A Love Letter of Sorts

Joanna Figueroa wrote a curious thing in her book, "With Fabric & Thread".
In the Introduction, she wonders who will read her book and what things people will make from her patterns. I want Joanna to know that among what will surely be thousands of creations inspired from her book there is a very special, very pink quilt that was made by one kindred spirit for another - by one quilter for another - by one mother for another - as an expression of warmth, hope and above all, love.
* * *
Somewhere between me planning this quilt and me finishing it I received some scary news. A very dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I've known too many women now who've faced this disease, but she is the first who is my age (younger, in fact). I met her 7 years ago when our oldest children were in the same pre-school class. But we didn't really connect then.
No, it took another full year later when our little ones were again in the same class. Quilting came up in a conversation we became fast friends.
After a while she started saying things to me like, "You HAVE to start a blog", "You HAVE to write your own patterns and sell them online" and other such silly nonsense I didn't understand. I'd never heard of a blog. I didn't know I could do anything online except buy stuff on eBay! LOL! I was totally clueless.
And as I'm apt to do if I don't understand something, I filed her words in a drawer in the back of my mind under "Sweet Encouragement That Makes No Sense".
And then she moved away. Four years ago last week, in fact. It was sad and painful for my soul. We kept in touch, a little.
(Note: I purposefully chose dotted prints for the backing. I wanted this quilt to feel very happy and I can't think of a happier print in the world than dots. And these polka dot/roses are most especially awesome for this quilt)
But then she did something that changed my life. No exaggeration. In fact, if it weren't for B, you and I would have probably never met. One day, quite out of the blue in January 2010, she sent me a book - Tara Frey's "Blogging for Bliss".
I shamefully admit now that when I first read the title I kinda felt like a kid on Christmas morning opening what was sure to be an amazing gift from Santa, only to be majorly disappointed by a pair of really ugly socks. I remember wondering why on earth she'd sent me THIS book! I don't know anything about this stuff ... I'm not even INTERESTED! I really thought she knew me better. I wished it had been a pretty quilting book or something like that. ("B, I know you're reading this ... tee hee!")
So I set it aside and forgot about it. Until many weeks later when my husband needed to be in the hospital for a few hours of testing (he's fine). I didn't want to pay for hospital parking, 'cause that's like at least a few FQs worth of change, but there's a Tim Horton's coffee shop across the street where I could park for free (less the cost of a cup of tea and a donut). I will never know why, exactly, but on my way out the door I grabbed that book and stuck it in my purse.
I was only a few pages into the book when doors started opening and lights started turning on to rooms in my mind I didn't know were there. NOW I get what B was trying to tell me! OMG I TOTALLY GET IT!!! THIS is what I want to do! I got really excited. Turns out she knew me better than I knew myself.
And now she needs a whole lot of love & support. I wish so badly I could be there to give her a hug and fix her a cup of tea and take her mind off things with idle chit chat about quilting and stitching and kids and stuff like we used to. But I can't. What I can do is send her my love the best way I know how. With my sewing. Funny how the universe made me make this pretty pink quilt ... that I KNOW she LOVES ... at this very exact moment in time.
I started this quilt for the pure joy of making things. And I finished it with the pure joy I have for my friendship with her.
I don't know what B will do with this quilt. I imagine she might snuggle under it while watching tv. Or nap with it when she's exhausted. Maybe wipe her tears on it when she's having a really down moment. Or barf on it while enduring chemo. Or hang it on the back of a chair or sofa as decoration. Or maybe even let her daughters play tea party on it.
It doesn't matter to me.
The only thing that matters is whenever she sees this quilt she will remember I love her and think the world of her and I'm sending her my very best thoughts and prayers ... always.
Love you B! xo

Reader Comments (59)
Your quilt is lovely. So subtle yet beautiful. I'm sure your friend will love it. Sorry to hear about her illness. It always knocks us over when we hear such terrible news for those close to us. I wish her all the best for her treatment. I think I need to get that book. I love quilting, I love writing and I love reading blogs. It was my New Year goal to begin one, but I haven't plunged yet! (So not tech savvy.)
what a beautiful post...and a special friendship.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, but I'm sure she'll Love the Quilt so much. It's beautiful. Loved the post. All the Best for your friend x
Gorgeous, Beautiful Quilt, I love it and I am sorry to hear about your friend but I'm sure she will treasure this quilt, what a great friend you are.
You are the very best kind of friend. One who gives without expecting return and loves without end. And it sounds like B is as well. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers because, when it comes to Cancer, no one can have enough of those.
Lovely. The quilt and the post both. I am pretty sure your friend will treasure your quilt and friendship with you. I am pretty sure that Joanna loves this, too! I love her work.
Ok, so I'm at work and I need to hold back some tears... Love the post, the quilt, the sentiment. I, too, made a "Recovery Quilt" for my friend, who is only 40 years old, that was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. It is what inspired me to do the only thing I could from long-distance ... make a quilt. Also using one of Joanna's patterns (Stems) and fabric (Strawberry Fields). I know your friend B has a long and difficult road ahead of her, but with friends like you - she will have the best support and it will make it so much easier to tolerate. I wish her the best and I appreciate your sharing the story with us.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends illness and wish her all the best! I'm sure she'll love this quilt because it's so beautiful and it'll help her to get better! You're such a good friend and I'm really glad that I found you in blogland. Tell B a big, big 'Thank you' for this! Hildy
What an excellent post! Your quilt is beautiful, but your love for your friend is even more beautiful. I will add her to my prayer list. Please keep us posted.
Thank you for such a beautiful post, K! What a gift it is to find a true friend! The quilt is absolutely gorgeous, but more than that, I love the sweet sentiment that went into every stitch. Roses and dots ARE so happy! My prayers are with B!
What a sweet & good friend you are, the quilt is beautiful
Lol Karen x
Gotta Love when a quilt talks to you and says "I belong to her!".
My thoughts are with your friend who, I'm sure, holds you close to her heart.
What a beautiful and thoughtful gift. I'm sure that made her happy in a hurry! And yup, just as I predicted... it looks like a frosted cupcake!
Your friend, like all of us, will know how much quilting and pink are important to you, when she receives this quilt she will know she is getting a piece of your heart.
V xxxxxxx
"God does notice us and He watches over us, but it is usually through another person that He meets our needs." -- Spencer W. Kimball You are being an angel friend! Thanks for the post.
B is very blessed to have you as a friend in her life. Thank you for your beautiful post and ongoing inspiration. I will keep B in my prayers. As a survivor myself , it is curious how one's world can literally turn pink overnight and stay that way for a season. She will have a beautiful and loving reminder of this passage in her life.Thank you again for sharing the real stuff of life with us.
ACK!! The quilt is beautiful, as is the post and the sentiment that goes along with it. I'm all phaklempt now... ack.
I don't know who Miss B is but I do care that she makes it through the journey and comes out cancer free like my BFF Lisa did. Lisa hit her 5th year anniversary a few months ago. That means she moves to the 'cured' queue. Hope the same happens for Miss B.
This is such a beautiful quilt with a beautiful message. I think in the end, this is why we do what we do. Because at some moment-we will be able to do what we love to touch someone else. It is a part of your legacy and hers. Thanks for the inspiration.
x x
Beautiful quilt... beautiful post....beautiful friendship.... wishing B all the best for a speedy recovery and thanks for your inspiration...
The quilt is so beautiful and a wonderful expression of your love and friendship.
All the best B, for a speedy recovery, I'm sure you would have had a chuckle at the end of this post like I did! They say laughter is the best medicine & no one posts quite like Kristyne! Praying from Australia.
The quilt turned out so beautifully, literally took my breath away and its so perfect considering the situation. It's kind of wonderful the way things sometimes work out like that, I mean the planning and then it just working out to be the perfect way to show your love to your friend who needs you, gives you a bit of hope. I hope things work out for your friend. Cancer is always scary and although it wont be easy, I hope its comforting to know that breast cancer is one of the few types of cancer that the vast majority of women survive.
Now you've made me all teary eyed! What a lovely story of friendship. I understand now why you didn't share this quilt with us sooner. I wish her the very best and hope that she will win over this terrible disease. Thanks for sharing this with us.
She will love it, and appreciate it, and find great comfort and love in it. What a great friend. And what a beautiful quilt! All the best to your friend.
Beautiful post. Beautiful fabric. Beautiful quilt. Get well B.
I would hold on to that lovely quilt and never let it go!
Such a beautiful post and amazing friend you have!! will be praying for B!! ;) xo Heather
What a beautiful, perfect quilt for a beautiful, perfect friendship.
In this world we are all touch by a close friend or family who are battling the big c i love the quilt and your generosity. I have that very blogging book beside my bed have been pondering for 6 months about the blogg thing need a shove you may just have done it!
You made me cry. Real friendship is so hard to find and is so precious. I like to read your posts, they are always very fun and interesting and this post explains how deep and intelligent has to be a woman like you to make people smile for joy and cry for tenderness. Best wishes for B. She's lucky to have a friend like you. Barbara from Italy
Well that certainly brought a tear to the eye, what a lovely gesture. Yes, I agree, there are far too many women being diagnosed with this insidious disease, I thought we were supposed to be well on the way to discovering cures for this a many other things but maybe I am too impatient and want these people to be cured and live a wonderful life.
Quilting is like praying really... as you piece that quilt, you think about the recipient. You consider their friendship and what they mean to you. You consider their struggles and you wish the best for them. Then you consider your love for them and hope that your effort brings them comfort and love. I am positive that your dear friend will be comforted and strengthened by your beautiful gift. A blanket wraps you in warmth but a quilt wraps you in love...
Bless you!
What a great gift. I know B will love it!!
B is my adorable sister-in-law. Such a beautiful post and lovely for her to receive such love when she gives so much. X
The tears welled as I read your post....it was so beautiful as is your quilt as always! I remember being told as a little girl that one day each and everyone of us would be touched by cancer, either directly or indirectly...at the time it was unthinkable! I am 44yrs old! And oh so true are those words now. All my love to B and you K as all the other posts have said...you are a beautiful friend! Xx
What a lovely person you are, so inspiring I have just ordered that book on amazon it might be the nudge I need to get me started on a blog of my own.my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend B.
You are a beautiful friend. I know B will treasure it always....
What a beautiful tribute to you friend...it touches the heart! God bless you.
Kristyne, What a beautiful quilt, and a beautiful friend you are. Weare all fortunate to have you be part of our life (even if it is online).Good thoughts to you and your friend.
Stunning quilt....beautiful friend you are....this is why I read blogs. :)
You made me cry. This post is so sweet! This is a beautiful quilt, and I am sure it will bring B comfort, especially in these scary moments. Love in the form of a quilt is the best!
You are the world's best friend! What a special gift for your friend, and one that will get her through some tough times. If I was there, I'd hug you!
I know one thing she will do. She will love it! And I know that we will all be rooting for her and praying for her and hoping all goes well. I hope she finds some comfort knowing how much you care for her.
My Darling Friend - look ... you made women cry all around the world ... and you sure made me cry ... but you also made me feel very loved and very special.
I'm so glad I sent that book - because now, with all this shitty stuff going on I know that every day I can stop by here and get a little giggle ... every single day you make me giggle!
You are an amazing blogger - and you are an even more amazing friend!
I love you and I love my quilt!
Thank you for this beautiful and touching post. It was quite inspiring and to me, and really embodies the spirit of blogging - kindred spirits connecting. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it, and that I sincerely hope that your friend will recover quickly. -Derrith
love your story! so sweet. i'm sure your friend love the quilt. :)
Wow...I've been a long time reader of your blog, but this is my first time commenting. What a beautiful quilt to go with your lovely words of love and encouragement to your friend. Thank you for sharing this tender moment.
Oh. My. Gosh. Kristyna. What a beautiful quilt for your friend. Your writing hit me emotionally, as it reminded me of the quilt I made for my friend with cancer. And, you're right...no matter what its use...just so she knows she is loved.