for the tiniest cuts, but they are a joy to use! And because they aren't perfect, I don't have to come up with an excuse to buy an extra pair ;-). I really like the mother of pearl scissors you bought. I wouldn't be able to resist those either, in fact I'm going to have a look and find out if you can buy them online. Then I'll put them on my Christmas wish list ... I'm a very patient lady.
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSaartje
I've been lusting, er, I mean, wanting a nice pair of scissors for a long time.... these are so pretty!
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo
lalala! Those are very pretty! I would have bought both, too :)
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNita
Oh man.... seriously??? Those MOP scissors are killin me over here.... and a PINK CASE too??? Oh swoon.... Total swoon!

Forgive my ignorance, but what is an 'LQS' store? I clicked on the link but it didn't work. I was hoping to treat myself to new scissors and a **pink** case....
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJanet W, Felt On The Fly
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!! The very best ever!!!
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen O'Grady
I have a scissor fetish, and I am not afraid to admit it. I believe I have more than 20 pairs of the decorative handled gingher embroidery scissors along with some sewing scissors and shears. Then there are the non-decorative handled embroidery scissors in many styles. Oh, let's not forget the gingher pinking shears! This doesn't even include my antique scissors, dovos, premax, etc. Thanks for sharing your beauties!!
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Seitz

Okay, I love my rotary cutter, ruler and mats but scissors, those are my downfall. Even cheap ones make me swoon if they're cute. But really, really good scissors... be still my heart, heaven help me, lead me not into temptation 'cuz I'll find the way myself!

I have too many pairs to count - decorative, pretty, different, collectible - but my favorites are my Dovos. They're lightweight, super-sharp and the balance is perfection. While I do like the "pretties", I love the brushed steel modern-ness of the Dovos. Like your beautiful Sajous, they're worth every single penny of the splurge. ;)
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie
And I love the Buddy Cases too. Mine is aqua. ;)
August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie
I actually salivated when I saw your Mother of Pearls ... simply gorgeous. I love all of my quilting rulers and keep them standing in a vertical file organizer on my cutting table so they're handy.
August 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJane @ Handiworking
I own lots of beautiful scissors from over the years of collecting them. This was unintentional but with so many I now call it a collection. You can never have too many as far as I'm concerned. I seem to leave them with whatever project I am working on so its always nice to have another pair close by. My all time favorite is my Gingher cheetah. Those were the first fancy pair I bought years ago. I also love my Mother of Pearl Sajou as well. Love your choices.
August 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLana
Oh my goodness.. as the owner of vintage MOP handled flatware, when I saw your scissors (via Helen's blog) I fell in love immediately. Hubby says.. you have enough scissors. MEN. Hmm.. Christmas present.. yes!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
August 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTeresa Kasner
Sajou is the BEST! Their scissors are hand made in France and the pieces are matched so they cut like a dream.
I bought their Eiffel tower scissors and then went back and bought the Tartan scissors. I love both pairs. Your MOP are definitely pretty.
We deserve good tools for our work. lol
August 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJanice
Well, I just absolutly learned about a new obsession I hope to avoid, at least for now! I think I am just too new at this. I just started learning about thread. So far I am just utilitarian, but anything pretty will catch my eye, now that I know it can be a "collectible" (which translates into value over time) I will be more deliberate. Thanks for opening my eye. Putting them in a shadow box might work well just for eye candy, so they don't get lost or "wasted." Just lovely.
August 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterElaine
I'm so jealous of your precious scissors collection! I'm drooling over the one from Sajou of France... Thanks for sharing your gorgeous tools!!
August 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAmy @ chick chick sewing

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