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A Love Letter of Sorts

Joanna Figueroa wrote a curious thing in her book, "With Fabric & Thread". 

In the Introduction, she wonders who will read her book and what things people will make from her patterns.  I want Joanna to know that among what will surely be thousands of creations inspired from her book there is a very special, very pink quilt that was made by one kindred spirit for another - by one quilter for another - by one mother for another - as an expression of warmth, hope and above all, love.

                              *               *               *             


Somewhere between me planning this quilt and me finishing it I received some scary news.  A very dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

I've known too many women now who've faced this disease, but she is the first who is my age (younger, in fact).  I met her 7 years ago when our oldest children were in the same pre-school class.  But we didn't really connect then. 

No, it took another full year later when our little ones were again in the same class.  Quilting came up in a conversation we became fast friends.

After a while she started saying things to me like, "You HAVE to start a blog", "You HAVE to write your own patterns and sell them online" and other such silly nonsense I didn't understand.  I'd never heard of a blog.  I didn't know I could do anything online except buy stuff on eBay!  LOL!  I was totally clueless.

And as I'm apt to do if I don't understand something, I filed her words in a drawer in the back of my mind under "Sweet Encouragement That Makes No Sense".

And then she moved away.  Four years ago last week, in fact.  It was sad and painful for my soul.  We kept in touch, a little.

(Note:  I purposefully chose dotted prints for the backing.  I wanted this quilt to feel very happy and I can't think of a happier print in the world than dots.  And these polka dot/roses are most especially awesome for this quilt)

But then she did something that changed my life.  No exaggeration.  In fact, if it weren't for B, you and I would have probably never met.  One day, quite out of the blue in January 2010, she sent me a book - Tara Frey's "Blogging for Bliss".

I shamefully admit now that when I first read the title I kinda felt like a kid on Christmas morning opening what was sure to be an amazing gift from Santa, only to be majorly disappointed by a pair of really ugly socks.  I remember wondering why on earth she'd sent me THIS book!  I don't know anything about this stuff ... I'm not even INTERESTED!  I really thought she knew me better.  I wished it had been a pretty quilting book or something like that.  ("B, I know you're reading this ... tee hee!")

So I set it aside and forgot about it.  Until many weeks later when my husband needed to be in the hospital for a few hours of testing (he's fine).  I didn't want to pay for hospital parking, 'cause that's like at least a few FQs worth of change, but there's a Tim Horton's coffee shop across the street where I could park for free (less the cost of a cup of tea and a donut).  I will never know why, exactly, but on my way out the door I grabbed that book and stuck it in my purse.

I was only a few pages into the book when doors started opening and lights started turning on to rooms in my mind I didn't know were there.  NOW I get what B was trying to tell me!  OMG I TOTALLY GET IT!!!  THIS is what I want to do!  I got really excited.  Turns out she knew me better than I knew myself.

And now she needs a whole lot of love & support.  I wish so badly I could be there to give her a hug and fix her a cup of tea and take her mind off things with idle chit chat about quilting and stitching and kids and stuff like we used to.  But I can't.  What I can do is send her my love the best way I know how.  With my sewing.  Funny how the universe made me make this pretty pink quilt ... that I KNOW she LOVES ... at this very exact moment in time.

I started this quilt for the pure joy of making things.  And I finished it with the pure joy I have for my friendship with her.

I don't know what B will do with this quilt.  I imagine she might snuggle under it while watching tv.  Or nap with it when she's exhausted.  Maybe wipe her tears on it when she's having a really down moment.  Or barf on it while enduring chemo.  Or hang it on the back of a chair or sofa as decoration.  Or maybe even let her daughters play tea party on it. 

It doesn't matter to me. 

The only thing that matters is whenever she sees this quilt she will remember I love her and think the world of her and I'm sending her my very best thoughts and prayers ... always.

Love you B! xo

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Reader Comments (59)

You did more, much more than make a quilt, you made one with love sewn into every seam. By posting this post you also gave very public love and encouragement. Well done. I hope your friend gains much support from your actions. I too have a friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer in her 40's and it's tough. It's very tough.
May God be with you both.

July 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJulie B in UK

While I never knew of anyone who had breast cancer, whether they died of it or survived, I have known people who died of some kind of cancer or life threatening disease, especially my late mother. My mother passed away over a year go from Lou Gehrig's Disease, and I miss her SOOOOO much. So to read of your touching ode to your friend and the beautiful quilt you made with love, really tugged at my heartstrings. You are indeed a wonderful friend to B, and she is very blessed. <3

July 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSilent Scrapper

What a lovely, sweet, wonderful tribute to friendship..I firmly believe that God puts those in our lives who bless us the most, when we thing we are loving them..I am a 6 year Breast Cancer survivor. I have met some amazing women who share this journey, some still here, and some, gone too soon. I pray your dear friend will have a full recovery..that gorgeous quilt will bring her joy and peace as she snuggles under it.

July 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdianne mitzel

B will get a million hugs, kisses and prayers for strength from your beautiful quilt. What a blessing your friendship is to each other.

July 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKeri

What a lovely friendship you both share. I am sure your friend will treasure this beautiful quilt you have made with love. I hope your friend has the best of outcomes. My sister in law is going through this and has hit a few "snags" but her positive outlook helps keep her & all of us going! Best wishes ,Therese.

July 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertherese

Your post made me cry. It's a beautiful quilt and a beautiful gift to your friend (not just the quilt, but the subtext). I understand completely and have made things for loved ones to wrap themselves in during their own journey through this very scary disease called cancer.
B, if you happen to be reading this... Fight, and fight hard. You are surrounded by people wishing you the best, even those who don't know you. And when you're at your lowest and feeling like crap, wrap yourself in this quilt and know it's not just a quilt but a very big, very much needed, hug from a loving friend.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNic

Thank you fore you beautiful words and work. I know how much B love bouth. I can sew but that kind of wounderful things would come out of my hands.

Friends like you makes live worth living, hugs Lisa

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Beautiful quilt. Beautiful post. If your friend is in the Lower Mainland and needs any support or help I would be happy to help with meals, childcare etc. I have three kids and they love to make new friends. Me too! Especially a fellow sewist.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered Commentervictoria

Hi K! I missed a few posts last week and somehow stumbled upon them today... oh this made me teary. What a wonderful expression of love. Please tell B thank you from the bottom of my heart for her gentle nudges to get you into blogging. I have been so blessed by your blog and am so thankful you took the plunge. This post was so sweet and I love how you expressed your love for your friend with the quilt you made... it was just meant to be hers from the get go. I bet Joanna was blessed, too, to hear how her book was used to bless some one! ;O)

July 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo

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